
Our Red String [Ch. 12 Full] [EvaKiss]

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Walkthrough

Given it seems to be a problem, an easy and practical guide to achieve high results, and even the best one, in writing Ian’s book.

You just have to choose: VengeanceRelativisticAnti-HeroDoomMetaphysicalSacrifice.

In this way you’ll achieve 8 points (aka perfect score) with a Historical book, and 7 points with a Fantasy or Sci-Fi book. To reach max points with those two you have to choose: for the Fantasy one Romantic or Crude, for the Sci-Fi one Chosen One. That’s it.

To make it even simpler, just choose these for max score:
Fantasy: VengeanceRelativisticAnti-HeroDoomRomanticSacrifice.
Sci-Fi: Chosen OneRelativisticAnti-HeroDoomMetaphysicalSacrifice.
Historical: VengeanceRelativisticAnti-HeroDoomMetaphysicalSacrifice.

If instead you want more freedom in choices, these alternatives will all give you the perfect score anyway:
Fantasy: Vengeance/Call Of DutyVillain/RelativisticAnti-HeroDoomRomantic/CrudeVictory/Sacrifice.
Sci-Fi: Chosen OneVillain/RelativisticTrickster/Anti-HeroTreason/DoomMetaphysicalSacrifice/Defeat.
Historical: Vengeance/Call Of DutyRelativisticSage/Anti-HeroFight/DoomRomantic/MetaphysicalSacrifice.

Download Mod

In-Game Guide:​

The mod provides additional information to help you make the best decision.

Gallery Unlocker:​

You can watch a scene even if you didn’t unlock it.


You can rename most of the characters.


You can use the keyboard to navigate through the game:
During choices, the number keys are used ;
Most screens (skill level up, new chapter…) require a right click to be skipped, they now include a timer. If you’re in a hurry, you can also press Return to simulate a right click.

Save Description:​

You can add a description to your saves.
savedesc1.png savedesc2.png


For PC, Linux and Mac, follow these instructions – JDMOD: How to Install | Patreon

For Android, the mod needs to be installed before porting the game

How to Unlock Gallery ?

Start the game in “cheat mode” and unlock.

You can also mail us at :-

Editor's Rating

Story - 91%
Visual - 87%
Engagement - 89%
Core Loop - 88%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.16 ( 170 votes)

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    1. 1st this is a dual-protagonist game, so player influences the boy-mc and the girl-mc. 2nd, the gender of a virtual main character doesn’t make a game good or not.

    1. sure, just at there will be a turning point eventually, depending on route, either push Ian in a cuck route or break up with him (with the possibility to fool around some times). But there are so many variations on routes that it is hard to see how it actually will turn out. Imo that’s part of the fascination of the game, on the other side it’s hard to follow a specific route I suppose.

      1. cuck is the win-win situation. i even made lena fuck ian black friend while keep ian in faithful beta cuck role. if you go vanilla game’s feel pretty short and boring.

  1. Сделайте так чтобы Лена увлекалась инцестом ну или того рода , как в “хорошая девочка стала плохой” . И добавьте больше с Леной BBC и Gangbang.

    1. agreed, but there are already so many routes and characters that it’s a hell of a work to proceed the game as-is I daresay.

  2. Heh, new update seems to be bugged, No previous romantic interactions with Cindy in my current playthrough and out of nowhere MC shows up at her place to hook up with her.

    1. is avoidable, you play as the mc and the fmc, hell, you can even choose not to be on a relationship and just fuck people, as the mc and the fmc of course

  3. we play as ian and lena, if ian is in relationship with lena and while you play as lena you whore yourself out does that count as NTR?

  4. Anyone tell me how to use mod file ? i just download but no instruction for how to use that or just copy path where the game specific folder nothng

    1. In-Game Guide:​

      The mod provides additional information to help you make the best decision.

      Gallery Unlocker:​

      You can watch a scene even if you didn’t unlock it.


      You can rename most of the characters.


      You can use the keyboard to navigate through the game:
      During choices, the number keys are used ;
      Most screens (skill level up, new chapter…) require a right click to be skipped, they now include a timer. If you’re in a hurry, you can also press Return to simulate a right click.

      1. Eva kiss is a real girl the fuck you mean she is he. you can actually subscribe her OF acc, i have her nudes because i’m premium member of her patreon. i could give it to you for free if any of you want here just put your email address and tag my name.

  5. Apologies if this has already been answered or just for the stupid question,

    But how do I install the Mod on Android?
    I’ve renamed the file to .APK but that usually brings up an error during the parsing process.

    1. i think the game has the mod donwloaded and aplied already, so there is no need to download the mod, just download the game, sadly the android download is not the v11

      1. You were right, it is pre-installed. I finally got to see the threesome scene with Jeremy, Ian and Allison.

  6. Pretty minor complaint, but if your game takes 30-60 seconds to “load” why is the default setting for Full Screen?? This was not the case for GGGB. But with this game I have to ctrl-esc out of a forced SLOW loading window so that I can do something else while waiting for the game to load. 🙁 Rude.

