
Personal Assistant: Blackheart Edition [v0.7] [Blackheart Games]

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Editor's Rating

Story - 92%
Visual - 91%
Engagement - 93%
Core Loop - 94%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.21 ( 164 votes)

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  1. “Big” update?
    IF GAY FETISH ON. Maybe.
    If gay MMMMF fetish OFF. Almost no content again. Teasing and jobx. But almost NONE SEX SCENES. In male MC straight path.

    “Big update”??? Nope.

  2. I could be wrong but I think this site gets all of its download links from F95. Since F95 banned blackheart, I’m not sure we will ever get ch 3 here. Again, I hope I’m wrong. I’ve done some light searching for a link elswhere but haven’t had luck.

  3. Ummm, this game fire. I just stumbled across it. Love the different path options, and will definitely take both routes. Also, like the ability to turn off NTR but still opt for it as you work through the game. Keep up the great work.

  4. Again zero content on pansexual queer path.
    Zero trans content.
    Not a single mmmm scene.
    No LGBTQ+ harem.
    No gay male bromance.
    Pussy fetish with no dicks insight.

    So much promises for so narrow minded game. Lame!

    1. Very awaited update! 🙂

      Please update with a download link for Chapter 3 V0.8 apk for Android players.

      Thanks, we appreciate fast update, cuz this is one of the best games.

    1. Unfortunately, completely true. Tons of bugs and errors in this one (v0.7), and hardly any scenes worth watching. Even the MC didn’t want to finish a full-on sex scene with one of the characters, which is weak and a bit like blue-balling the viewer.

      Ever since the MC was injured, the story’s gone sideways, along with the enjoyability factor. Seems like the developer is losing his vision and passion for the game. This “huge update” took around an hour to get through due to the errors.

  5. this game is so fucking sick because its developer is also sick.
    by sick I mean unique and special.
    if you’re a controlling pervert motherfucker who wants to dominate his bitches, this is the best game you can get.
    you also have choices to be kind and nice too, but that’s not what devs had in mind while making this game.
    it contains: rape, violence, ass destroying, killing, slapping, drug, corruption little girls far away from their family, sharing/selling them, incest, etc.
    please do NOT choose to harm little girls! just fuck them and tell them they’re pretty but no hurting please.

  6. First, and for the first and I’d hope only time, I will say I DO NOT want to do a detailed review of this game. I do not at all think it deserves one. However, playing through to the end of this current update has actively pissed me off so fiercely that I will probably not be able to help going off on several tangents. What I will do is list everything wrong about the game in structure. From story arcs to characters in general. I’m not asking any of you to agree with me, I don’t give a flying rat’s ass if you do quite frankly, and you can all keep your TL;DR comments to yourself if you’re not going to bother reading it anyway. I’m not in the fucking mood.

    First and foremost: HAREM. It’s in the tags. It’s what you set this game up to be, but if you as the dev are the writer, or you have someone else doing it; seek help. Immediately. You have no bloody idea how much I hate to say that but Jesus – doesn’t love me, you DIPSHIT – and that has NO place for the main girl in a HAREM. We’ll get to her by the way, don’t you fucking worry. There are three things you DO NOT EVER do in the harem genre. One: Injure the girls to the point their lives are threatened. Two: Seperate the girls once the harem is actively formed from the MC. Three: Make me question where the focus of the girls actually is. We’re going to cover all of these. Perhaps more extensively than you guys ever seem to want to bother reading for the most part.

    Story: The MC is INSANE. He KILLED HIS WIFE. That’s it. He broke her damned neck, and left her there. This BULLSHIT character of Father (who does not need to exist and SHOULD NOT BE OMNISCIENT JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT TO FUCK THE MC OVER) CANNOT fix a broken goddamned neck. You did not stipulate magic exists in this world you retards. The BEST that she could ever possibly be IF you ever decide to stop dicking the audience around about her is paralyzed permanently from the neck down. Which by the way is the ONLY way she wouldn’t automatically leave again. The Slave mechanic DID NOT need to be there; and if it was going to be BDSM. Only. I do not need to see a prostitution ring I got no choice to tell you as the DEVS to fuck off about. He can have done that shit IN THE PAST if I say I do NOT want sharing content, and will NEVER SHARE MY GIRLS! I kept two of them that I liked, and it doesn’t fucking matter because there’s exactly one scene where he “samples” the goods and they may as well not ever be in the story again. It’s BULLSHIT. There are other ways a supposed Hacker could have made a fucking fortune. It’s not morally questionable. It’s just assholish. There’s the idea of his dead daughter that ties to another character we’re going to get to, who again; DOES NOT NEED TO BE IN THE GAME! Not beyond mentions if you really insist on having so fucked up a backstory. You DID NOT need to injure MC FURTHER… just because you want this FATHER asshole to seem all powerful. Fuck. You. Entirely, for that point. He was already “disabled” enough to hire two girls (and we’re going to get to the questionable parentage bullshit with them as well, but they aren’t the only ones who have the flag and we haven’t gotten to his “actual” daughter yet…) to help him out. Whom he was apparently aware of for years: Why?!? Did not need to be in the game and makes him come off as a true creep for no fucking reason. Whatever the fuck he did or has over their mother should be shared with the player. I don’t give a crap if it’s in brackets, in a flash back which you are way too goddamned fond of and actively breaks the flow of the story (NOT TO MENTION YOU SKIPPED FIVE FUCKING MONTHS WHERE THE GIRLS WERE JUST ABANDONED – and it DIRECTLY IMPACTED ONE OF THE FEMALES WHO SHOULD BE IN THE HAREM!) You. NEED. To. Stop. TRYING. To. Fuck. With. Your. Audience’s. Mind. You COLOSSAL DUMBASS!

    * There are supposed to be TWO paths. Love route, and Controlling. Guess what there’s not. It’s controlling, even if you’re ON the “love” route. Because I don’t think the fuckwit writing this understands what love even is. Here’s why…

    The MAIN GIRL: Rachael, straight up would be in every way shape and form, absolutely opposed to EVERYTHING the MC actually wants to build around them. The harem to start. Sex in general as a “church girl.” (Who again, does not belong in a fucking harem) There is a difference between genuinely soft hearted, good natured and naive – and how you have written this quasi religious zealot JUST to cock block the audience for fucking THE ENTIRE DAMNED GAME SO FAR. She even abandons the MC and tries to get her sister away from him because YOU DIDN’T PROPERLY EXPLAIN WHAT THE FUCK “DEPRAVITY” EVEN DOES. It mentions that depravity affects what they will let you do with them, but here’s the thing, I put hers up near as high as it could get while still trying to be nice to her because I chose the love route… SHE. STILL. LEFT. Why?!? Because Corruption, is NOT Depravity. Depravity can lead to corruption, genius’. It does not automatically mean one is corrrupt. Nor does being corrupt automatically make one depraved. I really wish you morons would stop having a corruption bar in any sort of Harem game. She can do the things she does because she GENUINELY is in love with MC. Not because he asserts several times despite her obvious discomfort with constantly being overly sexualized by the MC, that she must love him. I want to smash your head into my desk so hard and so many times you end up in your own five month comas, just because you don’t seem to get that concept. Rachael DOES NOT get to be uber possessive. We’re also going to get to that, because TOO MANY GIRLS ARE. It’s a fucking Harem. You DID NOT MARK SHARING OR NTR IN THE TAGS. THEY SHOULD NOT BE A DIVISION OF THE GAME AT ALL.

