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Milf Next Door 2: Hijabi Mama [v1.0][Final] [foxiCUBE]

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Editor's Rating

Story - The narrative of Milf Next Door 2: Hijabi Mama presents an intriguing path, offering two diverging routes - the choice between the enigmatic - 72%
Visual - Visually, the game sparkles with captivating artwork that enraptures the players, enhancing the overall experience. While the art excels in its delivery, some scenes falter in delivering a complete visual experience as noted by a few missing visual elements, particularly during the milking scenes. However, the minimalist animations serve their purpose effectively, adding a layer of dynamism to the game's aesthetic. - 58%
Engagement - The game manages to captivate players through its efficient and concise gameplay, providing a short yet immersive experience. The minimalism of the animations efficiently pushes the narrative forward, keeping engagement levels high. The incorporation of scene variations and choices further bolsters engagement, allowing players to traverse different paths and experience the game in unique ways, despite its brevity. - 75%
Core Loop - Milf Next Door 2: Hijabi Mama offers a tight-knit core loop that keeps the gameplay experience focused. The game efficiently delivers its intended experience, allowing players to explore and navigate through the narrative, offering a mix of two distinct routes. The inclusion of the - 80%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 2.05 ( 36 votes)

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  1. I mean, it’s disrespectful to more than a billion people. But hey, it’s not that I care, I’m here to bust a ball.

  2. Before I even clicked on this game, I anticipated many comments about and from Muslims. My hunch proved to be right. It took me 4 days to scroll through all of them.

    Do people not see the irony of getting into religious arguments on a website that has pornographic content? Like, really, what’s the point? People here are horny and just look for something to unload to. They are the least susceptible crowd to have discussions about morality and religion with. That’s like me telling everyone here about the dangers of pornography and pornography addiction. I’m not in the position of lecturing anyone, when I indulge in the same things I try to warn others about. If you are a Muslim, what are you even doing here? Ok, I know what you’re doing here. You’re only human, after all. But just keep in down, alright? There are also many games here that mix sex with Christian religions. You never see Christians losing their mind over that. You don’t like it? Just skip it and move on. I can respect your religion, but I don’t respect your hypocrisy.

    Having said that, the game is short and hardly worth it. I only downloaded it for the controversy and because there should be more porn games with Arab women wearing hijabs. Like many kinks, it’s super horny, because it’s so ‘forbidden’.

  3. Truth P!sslam(Islam 🐽🐷🐖🐪💦 💣 💥 🕋 🤲) is A Disease
    Myanmar 🇲🇲 ( Buddhist Vs Muslims)
    America 🇺🇸 ( Christian Vs Muslims)
    Israel 🇮🇱 (Jews Vs Muslims)
    India 🇮🇳 (Hindu Vs Muslims)
    Europe—–Specially France(Muslims Rioters and Stone Pelters) 🇫🇷 Germany(Facing Terr0rism Activities(Muslim Terr0rist caught) 🇩🇪 —- ( Christian Vs Muslims)
    Recently Some Asian Country Nepal 🇳🇵 Is Burning 🔥 Because Of Muslims (R@pes and L00ting done By Muslims against other Religious groups–Christians n Hindus Mostly ——So people protesting against P!sslam)

    90% of Middle East – (Shia Vs Sunni or Ahmadiya Vs Muslims)(You Barbarians Not Peaceful among your own Different Groups)

    😂🤣And Islam is Peaceful ✌️ Wooooow
    What a Bull©Rap woooow
    Fkin P!gs Ped0 Worshipers