  7. Mod causes game to crash when opening. Have tried multuiple clean installs and the game opens without the mod but not with it.

  8. First, I appreciate the improved drawing level; but these characters are almost carbon copied off Good Girl Gone Bad.

    Lena is obviously Ashley.
    Ian is Eric.
    Jeremy is Black Rapper Guy whose name I can’t recall
    (or the guy that Eva ended up with if you break up her and Dave)
    Wade is Dave – sort of.
    Cindy is Eva.
    Minerva is the land whale
    The art old guy is Ashley’s Mom’s BF.
    Robert is probably Eric’s Dad
    Ivy is Jessica.
    Emma and Holly could be new characters but remind me of Eva as well.
    Allison is also shades of Slut Jessica (If she can have a 3way while boinking Ian at all… why would Ian want more???)

    This is a DATING SIM.
    Frankly, you COULD make it a harem – and you won’t. I know you. I wrote the review on Good Girl Gone Bad
    (and don’t think I’ve forgiven the only way Ash could get pregnant was her BLOOD FATHER!!! : / )

    Cindy does not get to make Doe Eyes at Ian all fucking night, build up a flirting thing with him and so overtly do the I’m ALL BUT GOING TO DEFINITELY FUCK Axel. On the same night. How in the fuck is that Dating Sim??? Diregard all of player choice to suit your own slut narrative. Nevermind what it does to the character. Right…

    Allison can be DOWN on relationships right now = That does not mean if she ACTUALLY wanted a damned thing to do with Ian EVER that she should be written to be the town door knob. And you NEED to let the player actually BE ABLE AND… YOU KNOW MECHANICALLY ABLE, to stop it. Other than ignoring her arc. Same with Cindy. There is NO point to a Dating sim with TWO protagonists. Splitting the storyline makes it WAY more complex than it needs to be and frankly, fuck trying to make Lena the Do You Believe in Destiny/True Love type if you’re going to say she likes blow jobs and big dicks… PICK. ONE.

    You know how to write a woman. Fine. Fair enough. You write them like sluts in general no matter if we want to play a committed girl or not (I’m not a prude but if you offer the chance at a relationship = do not tie financial advancement to the idea of lewd fucking content. That will ONLY ever end badly – that was the main problem with GGGB) You’ve now managed to double that effect by focus on two mains. Yippie. Do you know how many variables that means you have to code correctly, for the computer to be able to account? Do you understand that a dating sim means you choose which girl you like at some crux point, and STICK to that arc. No? Why. Is that too hard. I gave this game a shot at the current update of Chapter 11 alpha. I’m about as impressed with it as I was the first time I downloaded it when I noted that it was basically copy and past GGGB with better artwork. Only the story is WAY too padded out. The only fucking sex scene for example up to April Week 3 is with Allison; because I chose to meet her after work and put the grind in to try to get her somewhere. Even then, you made the main USE A CONDOM. You have no idea how much that pisses me off. This is a fantasy game. Dumb ass. Fantasy means the only way she should be concerned about pregnancy that drunk is if she knew she was ovulating on that specific day. Had never heard of spermicidal jelly, or IUD or whatever the hell they called it… or frankly wanted the risk. There’s several different ways we can headcannon why she would not use condoms. Including some girls DON’T like them or are allergic.

    End of the day, it’s more of the same. Nothing you do really has much effect. Because if you’re playing on Normal you’ll almost certainly get screwed for stats. If you’re playing on Story, it’s half done yet. If you’re playing for lewds, you like blue balls I bet. Or CBT. And no, I’m not talking about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. But every single female in the game could very much use it not to be a slut who will fuck any guy or girl she even remotely sees. I’d say that’s more the dev’s problem at this point, because this may be the second run at the same game; but to me it’s well past the third strike.

      1. If You Can Think Of A Generic Accusatory Name, Why Can't You Think Of One To Call Yourself? says:

        A Stan is a defender; dumb ass… unless you mean Lee. In which case I’ll take the compliment.
        I am very definitely a Detractor here. Or did you not bother reading before you typed the comment? It might surprise me if you can…

      1. True, but 3D is trending more and more realistic (and therefore more suitable to fantasy) over time. 2D has a small niche where it still makes sense (parody of existing 2D non-sexual content), but outside of that what is it’s value??

  9. june 22 23 – Chapter 11 release date
    Hi everyone! As usual, I’ve been hesitant to give a final release date, but now Chapter 11 is almost done. The writing is finally completed, and these days I’m going through the script, playtesting, polishing and bug-solving. I’m also making time for the colorist to finish the last scene of this chapter, and once everything is properly assembled the Alpha for Chapter 11 will be ready for publication.

    Just to be sure, I’m scheduling the release for Friday 30th. I’ll be also working on the epilogue that will drop after the release cycle of Chapter 11, so I can cap off the episode as quick as possible. I apologize for being quite absent from the community, as I’ve been focused on dealing with the project and managing all its components. Once it’s released, I’ll take a breather and make another Q&A and few polls, as well as discuss some other news.

    Which characters are you hoping get scenes in this episode, and what scenarios are you expecting to see? Hopefully I’ll have some surprises for you guys!

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