    Mandy: Does NOT need to be in the game. Nor does Beth. We’ll get to her. Why? So many reasons it’s not even fucking funny, but mainly because you wrote her to NEVER FUCKING LISTEN TO THE MC. There’s only so many times she can fuck up royally, and say I’m sorry; and then keep doing it before I as a REAL PERSON would straight up just put her through a damned wall. She belongs in an insane asylum; and I cannot express how very much I HATE saying that. They are not fun. She did NOT need to be Schitzophrenic. At all. Her dead sister is dead yeah; great. Mention it once, and FUCK RIGHT OFF. She DOES NOT get to run counter to EVERY. SINGLE. COMMAND. THE MC. GIVES. Then keep getting away with it because she’s a bloody abused puppy. You troglodytes. She does NOT get to “sleep sex” (RAPE) the MC and then YOU AS DEVS INSULT THE PLAYER who chose FROM THE BEGINNING – NOT to engage with that content. Beta/Cuck MY ASS! I WANT CONTROL OF ALL SEXUAL CONTENT/CONGRESS. I would KILL anyone that tried to do what you insist she should be allowed to do, to me in real life. I would not think about it, and THE WOMAN SHOULD ONLY GET CONTROL IF I SAY SO. It’s called Dominance. you dumb redneck bro cultured fucktard. I happen to NEED control in that area, and I do not like ever giving it away. That does NOT make me weak. It makes her broken in the worst way if she does not know how to OBEY. I will personally beat the shit out of you with a crowbar just for that little comment if I ever find you in real life. We’ll see which of us is a “beta” you morons. YOU. NEVER. INSULT. YOUR. POTENTIAL. SUBS. That’s just bad for business. You do NOT know who the fuck you are talking to, or how they will take it. It’s juvenile. So let’s leave it for now at if I find you, I’ll do to your legs exactly what you did to the MC’s when Father found him. How’s that sound?

    Beth: Fuck. Yandere. As a Concept in general. As a thing that ever existed at all. Fuck crazy girls. Fuck you for even remotely suggesting she can be “fixed” if she was ever that broken – and FUCK BOTH MANDY AND BETH for what happened to Susan (WHO DID NOT NEED TO BE YEETED OUT OF THE GAME AND PROMISED TO RETURN IF THAT BULLSHIT WAS WHAT YOU’RE GOING TO PULL!!! We’re going to get to her soon enough, don’t worry. There IS a problem with her beyond just what you did to her at the end of this update) Beth should ALSO be in an asylum, and does NOT belong in the harem genre. For any fucking reason. If either she or Mandy can go this fiercely against the MC’s stated desires, they have to go. Period. There IS NO HAREM if they’re going to kill half of it off whenever they decide they want the MC all to themselves!

    Gwen: Did NOT need a boyfriend to start with. I used mandy to distract him and there was NO REASON for her to fucking straight up murder the bastard. If I wanted it done bluntly you fucktards, I would have picked the option to just kill him myself. All that needed to happen was Gwen saw him groping, or nearly putting himself into Mandy (which should have been the point they were caught; because FUCK SHARING CONTENT AT ALL – AND DOUBLE FUCK NTR) And then she should have kicked him in the nuts herself, and broken it off. What happened afterward with MC would still have gone forward; and it wouldn’t have screwed anyone’s head over or risked actual legal ramifications. The guy’s a cop. Not God. Eventually that shit will get found, and questioned. If he’s involved in too many questionable cases, you dipshits do know there’s such a thing as internal affairs? Gwen also happens to be way too accepting, while at the same time way too vulnerable about the idea MC has a wife. You could just straight up mention he’s bent in the way he wants a harem – if he can ever actually get his “wife” back. (She was about to leave his dumb ass in the first place, so I doubt even if he finds her = and you better not have had Father make her rape meat because she can’t fight back; That WILL piss off anyone that DID pick no sharing, and would be again an entirely assholish thing to pull – that she will still consider them married at all) It would solve the problem of Anne, who we’ll be getting too. It’s a long list. Sue me, I didn’t make all these characters, and if I had I would have done it correctly. You can be dark without being a dick. You can be controlling, in sex, without being a complete amoral prick about it. The only thing I agreed with in her family arc was slamming the drunk assed Mom into the wall and threatening her the moment she tried the shit she pulled way too fast. Just to fuck with the audience [Also – TRULY: FUCK. GILF. AS A CONCEPT – JUST STOP IT. NO ONE WANTS TO SEE A 50 TO 70 YEAR OLD WOMAN GET RAILED!]

    Susan: Is probably either dying right now for no reason, or you may be dickish enough to pull that she lives and can never have another kid because of where she was stabbed. DO NOT DO THAT. She was fired for BULLSHIT reasons; if she was part of the harem and in love with him, there was NO REASON HE SHOULDN’T HAVE PUT HER IN THE DAMNED DUNGEON – Other than you genius’ saying NOT to. So now she’s bleeding on the shed floor, because Mandy’s god damned nuts. Her sister wants to stay more than she does: AND FUCK OFF WITH SHE BLAMES THE MC IN COMING BACK. She. IS. Still. In LOVE. With. Him. Otherwise it’s NOT a fucking HAREM! MC did not take the baby away – HE PROTECTED IT. Recall she was going to bloody abort it; and that SHOULD BE THROWN IN HER FACE. It should be used to BREAK her. Fuck drugs. Fuck Vinny. Fuck anything but the MC PERSONALLY DOING IT. He DOES NOT CONTROL BETH: SO THERE IS NO REASON THAT BETH’S ACTIONS SHOULD BE BLAMED ON MC. [This is also why a true Dominant would NEVER mind-break his Subs. Even if he considers them his “toys.” Most of us are highly possessive, and will PROTECT what we want to keep] Neither Beth NOR Susan belong in this game; until you FIX this bullshit. They don’t get to leave, and they don’t get to be rancid bitches if they’re going to be part of a harem. It IS about Love. It IS about trust. If you don’t understand those concepts for the fuel that a harem NEEDS to actually survive in concept – find another fucking genre to write.