    1. Lol, your religion contains worse things and all religions contain worse things. Do you remember when all people were hostile to the Jews and all Arabs expelled them from their countries? This means that you are pigs who do not love anyone but yourselves, the Nazi race
      You expelled the Jews from all your countries, killed them, and burned them to death. The Jews in Israel are not Jews, but Nazi Zionists. Even the Jews in America denounce them.You expelled them and burned millions of them to life Does this mean that Jews are hated? There is nothing wrong with you because you are pigs Do you remember when you didn’t shower? They believe that bathing is a sin So do you remember the request for forgiveness that knights used to buy from the church in order to have their sins forgiven? Do you remember when you used to burn women and scholars and accuse them of being witches? Do you remember when you used to cut off the head of a woman who committed adultery?Do you want me to continue your dirty history like you? So do you remember when you exterminated the indigenous people, did that mean that the indigenous people were bad and hated? In South and North America and Australia What about the colonization that you carried out in most countries in India, Africa, and most of the countries of Asia, which made the whole world hate you and fight you? Have you seen that the whole world hates you too? What about the Crusades that you said were about the Holy Cross and the protection of Eastern Christians? Then you went there and killed all the Eastern Christian and Muslim people. You even attacked Constantinople, which was also Christian at this time. You stole everything and even fought each other over wealth and gains Indeed, Islam is peace in the modern era. Muslims used to live and care about their affairs, and you went and started war with them and colonized their countries and many other countries. When you discovered firearms, you felt that you were the most powerful people. This made you colonize the world When Japan almost won over you, you developed a deadly weapon and killed innocent people with it, and this was nuclear weapons You committed many massacres and heinous crimes You stole peoples’ wealth You made everyone against you Did you see that you pigs are here? You are willing to wage wars in which millions will die just for your personal interests Do you also remember that you made the blacks hate you because of their enslavement? You have many dirty things that make people hate you. I did not mention many of them Do you know the difference between you and us is that we do not use cheap methods to make people forget our actions like you? For example, Japan was known to be very brutal in war. It improved its image through anime, and these things made people love it. It has made it one of the countries that people want to go to most You have done the same in many areas, and this is not a bad thing, but do not forget that you were filthy pigs who hated the world. Read your history will Your state was built on millions of innocent bodies so Yes, Regarding your actions, Islam is very peaceful Your control of the world makes people hated, just as you did to blacks, indigenous people, and resistance movements

      1. It’s simple retard, you always tell your religion is right while islam is roughly 700 years late from already existed religion like buddhism etc. and they way your religion spread so slowly either you use force or brainwash and now you blame hundred years of man mistake/atrocities because they simply not islam at the previous moment? whoaa.. sure buddy nice logic.
        why won’t islam the first religion anyway? Did your god made a mistake and revised his teaching like a college student? lmfao. of course not retard religion simply made by human to serve their purposes, if you could go back in time with modern knowledge and modern stuff say a gun, i bet ur ass is worshipped as a god because you could hurt or kill a man miles away while ur just standing still.

    2. 😄 🤣 😂 what a nice place to talk about religion 👏 👌do you really think people where care about religion in porn game site if you meet me in face to face or other social media place then maybe i belive you but naa you are just a shit person wo don’t know anything about any religion

      1. Me or him If it’s me, don’t tell me. I’m just responding to their comments. I didn’t care at first. They made it personal because in the end, this is a porn game. Why don’t they just play and say their opinion about the game? Why did they introduce religion, hatred, and lies that have no evidence about Muslims into just a game? You came to carry a sexual toy, so carry it and play and do not play the role of the philosopher. Just play while remaining silent.And lol all these facts that I mentioned, and I do not know anything about any religion, so what if I knew, I would write a book or what This makes you a shit person too That is if you are talking to me

    3. keep worshiping rats and black cocks you retard you worship anything even shit on your country streets come worship my long ass dick that is stuck inside your mom you faggot whore cuck lord retard
      kos omak ya sharmota go fuck your sister qa7ba

  4. Lmao stilll.. Couple of 😂🤣P!sslamic Pig fckers b!tching in comments scream 😱 their lungs out while accusing west and trash talking Christians n other religions cmon b!tch 🤣 you’re too weak to accept the fact i know all religions are shixt but !slam is Worst that shixt Religion P!sslam can’t be considered as a religion 😂🤣 Your Sharia laws haha joke ya’ll Most violent bunch of P!gs says it’s either Allah or no one choose P!sslam or Ya’ll D!e hmmm wow that’s some next level peace ✌️ ya’ll yapping about bruh!!
    Bunch of coward A$$ weirdo Ped0 worshipers n p!g, g0at fkers whole worlds know what’s truth and what’s lie 🤥
    Your P!sslam was a disease, is a disease and will be a disease for humankind until it’s eradicated 🖕
    1.Muhammad The RAP!ST of young girl ayesha who ya’ll call And praise as God/Prophet
    2. Ya’ll Muzzlims N your scholars/Quran says and teaches to k!ll Non-Muslims( ya’ll call People Kaafirs)
    3. Ya’ll Muslims Do crimes but when peoples take stand against you ya’ll act victim and play victim card say Muslims are getting tortured
    4. Your own Muslim countries have shixtty rules and ya’ll trash talk west lol