    Kennedy: Just a slut. Technically nothing wrong with that – but god damn it she still looks like she was rendered as a fourteen year old. You guys do know that teen girls CAN go higher than a B cup, right?!? I knew a girl in grade fucking seven that had full C at least, if not D cup. It’s possible. So please, Jesus. Give the girls some fucking actual curves. Not just a hint of them that might in a decade or so when she’s actually LEGAL, manage to fill the fuck out. Mostly I don’t like that through depravity, this relationship is almost entirely coersion. And SHE’S the one that actually wants to stay… That’s just fucking WRONG. Beyond that there’s the point that again, she and her sister blue ball MC about full sex for basically the entire fucking game (you can force her close to the end of this update, but she’ll call it rape – and you can go fuck yourselves for that) She also SHOULD NOT BE INVOLVED IN LESBIAN CONTENT AT ALL. It puts her loyalty in direct question, and confuses the audience. I don’t give a crap if she is BI, but her FOCUS SHOULD BE THE MC.

    Anne: There are two options you get to pick later involving Craig = the needless boyfriend of her older sister Gwen. He either raped the shit out of her daily (Of course I said fuck that – it counts as NTR you DUMBASSES) OR he never got the chance but patently wanted to. Either way she hates MC on sight by principle; but becomes an automatic instant sub slut the moment MC forces the issue… how?!? Why… It’s tonally jarring as fuck, and a cop out frankly. She’s not a bad character and I quite like her for actually having decent enough curves to LOOK like she’s over age. But fuck me sideways did you butcher her personality with the bipolar split. (Aside from the fact that like with Kennedy – unless you actually make MC TALK with both Rachael and Gwen about a Harem concept BEFORE he gets caught with either sister by the “prudish/invested” pair – it’s a MASSIVE RED FLAG for way too much drama ahead) She actually BELONGS in the harem. So it proves that you CAN write a girl with some issues that she can still function against, that actually WANTS to be part of what the MC is trying to build. Do you see why I’m pissed off?

    Dorothy: Who the fuck is she to MC? What power does he have over her, and why did you write it like they were divorced parents – IF she’s GOING to be in the harem; or was ever a part of it on the side (or fucked him before he met his wife to make Rachael, and kept on afterward for an ONS that gave her Kennedy, I don’t know…) then SAY SO. There was NO REASON to involve the girls’ mother in this story. She does not need to exist and is an extrenuous complication.

    The Native American Add On: Why? I mean other that DEI/ESG BULLSHIT. Why? Again; Cheryl is DEAD according to you dumbfucks… so do we really need someone he can super impose as his dead daughter just to prove he’s completely fucked in the head and couldn’t lead JACK SHIT if he tried?!? No. No we don’t. I’m not saying I won’t fuck her and breed her just as much as the others, but god damn it. Fuck Right Off if she’s ONLY there for social political “inclusivity.” Your game’s not winning any awards any time soon chief. Sorry to disappoint, and yeah I know every creatively based awards system now includes that absolutely illegal, actively discriminatory bullshit in a checklist. Give her SOMETHING beyond that, make her the one that makes Rachael and Gwen realize (by her actual real life culture by the way) ** It’s STILL discriminatory if it’s against WHITE or Straight people. So any of you that don’t know that, keep it to yourselves and maybe go sit in a corner and think about it until you figure that out, rather than commenting like a jackass about how wrong I am ** that a harem isn’t a bad thing. Make her the glue that holds MC’s sanity together with GENUINE love… and I will call her a fair enough character. She can have more purpose than her race. If you’re not going to do that; don’t fucking bother with adding her in the first place.

    Side Characters: So far there’s at least a waitress we’ve heard nothing about but one scene – so why is she an option? There’s a principal that is probably going to go down a dark path. There’s twin neices to Gwen & Anne, who’ve barely been added in and frankly I don’t think needed to be. You already have the sister to bork things with Gwen. Don’t add more before Gwen actually accepts the damned Harem Lifestyle! There’s Fei who again, didn’t need to be his adopted sister, and frankly MARRIED SOMEONE ELSE. So seriously; what the fuck is the point of her??? I don’t care if you swing that she lost her virginity to MC, or wanted and loved him… SHE SPENT X AMOUNT OF TIME GETTING RAILED BY SOMEONE ELSE!!! (No Sharing/Sharing is Optional my giddy arse)

    End of the day, you spend too much time trying to make the Player think the MC is going to fuck up, or lose. You do NOT know how to write a harem game. You do NOT understand even the core foundation of a loving relationship, and whoever is writing this… god damn would I hate to see your psychiatrist’s bill per month. I cannot in good faith recommend this game to anyone. At all. The girls are either too much drama; actively insane, or cock teases who do not fit within the established genre tagged. The storyline is needlessly edgy to grim dark. Just to be edgelords. There’s hints of Your Princess Is In Another Castle, and an unbeatable antagonist to contend with. Who should have already lost in Chapter fucking five. There’s the fact the actual princess is more likely to run the fuck away screaming the moment she learns what MC really wants, so I don’t see where the holy hell the dev team wants to go with this game in the long run. I can just tell it’s not going to end well. For anyone.

      1. Why the fuck would I cry about it? I didn’t write it. It’s not my psychiatry bill to worry about.

        This is just a badly designed game, with a story that makes no fucking sense and probably won’t get anywhere. Or do anything but piss most people that bother to play it right off. All I did was point out what was wrong and I made it clear to start that I did NOT want to do a lengthy review. It does not deserve more consideration.

        You however, can now doubly fuck right off.

        1. right and lets see you do better. seems to me you really have no idea what your talking about. nor does anything you say in that long comment make any sense. You have made people become dummer and wasted people time with that pointless response

    1. lol, so sharing is optional like your giddy arse? So when you’re sharing your arse you get giddy? Happy for bro, go do you bobo.

    2. IFD 💀 “IDC if anyone agrees w me!”
      *Precedes to write a multipage SA 1 in 100 people will skim through AT MOST…*

      Yeah we can tell how much you don’t care… 😏

    3. “I will say I DO NOT want to do a detailed review of this game. I do not at all think it deserves one.”
      Which is why you proceeded to make this “review” which is really just ‘I made choices and didn’t like the outcome because damn it, I’m the man and any woman who dares oppose even my slightest whim should be raped and beaten until she listens to me’.

      “However, playing through to the end of this current update has actively pissed me off so fiercely that I will probably not be able to help going off on several tangents. What I will do is list everything wrong about the game in structure. From story arcs to characters in general. I’m not asking any of you to agree with me, I don’t give a flying rat’s ass if you do quite frankly, and you can all keep your TL;DR comments to yourself if you’re not going to bother reading it anyway. I’m not in the fucking mood.”
      Don’t worry, sweetness. I’m in the mood. Lets get it on.

      “First and foremost: HAREM. It’s in the tags. It’s what you set this game up to be, but if you as the dev are the writer, or you have someone else doing it; seek help. Immediately. You have no bloody idea how much I hate to say that but Jesus – doesn’t love me, you DIPSHIT – and that has NO place for the main girl in a HAREM.”
      Definition of harem: ‘a group of females associated with one male’ Sooooo, game qualifies.

      “There are three things you DO NOT EVER do in the harem genre. One: Injure the girls to the point their lives are threatened. Two: Seperate the girls once the harem is actively formed from the MC. Three: Make me question where the focus of the girls actually is. We’re going to cover all of these. Perhaps more extensively than you guys ever seem to want to bother reading for the most part.”
      3 things YOU don’t want in a harem game. Your personal opinion doesn’t dictate others, but since you seperated it into 1 2 and 3, I’ll do the same.
      1. Choices have consequences, and that includes past mistakes
      2. Life is unpredictable and getting taken out of the action can happen. You are more than welcome to deal with it.
      3. We get it. They should think of you and you alone. Their needs and wants be damned, right?

      “Story: The MC is INSANE. He KILLED HIS WIFE. That’s it. He broke her damned neck, and left her there.”
      If you were paying attention, he bashed her head, not broke her neck. Do keep up, pumpkin.

      “This BULLSHIT character of Father (who does not need to exist and SHOULD NOT BE OMNISCIENT JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT TO FUCK THE MC OVER) CANNOT fix a broken goddamned neck. You did not stipulate magic exists in this world you retards. The BEST that she could ever possibly be IF you ever decide to stop dicking the audience around about her is paralyzed permanently from the neck down. Which by the way is the ONLY way she wouldn’t automatically leave again.”
      Considering you fucked up in what happened to you, I can see why you say the magical father can’t fix a broken neck. Fun fact, you can survive a broken neck, it’s just exceedingly rare, but that’s beside the point. He bashed her head, and father has a LOT of spys that feed him info. So there goes omniscient and magic. Just good old fashioned “I know people who know things”.

      “The Slave mechanic DID NOT need to be there; and if it was going to be BDSM. Only. I do not need to see a prostitution ring I got no choice to tell you as the DEVS to fuck off about. He can have done that shit IN THE PAST if I say I do NOT want sharing content, and will NEVER SHARE MY GIRLS! I kept two of them that I liked, and it doesn’t fucking matter because there’s exactly one scene where he “samples” the goods and they may as well not ever be in the story again. It’s BULLSHIT. There are other ways a supposed Hacker could have made a fucking fortune. It’s not morally questionable. It’s just assholish. ”
      You could turn the trafficking off… if you were paying attention and clicked the option to turn it off. It’s really not a difficult concept. And yes, he IS an asshole. Written that way on purpose, so I’m unsure of your point.

      “There’s the idea of his dead daughter that ties to another character we’re going to get to, who again; DOES NOT NEED TO BE IN THE GAME!”
      Why? Because you can’t fuck her so she’s worthless? We get it alpha boy. You big man. Must get pussy. No pussy no worth. Moving on and actively hoping you have something worthwhile written.

      “Not beyond mentions if you really insist on having so fucked up a backstory. You DID NOT need to injure MC FURTHER… just because you want this FATHER asshole to seem all powerful. Fuck. You. Entirely, for that point. He was already “disabled” enough to hire two girls (and we’re going to get to the questionable parentage bullshit with them as well, but they aren’t the only ones who have the flag and we haven’t gotten to his “actual” daughter yet…) to help him out. Whom he was apparently aware of for years: Why?!? Did not need to be in the game and makes him come off as a true creep for no fucking reason.”
      ‘Why?’ Why not? You speak of Father as all powerful so why’s it seem inconcievable to you that he would suffer at the hands of the person he is actively hunting?

      “Whatever the fuck he did or has over their mother should be shared with the player.”
      You’re right. All suspense should immediately be removed. You should get all the info right up front. Because why not.

      “I don’t give a crap if it’s in brackets, in a flash back which you are way too goddamned fond of and actively breaks the flow of the story”
      You did saw you wanted the info. Now you complain when you get it? Make up your mind, son.

      Yep. guy got hurt. Lost his memory and 5 months of his life. And the girls basically went their seperate ways since he was.. you know… missing? They should have known he’d be back and dutifully stayed. Rachel should have remained a personal assistant to no one in a house of a person she both feared and loved. Anne shouldn’t have gone back to school. Gwen shouldn’t have gone home. Ryona should have done ryona shit, whatever that is. Makes total sense. Why didn’t the dev think of that? …other than the not actually making sense part.

      * There are supposed to be TWO paths. Love route, and Controlling. Guess what there’s not. It’s controlling, even if you’re ON the “love” route. Because I don’t think the fuckwit writing this understands what love even is. Here’s why…
      Many forms of love exist. There’s even healthy relationships where one partner is completely dominant and the other is basically a slave. You seem to exhibit many aspects of the control section, though more like… psychotic. As in if you don’t get your way you might just beat the shit out of the woman like the strong virile man you are.

      “The MAIN GIRL: Rachael, straight up would be in every way shape and form, absolutely opposed to EVERYTHING the MC actually wants to build around them. The harem to start. Sex in general as a “church girl.” (Who again, does not belong in a fucking harem)”
      I take it you’ve never experienced the stereotype of the pastors daughter that is so repressed by her religion and family she basically fucks every male with an erect cock?

      “There is a difference between genuinely soft hearted, good natured and naive – and how you have written this quasi religious zealot JUST to cock block the audience for fucking THE ENTIRE DAMNED GAME SO FAR. She even abandons the MC and tries to get her sister away from him”
      Yea… probably because she is afraid of him AND her feelings that go completely against her upbringing and beliefs? Just spitballing here, though

      “YOU DIDN’T PROPERLY EXPLAIN WHAT THE FUCK “DEPRAVITY” EVEN DOES. It mentions that depravity affects what they will let you do with them, but here’s the thing, I put hers up near as high as it could get while still trying to be nice to her because I chose the love route… SHE. STILL. LEFT.”
      You chose love but also wanted her as depraved as possible? And you wonder why she left? Granted, she leaves anyways, because again, afraid of her feelings that run so counter to her belief system.

      “She can do the things she does because she GENUINELY is in love with MC.”
      You lost the hardcore good christian girl point of her character again.