    1. Lol who’s talking? Don’t you remember what your religion did? Burning scholars and women and accusing them of witchcraft The forgiveness cards that the Pope used to write to knights and people to atone for their sins Like when a knight steals, kills, and commits adultery, then buys forgiveness cards so that he can be forgiven for his sins. What about the popes who exploited girls and made people poor in the name of religion and became rich because of them? Have you seen now that you are thinking out of your a*s? What about beheading girls who commit adultery? Do you remember when you didn’t shower when the priests told you to? Do you remember not taking medication and treatment because you believed that illness was a punishment from God and you should leave it?Do you remember when you were persecuting the Jews because they were the ones who crucified Christ? What about the new birth? If you believe that the Christian believer is born again like Christ As for violence, what about the Spanish Inquisition and the persecution of non-Christians? The persecution of Jews in all countries And the trial of Galileo Galilei And excellence for women Religious wars and crusades that were in the name of restoring the Holy Cross and protecting the Eastern Christians You went there and killed all the people in brutal ways, raped them, and destroyed their homes, whether they were Christians or Muslims Even anointed pilgrims are there Most people basically entered the Crusades because of the dirty treatment, because most of them were slaves and were treated in the dirtiest way, or knights and feudal men who wanted to increase their influence, and the evidence is that they fought each other there because of their interests. The priests were exploiting the people there and the wealth until they became rich and the people were poor, so much so that people looted the churches and burned the church bells made of gold. Also, the church did nothing to free people from slavery Also, the clergy justified colonialism and the genocide of indigenous people And its relationship with some dictatorial regimes There are millions of things
      For Judaism, they consider people to be goyim The goyim were created in human form to serve them, and their lives are valuable. We all see what Israel is doing to the Palestinians as genocide, and they are called human animals, Christians or Muslims. They also see that they are the indigenous peoples and the rest of the peoples are not Isn’t this narcissistic thinking? The Torah describes Joshua’s occupation of the city of Jericho and says that he and his group slaughtered everything in the city, from men and women, from children and old people to cows, sheep, and donkeys. They burned the city and everything in it after they had plundered the gold, silver, and vessels of food.It also describes what happened to the people of Midian at the hands of the Jews, and says that they killed every male, killed the kings of Midian above their dead, captured its women and children, plundered all its livestock and all the property of the people of Midian, and burned all their cities and dwellings.Rabbi Yisrael Rosen, head of the “Tsomit” Institute and one of the most important authorities on Jewish fatwas, believes that a “giant” ruling must be applied “to everyone who harbors hatred for Israel within himself,” as the ruling stipulates the killing of men, children, and even infants. According to the Jewish religious heritage, the “Amalek” people were those who lived in the land of Palestine, and Joshua bin Nun was the first to apply this ruling, when he defeated the Amalekites and destroyed their city of Jericho. “Giant” is not limited to any race or religion The ruling of the Torah, as recited by Rabbi Yisrael Rosen, is: “Annihilate a giant from beginning to end. Kill them and strip them of their possessions. Show no mercy to them. Let the killing be continuous. One person will be followed by another. Leave no child behind Leave plants or trees, kill their livestock, from camels to donkeys
      According to the Jerusalem Center’s website, Rosen does not hesitate to identify “the giant of this era,” by saying that they are the Palestinians!! He adds: “Whoever kills students while reciting the Torah, and fires missiles at cities
      “He who dances on blood is a giant, and we must respond to him with counter-hatred, and we must remove any trace of humanity in our dealings with him, in order to be victorious.”Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, who is considered the first religious authority of the national religious movement in the Zionist entity, supports the implementation of a giant ruling. In fact, he always refers to one of the phrases that appeared in the ruling and says, “Remember your enemy and destroy him
      Do you see now that you are worse than us religiously as well? finally You do not know the Prophet married our Lady Aisha at what age That’s why don’t talk about something you don’t know Secondly, if it was her marriage, then it is not rape, and the evidence is that she was very sad for him after his death, and she was in charge of some of his affairs after his death, and she had a great position. She was the one who created it, not because she was his wife. I also want to understand why you look at the life of the Prophet. Do you see us worshiping the Prophet? We worship Allah The Prophet was free to do many good things in his life But he did not say that he was a god so that people would worship him like you did We worship God, and the Qur’an is the religion, not the life of the Prophet. If you want to know the religion, you will know it from the Qur’an. The life of the Prophet is a life of his own, like any human being. He did not tell you that he became a Muslim during his life. Rather, from the Qur’an We did not live in his time, so we do not know what happened. We only know that he sent us the Qur’an. What makes me sure that you are ignorant is that you heard from people that the Prophet did this and that without knowing the religion in the first place, and you say the same as them. Lol, what scholars said, “Kill the infidels.” This is the most important thing that made me realize that you don’t really know anything about religion and are repeating things like a foolish parrot. The Qur’an says whoever kills a soul unjustly, it is as if he has killed all souls. It means killing one innocent soul is like killing all human beings. This killing, regardless of whether he is Muslim or non-Muslim, is a grave sin. The commandments of war are not to kill women, children, and the elderly, or burn a tree, or kill an animal during war, or destroy agricultural land and crops, and these things. Forcing people to convert to religion is also forbidden. If you force a non-Muslim person to convert to Islam without his will, he is not a Muslim. Have you seen that you are thinking from your back and saying everything you hear without searching? Lol, since time immemorial, you have been the ones committing crimes, not us. Look at your history well. We do not play the role of the victim because we are actually victims. Look at history and you will know. What I want to tell you then is that most of the laws of Islamic countries are not Islamic in principle. There are only very few laws that are Islamic. Have you seen now that you are a laughingstock who thinks from your ass and knows first before you speak?