      “Not because he asserts several times despite her obvious discomfort with constantly being overly sexualized by the MC, that she must love him.”
      There’s many ways to manipulate people into doing what you want. This is one of them.

      “I want to smash your head into my desk so hard and so many times you end up in your own five month comas, just because you don’t seem to get that concept.”
      Yay threats!. Uber alpha male now, eh? Tell us, oh great keyboard warrior, what else would you like to do to the dev? Spoiler, I’ve already read ahead so I know you threaten him more. Because, again, you a big strong manly man. In fact, you later say he should be careful because he doesn’t know who someone is and what they might do. Perhaps try taking your own advice? Might save your life.

      “Rachael DOES NOT get to be uber possessive.”
      Yep. the hardcore christian girl who believes sex is something you only do in a commited relationship should definitely not get possessive when she does sexual things with the guy. She should just do as you command even if it goes 100% against her belief structure, because you like to dominate. More than that, you want to be above them. You exude SO much incel energy.

      “TOO MANY GIRLS ARE. It’s a fucking Harem.
      Are you really this upset that each character has their own personality and isn’t some copy paste of your ideal fantasy of a girl that will just drop to her knees and service you at the drop of a hat?

      In case you haven’t noticed, I’m starting to remove your side tangents so I can speak to the point of your… unhinged rant, for lack of a better term. If you see ‘[…]’, that means I deleted a tanget tangent or unneeded parts. Wouldn’t want you to get lost so I figured I’d let you know.

      “Mandy: Does NOT need to be in the game. […] Why? So many reasons it’s not even fucking funny, but mainly because you wrote her to NEVER FUCKING LISTEN TO THE MC. There’s only so many times she can fuck up royally, and say I’m sorry; and then keep doing it before I as a REAL PERSON would straight up just put her through a damned wall.”
      How absolutely dare she have her own wants, needs, desires, and agency. I mean. It’s like the dev looked at real life and realized women and girls don’t just DO what you say just because you say it. I think it’s part of that individual personality thing I mentioned earlier. But I’m loving this rage you got going on. Getting me kinda hard. Keep it up babycakes. I do love me a manly man that thinks they are gods gift.

      “She belongs in an insane asylum; and I cannot express how very much I HATE saying that. They are not fun. She did NOT need to be Schitzophrenic. At all. Her dead sister is dead yeah; great. Mention it once, and FUCK RIGHT OFF. She DOES NOT get to run counter to EVERY. SINGLE. COMMAND. THE MC. GIVES. Then keep getting away with it because she’s a bloody abused puppy.”
      Yep, she probably does belong in an asylum. Then again, you seem to as well. I heard they closed most of them, but I’m sure we could find you a nice one. Oh, and her dead sister being dead is kind of a big point of her personality. Change that and you change her personality. Our present is a sum of our past circumstances.

      “You troglodytes.”
      I’m enjoying this back and forth of name calling. Like I said, I read ahead, so I been putting in little ones for you as well.

      “She does NOT get to “sleep sex” (RAPE) the MC”
      But you get to “sleep sex” (RAPE) the girls? Seems rather unfair.

      “and then YOU AS DEVS INSULT THE PLAYER who chose FROM THE BEGINNING – NOT to engage with that content. Beta/Cuck MY ASS! I WANT CONTROL OF ALL SEXUAL CONTENT/CONGRESS. I would KILL anyone that tried to do what you insist she should be allowed to do, to me in real life. I would not think about it, and THE WOMAN SHOULD ONLY GET CONTROL IF I SAY SO. It’s called Dominance. you dumb redneck bro cultured fucktard.”
      How dare he consider that anything you are willing to do to someone, you should be equally willing to let them do to you. You said father is omnicient and has so much power, but I’d say the one with the god complex is you, snickerdoodle.

      “I happen to NEED control in that area, and I do not like ever giving it away. That does NOT make me weak. It makes her broken in the worst way if she does not know how to OBEY.”
      So you must have control or you are broken, and she MUST be subservient or SHE is broken? No… You’re just broken. You mentioned a therapist bill earlier. Kinda curious how big yours is, with the stuff you’ve written here. I’m thinking it’s a 2 a week every week for at least an hour per session arrangment? Might want to increase the frequency, and also… get a male shrink. You might try to assault the female one and I’m guessing even a scrawny male one you’d be too afraid to ACTUALLY try something.. you know… beyond your worthless threats we all know would amount to literally nothing if you met the dev in person.

      “I will personally beat the shit out of you with a crowbar just for that little comment if I ever find you in real life. We’ll see which of us is a “beta” you morons.”
      See final sentence of last reply. Case in point. you got so triggered with just the IDEA that you could be a beta. You definitely a beta, snookums. And you need a crowbar? It’s not hard to incapacitate or even kill someone with nothing but hands and feet. In fact, hands and feet beat rifles when it comes to murder weapon used in homicide rates. Just a little fun fact.

      “YOU. NEVER. INSULT. YOUR. POTENTIAL. SUBS. That’s just bad for business. You do NOT know who the fuck you are talking to, or how they will take it. It’s juvenile. So let’s leave it for now at if I find you, I’ll do to your legs exactly what you did to the MC’s when Father found him. How’s that sound?”
      While insulting potential subs can have drawbacks, it has definitely led to some entertainment for me. And again, as to the threat, keep looking back at the last sentence from 2 replys ago. Etch it in your mind. You are nothing but a weak little manchild, and your pathetic little threats show it. This is the ONLY place you feel safe espousing such laughable ideas. The thought that you WOULDN’T get your ass kicked to hell and back is so unlikely that you would have to be as crazy as Mandy is to believe it.

      “Beth: Fuck. Yandere. As a Concept in general. As a thing that ever existed at all. Fuck crazy girls.”
      I mean, you are attempting the crazy angle quite splendedly. Why can’t she? I’d even say she got one up on you considering she actually did things, unlike people who shall not be named *cough*you*cough. She has more testosterone and cajones than you ever will, and she’s just a small girl. Come clean… You got a tiny pecker, don’t you? People without sensitivites don’t lash out like you’ve been doing. And jesus christ you type a lot for someone not wanting to write a review.

      “Fuck you for even remotely suggesting she can be “fixed” if she was ever that broken – and FUCK BOTH MANDY AND BETH for what happened to Susan (WHO DID NOT NEED TO BE YEETED OUT OF THE GAME AND PROMISED TO RETURN IF THAT BULLSHIT WAS WHAT YOU’RE GOING TO PULL!!!”
      Hey, maybe she CAN be fixed. Who can say. But am I detecting a little soft spot for susan? I admit I haven’t read her section yet so I’m excited to see you… lets be real, probably tell us she also doesn’t belong in the harem or game, because so far your definition of harem is literally no one belings in it and if they are in they should listen to you as if you’re god himself! Did you enjoy the scene where Rachel gets humped by Jesus? That was funny. Don’t worry though, manly man. That was just the MC dressed up.

      “Beth should ALSO be in an asylum, and does NOT belong in the harem genre. For any fucking reason.”
      3 girls gotten through, none of them belong in the harem. You have such a fascinating definition of harem, though I’ll return to my previous reply of a harem is just multiple girls with one guy. You MIGHT have noticed, if your brain can grasp more than one thing at a time, that “And they all listen to the guy and get along” wasn’t in the definition I provided.

      “If either she or Mandy can go this fiercely against the MC’s stated desires, they have to go. Period. There IS NO HAREM if they’re going to kill half of it off whenever they decide they want the MC all to themselves!”
      Well, to be fair, Mandy only stabbed susan. She didn’t try to kill half the harem. She lashed out from rejection, something I would think you would understand, since if you are ANYTHING like this around normal women, they’d be rejecting you too. Here’s a thought… given how vocal you’ve been about wanting to harm people and how adamant you are that women should listen to you in all aspects and your word is law or they might *checks notes* be put through a damned wall. I wonder how many women you’ve assaulted. Don’t suppose you have a rap sheet for domestic violence, a few restraining orders, and possibly got touched as a child by a woman. Was your mommy a naughty girl? Did she do things to you? Do you need to talk about it? Plenty therapists around and I do really hope you have one.

      “Gwen: Did NOT need a boyfriend to start with. I used mandy to distract him and there was NO REASON for her to fucking straight up murder the bastard. If I wanted it done bluntly you fucktards, I would have picked the option to just kill him myself. All that needed to happen was Gwen saw him groping, or nearly putting himself into Mandy (which should have been the point they were caught; because FUCK SHARING CONTENT AT ALL – AND DOUBLE FUCK NTR) And then she should have kicked him in the nuts herself, and broken it off.”
      Well maybe he shouldn’t have tried to rape her (when it was just the two of them, gwen wasn’t around). What’s wrong? Seeing a bit of yourself in craigs actions and he got killed for it? Does it worry you that you can’t just rape a girl because she might *GASP* fight back and overpower you? I mean, you could have just NOT had your daughter try to lead him on and done the deed yourself like the manly man(let) you are.

      What happened afterward with MC would still have gone forward; and it wouldn’t have screwed anyone’s head over or risked actual legal ramifications. The guy’s a cop. Not God.
      Yea… he’s not a cop. He has a crooked cop friend. Quite different, but I’ve noticed you aren’t paying to much attention as it is. How ever did you get so far to write so much yet not actually pay attention?

      “Eventually that shit will get found, and questioned. If he’s involved in too many questionable cases, you dipshits do know there’s such a thing as internal affairs?”
      Much like I know about the existance of IA, I assume you also know that all your little threats could be legally actionable if the dev actually cared a little about you and was slightly concerned you might actually do something. (Hint, it wouldn’t go as well for you as you seem to believe, princess buttercup.)

      “Gwen also happens to be way too accepting, while at the same time way too vulnerable about the idea MC has a wife. You could just straight up mention he’s bent in the way he wants a harem – if he can ever actually get his “wife” back. (She was about to leave his dumb ass in the first place, so I doubt even if he finds her = and you better not have had Father make her rape meat because she can’t fight back”
      Well in some situations, she DID kill craig. In yours he died because he tried to rape mandy. Perhaps she was going through some… shock? As to the wife, they did fuck while he was married and she didn’t know and he didn’t mention it until later. Being confused is a legitimate response for someone who isn’t a total sociopath. As to the rape meat… why not? You never actually fucked her in the game and she’s not part of the harem. And Welcome back side tangents. I’ve been missing you.

      “I didn’t make all these characters, and if I had I would have done it correctly. You can be dark without being a dick.”
      You can’t even do a “review” without acting like this, why should ANYONE believe you could make better characters? Unless by “I would have done it correctly” you really mean “Each girl will be completely okay with anything the MC decides and will go along with it without a second thought, because that’s what people do”.

      “You can be controlling, in sex, without being a complete amoral prick about it. The only thing I agreed with in her family arc was slamming the drunk assed Mom into the wall and threatening her the moment she tried the shit she pulled way too fast. Just to fuck with the audience [Also – TRULY: FUCK. GILF. AS A CONCEPT – JUST STOP IT. NO ONE WANTS TO SEE A 50 TO 70 YEAR OLD WOMAN GET RAILED!]”
      OH NO! SOMEONE I DON’T WANT EVEN BEING HINTED AT FUCKING SHOULDN’T BE IN THE GAME! NO ONE HAS A GILF FETISH. EVERYONE THINKS LIKE ME. I’ll admit, I don’t like fran myself. Not into grannies, but at least I don’t call her a gilf. That implies I want to fuck her, like the acronym plainly states. I wholeheartedly don’t.

      “Susan: Is probably either dying right now for no reason, or you may be dickish enough to pull that she lives and can never have another kid because of where she was stabbed. DO NOT DO THAT. She was fired for BULLSHIT reasons”
      She wasn’t fired. she quit. Be pretty funny if instead of being killed by the crazy ass sister, instead she’s rendered infertile by the girl that did love her and she rejected. Though considering she was stabbed in essentially the right shoulderblade, I don’t see infertility becoming an issue. You know many people that have their bits that high? She wasn’t even hit in the heart. Unless she has situs invertus, the heart is on the left and it looks like it would have missed a lung too. Not enough blood on the ground to have knicked an artery either. Seriously, pay attention if you are going to badmouth something this hard. Try to get your facts in order, honeysuckle.

      “if she was part of the harem and in love with him, there was NO REASON HE SHOULDN’T HAVE PUT HER IN THE DAMNED DUNGEON”
      If she is part of the harem and loves him… she should go into the dungeon? Did you fuck up or are you just that dumb?

      “So now she’s bleeding on the shed floor”
      Actually, she was picked up and carried away. Missed that bit?

      “AND FUCK OFF WITH SHE BLAMES THE MC IN COMING BACK. She. IS. Still. In LOVE. With. Him. Otherwise it’s NOT a fucking HAREM!”
      You realize you can have a harem without having EVERY woman right?

      “MC did not take the baby away – HE PROTECTED IT.”
      MC was in a coma. Vinny took the baby. These are such simple details.

      “Recall she was going to bloody abort it”
      That was her mothers decision. You don’t know what HER intention was.