  5. Good game, super short, I guess that is fine. Also, to all you assholes, every religion has people that are technically part of it but don’t follow it. The lady in this game didn’t seem to avoid anything while shopping, talked to a man, and fucked him at the first opportunity.

    Like I am technically Anglican, but after I found out my religion exists because a drunken fat asshole wanted to divorce a daughter of Queen Isabella, well, fuck that. I haven’t been back to church except for funerals and weddings since I was 12.

    The lady in this game is Muslim in the same way Jews who eat bacon are, in name only. So, shove your hatred up your assholes, she is not looking to kill all Westerners or something, she came here for freedom, in the form of cock I guess haha, and she is never shown to be praying or anything, and he spends all day with her. So, shut the fuck up lol

    1. Muslims would do well not to “Westernize” their women or do stupid things like give them the vote. They would become whores like in this game.

  6. I’ve already already got my fair share of hatred and disrespect for Islam from the west countries but the comments on this game tho is smth else its really hilarious to see that 8yo babys that are Christians by name and i as a Muslim probably know the bible more than they’ve ever read teaching Muslims about Islam and accusing Islam women to be sluts while the Islam countries r the only countries that pornography and sex before marriage r illegal and to top it of the admins of this website r approving there comments

    1. Oh you are wrong. stop being so idiotic, your brain full of propaganda bullshit. in reality women from mid east immigrate here to taste “freedom” also funny most mid east women here buy condoms and pills the most while the rest of religion is mixed together even not match to those muslims, they are moved here to sex and work if they happy in their country why move?.
      if you talk in their country of course they will say NO to sex etc because you’ll be stoned or beheaded alive if you say YES.
      admin approved all of this comment section because freedom of speech, maybe in muslim country like yours freedom of speech severely limited. i feel sorry for u kid your only freedom only here on internet and i doubt you’ll also delete your history if your parents find out you’ll be stoned to death right?

      1. Lol, do you think I’m a fool like you? I speak without facts. Go and look at the law of the Arab countries. There is no stoning or cutting off the Russians. We are not like you, as Europe was in the Middle Ages, If a man or a woman here in the Middle East commits the crime of adultery, they will be imprisoned for only a few years. Research before you speak like an idiot Some countries like the Emirates actually have prostitution and you don’t get stoned so that you know that you are just an idiot who talks without looking As for statistics that say the opposite, they do not say that those who commit adultery and buy sexual intercourse are Muslims The percentage of legitimate children there. There are many Muslims. How have Muslims become so numerous in your opinion? Because they get married and do not feel sad and stressed like most of you. Just because your mother does this doesn’t mean everyone does it And you really make me laugh when you think that Muslims go to Europe for freedom and sex. Europe is a sexual animal jungle, along with America and Canada. We go there only because living is good and nothing more. Living in most Middle Eastern countries is very difficult That’s why you’ll find most Arabs going there It’s not about sex. We don’t think about our penis more like you. We’re not animals that follow their desires, in short We only go to find a good living, get married, and have a family, not looking for sex. You will find most Muslims there are married