      He broke her. His fault she went crazy. It’s like giving a crazy guy (lets say that crazy guy is you, because it fits so well) a gun and saying “This is how you use it and it kills people” and not expect him to use it at his earliest convience

      “[This is also why a true Dominant would NEVER mind-break his Subs. Even if he considers them his “toys.” Most of us are highly possessive, and will PROTECT what we want to keep]”
      I think you missed something… the person with the power in a dom/sub relationship is actually the sub, not the dom. the sub can stop it whenever they want and in a REAL dom sub relationship, the dom listens and stops. Maybe you are just a sadist?

      Neither Beth NOR Susan belong in this game; until you FIX this bullshit. They don’t get to leave, and they don’t get to be rancid bitches if they’re going to be part of a harem. It IS about Love. It IS about trust. If you don’t understand those concepts for the fuel that a harem NEEDS to actually survive in concept – find another fucking genre to write.”
      Out of 5 girls you’ve mentioned so far (6 if you count granny), only 1 belongs in the harem… kinda lame harem you’re building. And since you’ve misdefinied a harem at least 8 times so far, you aren’t the person anyone shuold be listening to. Harem, 1 guy, multiple girls. That’s it.

      “Kennedy: Just a slut. Technically nothing wrong with that – but god damn it she still looks like she was rendered as a fourteen year old. You guys do know that teen girls CAN go higher than a B cup, right?!?”
      You know you are perfectly capable to creating your own game, right? If you want something specific, make it. Lets see if it comes anywhere even remotely close to the popularity this dev has. In case you’ve missed it, a certain genre sells. Sure, some people like big balloon tits and thuinder thighs, but I’m not really a Lizzo or Tess Holiday fan.

      “I knew a girl in grade fucking seven that had full C at least, if not D cup. It’s possible. So please, Jesus. Give the girls some fucking actual curves. Not just a hint of them that might in a decade or so when she’s actually LEGAL, manage to fill the fuck out.”
      And I knew a girl in 2nd grade that was frequently mistaken for a girl in high school. Genetics are a hell of a thing.

      “Mostly I don’t like that through depravity, this relationship is almost entirely coersion. And SHE’S the one that actually wants to stay… That’s just fucking WRONG. Beyond that there’s the point that again, she and her sister blue ball MC about full sex for basically the entire fucking game (you can force her close to the end of this update, but she’ll call it rape – and you can go fuck yourselves for that)”
      Did… did you just seriously say if you force kennedy into sex she’ll call it rape and the dev can go fuck himself for that? Come clean. How many women have you forced into having sex then got genuienly
      confused that it’s literally the definiton of rape to force someone to have sex with you?

      “She also SHOULD NOT BE INVOLVED IN LESBIAN CONTENT AT ALL. It puts her loyalty in direct question, and confuses the audience. I don’t give a crap if she is BI, but her FOCUS SHOULD BE THE MC.”
      Oh god. You’re one of those lesbian is cucking people. You do know the lesbian choice was CLEARLY marked and you could have turned it off. With it off, it doesn’t exist in your game/reality. Unless you are one of those people that consider any option in the game to be canon, in which case, 1 explain how she can be bi and not bi at the same time canonically, and 2, fuck right off.

      “Anne: There are two options you get to pick later involving Craig = the needless boyfriend of her older sister Gwen. He either raped the shit out of her daily (Of course I said fuck that – it counts as NTR you DUMBASSES)”
      No… it REALLY doesn’t. See, at no point while craig was doing that was the MC with her. Are you one of those that call it NTR when daddy fucked mommy and then mc fucked mommy so he got ntr’ed? Cuz… same principle and just as blatantly retarded.

      “OR he never got the chance but patently wanted to.”
      Well, she’s hot. Who wouldn’t want to fuck her? You clearly did. Careful though. I also fucked her. That’s NTR!

      “Either way she hates MC on sight by principle; but becomes an automatic instant sub slut the moment MC forces the issue… how?!? Why… It’s tonally jarring as fuck, and a cop out frankly.”
      She had countless bad experiences with almost all men gwen dated, so it’s not surprising she’d be hostile to you. But then you either take her to the next level where you find out she LIKES to be dominated, or she’s happy you dealt with craig cuz he was doing things to her. It’s part of her personality. You should love her.

      “She’s not a bad character and I quite like her for actually having decent enough curves to LOOK like she’s over age.”
      You heard it here, folks. Women can’t be small and petite.

      “She actually BELONGS in the harem. So it proves that you CAN write a girl with some issues that she can still function against, that actually WANTS to be part of what the MC is trying to build. Do you see why I’m pissed off?”
      I see in an almost unhinged rant that you called a review, you subjectively decided only 2 of of options should be in the harem. Or was it 3? I’m losing track as fast as the braincells that are dying from reading this shit.

      “Dorothy: Who the fuck is she to MC? What power does he have over her, and why did you write it like they were divorced parents – IF she’s GOING to be in the harem; or was ever a part of it on the side (or fucked him before he met his wife to make Rachael, and kept on afterward for an ONS that gave her Kennedy, I don’t know…) then SAY SO. There was NO REASON to involve the girls’ mother in this story. She does not need to exist and is an extrenuous complication.”
      The mother… the one that literally shaped Rachel and Kennedy’s personalities up to the point the game starts, and whom has a personal situation with the MC, shouldn’t even exist? I mean, I get it, it’s a woman you can’t fuck, so OBVIOUSLY that would make you upset, what with your crushing need to be the center of the universe that apparently is populated by women without enough agency to think for themselves (Might I suggest you find a couple blue gumball ladies to have downsie babies with so you can have your dream of fucking potatos. You give dom’s a bad name. You really are nothing but a sadist and you are doing bdsm wrong.

      “The Native American Add On: Why? I mean other that DEI/ESG BULLSHIT. Why? Again; Cheryl is DEAD according to you dumbfucks… so do we really need someone he can super impose as his dead daughter just to prove he’s completely fucked in the head and couldn’t lead JACK SHIT if he tried?!? No. No we don’t. I’m not saying I won’t fuck her and breed her just as much as the others, but god damn it. Fuck Right Off if she’s ONLY there for social political “inclusivity.” Your game’s not winning any awards any time soon chief. Sorry to disappoint, and yeah I know every creatively based awards system now includes that absolutely illegal, actively discriminatory bullshit in a checklist. Give her SOMETHING beyond that, make her the one that makes Rachael and Gwen realize (by her actual real life culture by the way) ** It’s STILL discriminatory if it’s against WHITE or Straight people. So any of you that don’t know that, keep it to yourselves and maybe go sit in a corner and think about it until you figure that out, rather than commenting like a jackass about how wrong I am ** that a harem isn’t a bad thing. Make her the glue that holds MC’s sanity together with GENUINE love… and I will call her a fair enough character. She can have more purpose than her race. If you’re not going to do that; don’t fucking bother with adding her in the first place.”
      Homie, she’s been in literally one scene. There’s been time for nothing except a little drugged molestation. You just seem to be mad that she’s not white. For a note, the dev hates DEI bullshit. So that’s not the reason she’s there. But your abject racism is on full display, and it only took you 1 sentence to show it off with such pride.

      “Side Characters: So far there’s at least a waitress we’ve heard nothing about but one scene – so why is she an option?”
      You could enslave her and she might make more appearances later. She was literally just a girl he came across on his way to vacation.

      “There’s a principal that is probably going to go down a dark path.”
      Guess we’ll find out. But she took that fingering like a good little sub. Another girl you should love.

      “There’s twin neices to Gwen & Anne, who’ve barely been added in and frankly I don’t think needed to be. You already have the sister to bork things with Gwen. Don’t add more before Gwen actually accepts the damned Harem Lifestyle!”
      Of course, they had just slightly more screen time than Lakota, but I notice you didn’t go straight to racism. So I guess you really are just a racist.

      “There’s Fei who again, didn’t need to be his adopted sister, and frankly MARRIED SOMEONE ELSE. So seriously; what the fuck is the point of her??? I don’t care if you swing that she lost her virginity to MC, or wanted and loved him… SHE SPENT X AMOUNT OF TIME GETTING RAILED BY SOMEONE ELSE!!! (No Sharing/Sharing is Optional my giddy arse)”
      If you played the other game she was in, you’d see she didn’t want to be with him… If it helps. But I know it won’t, since every other guy near a woman you MIGHT get should have no sex drive and only you should be getting any. At least, that’s what this post that would get most people committed suggests.

      “End of the day, you spend too much time trying to make the Player think the MC is going to fuck up, or lose.”
      Who’d have thought the human guy has flaws. Weird.

      “You do NOT know how to write a harem game. You do NOT understand even the core foundation of a loving relationship, and whoever is writing this… god damn would I hate to see your psychiatrist’s bill per month.”
      His sub count says otherwise. It’s okay that your viewpoint doesn’t align to yours. Unfortunately, their mere existance means your viewpoint is entirely subjective based on your own ideals. And I’m confident that your bill is or SHOULD BE much higher than his. I do hope you are getting mental help for all of these feelings, racism, and violent tendencies you’ve displayed.

      “I cannot in good faith recommend this game to anyone. At all. The girls are either too much drama; actively insane, or cock teases who do not fit within the established genre tagged. The storyline is needlessly edgy to grim dark. Just to be edgelords.”
      Those last two sentences basically sum up your entire post.

      “There’s hints of Your Princess Is In Another Castle, and an unbeatable antagonist to contend with. Who should have already lost in Chapter fucking five. There’s the fact the actual princess is more likely to run the fuck away screaming the moment she learns what MC really wants, so I don’t see where the holy hell the dev team wants to go with this game in the long run. I can just tell it’s not going to end well. For anyone.”
      I’m sure the dev team appriciates your viewpoint, even with how borderline psychotic, definitely racist, and totally woman hating it is. I’m sure they will take the time to read your post, and change their ways. Just change everything that’s been established, kill off all but 2 or 3 of the characters so you can have your dream harem, and follow every bit of your advice even though at no point was it actually grounded in reality, but instead lives in the back of your mind along with your alter ego “Super Virile Man”, with the power to render every other male within a mile of your girls sexually impotent and uses that stolen potency to fuck his girls (clearly against their wills) whenever the mood strikes him, and there is nothing these girls can do to stop him.

      I fear for this world already, but please don’t reproduce. The world can’t take more people even remotely similar to you. We already have enough serial killers in the world. (If you were one, I garuntee you’d only target women)

    1. He finally decided to stop development on multiple games at the same time (i.e. milking his patrons for as long as humanly possible) and focus instead. PA might finally be worth it if he can manage to keep focusing until he finishes it with a decent amount of content.

  7. Sometimes the story gets a little too dark, but the storytelling is some of the best I’ve seen in VNs so far. Only downside for me are the models, maybe it’s a personal thing but their faces are all weird looking and kinda creepy.

  8. I have conflicting feelings about this game. It has things that I like, but also things that disgust me and that I don’t find sexually stimulating. Like murder, kidnapping, psychological terror, humiliation. The game gives you the option at the beginning of being a good boss who will only corrupt girls (having sex with you), but choosing to do so doesn’t change the fact that he is a sadist and we are obliged to play with him like that, having evil thoughts and having fun with suffering, things we DON’T CHOOSE. Of course, you can choose not to do certain things, but it’s still the same context and the same character. It has a problem: it gives you options warning you that they are very important for the course of the game, but in the end you see that it’s pure BS. The truth is that these options only affect about 3 scenes. This game promises things I know they can’t deliver.

    The game has a tone problem, while talking about dungeons, murder, torture etc, it also has silly and playful moments. Maybe the developer tries to please all kinds of players to earn more money. But the game will never reach its potential if it doesn’t decide what kind of player it wants to please. For it to deliver what it promises, they would have to make several games in one, that is, double, triple, 4x, 5x, writing, images, animations. I don’t think this game will ever be complete. However, I believe that players will be able to enjoy something in it. The images in general are good, animations are bad, the girls are hot (except his daughter who is goth and creep). You can change their age, but it doesn’t change anything in the game.

  9. Extremely dark story. Every character including MC is broken, a psycho or batshit crazy.
    Only played the love path with every main girl and yet it’s all about drugging them, molesting them during sleep, forcing them, sharing them, slavery, human traffic…and of course killing here and there.
    Most hardcore stuff can be turned off (human traffic, slavery, sharing, watersports…) or skipped. Of course, by doing so it’s about skipping chunks of the game…no alternative scene available.
    Sex scenes are not best of art but a lot of games out there are way worst.
    Would only recommend for those who like a very abusive MC not really looking for romance but rather for perversion. And only if you are ok with MC being really an ass and manipulative with every girl.
    Hard pass for any update on this one…not looking for a story as dark in a AVN.

  10. Just started and already reluctant to continue….obviously, despite option to turn off the sharing option and choosing path of “loving” or “controlling”, the game is sharing and controlling (corrupting) oriented.
    Not sure the author knows how life works….
    MC: Just give me a baby, and I will forgive you. (am in loving path!)
    MC: Try harder…
    MC: Come on. Hurry up. Don’t make me ask twice…
    a few lines later:
    MC: Now get on the fucking floor and open that mouth of yours.
    Just in case the author reads this….no way to make babies with BJ! lol

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