        1. No, you are just burden to our society. look at you even you call human being an animal in reality we are animal, what are you plantae? fungi? and you expect to work in 1st world countries? work, work, work. what kind of work suitable for moron like u? prostitute is the best candidate for immigrant retards. Actually you are the only one who clueless here, go visit harlem you’d find dozens of muslims selling pussies on the street for whole entire block, go visit france nudist beach you’d find bitches from mid east enjoying sun naked. living in mid east of course hard because fools like you following outdated laws from million yrs ago, you can’t do this and that. you talking about fact, statistic bullshit and yet you never show the real data and use wikipedia which is can be edited by people and no need genius or real data to edit. you know shit stop acting like you understand whole world on the palm of your hand. that’s is very common retard way of thinking they always like they know everything.

          1. Firstly, you are a burden on your society. Secondly, I do not mean that the West is animals. I mean the human being whose thoughts are all about sex and thinks freedom is only sex, and you have laws of freedom that go beyond their limits, making the human being follow his desires and instincts like an animal. What distinguishes a person from an animal is the mind and thinking with reason before his instincts. This is why he must stand up for himself, get married, and not behave like animals Do you say that marriage and not making women a prostitute is something that is outdated? This is the most proof that your thinking is animalistic People are not everyone’s whores or sex toys People can correct information in Wikipedia, but Wikipedia uses very reliable documents and knows the laws of each country and certainly has not lied about them. It is the most reliable site Your disbelief in Wikipedia is just evasion, because I did not tell you to go to an Arabic site. I told you to go to an international site that everyone uses to collect information. Also, how did you know that they were from the Middle East? Did their face have their name on it and it said that they were from the Middle East? Do you see now that you are a liar? Your community wants someone to work and improve society, and immigrants always find better work than you there Because all immigrants think: Work hard to earn money so you can have a good living, a home, and have a family Not all of his thinking about sex and following his desires are like animals I don’t understand the whole world, but I’m sure I understand it better than you There are people in the West who think about working hard and intelligently and raising a family, and these people are not animals and are not a burden on their society. So I tell you, whoever thinks about his desires is an animal, no matter how Western, Arab, African, or whatever his race

          2. Firstly, you are a burden on your society. Secondly, I do not mean that the West is animals. I mean the human being whose thoughts are all about sex and thinks freedom is only sex, and you have laws of freedom that go beyond their limits, making the human being follow his desires and instincts like an animal. What distinguishes a person from an animal is the mind and thinking with reason before his instincts. This is why he must stand up for himself, get married, and not behave like animals Do you say that marriage and not making women a prostitute is something that is outdated? This is the most proof that your thinking is animalistic People are not everyone’s whores or sex toys People can correct information in Wikipedia, but Wikipedia uses very reliable documents and knows the laws of each country and certainly has not lied about them. It is the most reliable site Your disbelief in Wikipedia is just evasion, because I did not tell you to go to an Arabic site. I told you to go to an international site that everyone uses to collect information. Also, how did you know that they were from the Middle East? Did their face have their name on it and it said that they were from the Middle East? Do you see now that you are a liar? Your community wants someone to work and improve society, and immigrants always find better work than you there Because all immigrants think: Work hard to earn money so you can have a good living, a home, and have a family Not all of his thinking about sex and following his desires are like animals I don’t understand the whole world, but I’m sure I understand it better than you There are people in the West who think about working hard and intelligently and raising a family, and these people are not animals and are not a burden on their society. So I tell you, whoever thinks about his desires is an animal, no matter how Western, Arab, African, or whatever his race

      2. Lol, do you think I’m a fool like you? I speak without facts. Go and look at the law of the Arab countries. There is no stoning or cutting off the Russians. We are not like you, as Europe was in the Middle Ages, If a man or a woman here in the Middle East commits the crime of adultery, they will be imprisoned for only a few years. Research before you speak like an idiot Some countries like the Emirates actually have prostitution and you don’t get stoned so that you know that you are just an idiot who talks without looking As for statistics that say the opposite, they do not say that those who commit adultery and buy sexual intercourse are Muslims The percentage of legitimate children there. There are many Muslims. How have Muslims become so numerous in your opinion? Because they get married and do not feel sad and stressed like most of you. Just because your mother does this doesn’t mean everyone does it And you really make me laugh when you think that Muslims go to Europe for freedom and sex. Europe is a sexual animal jungle, along with America and Canada. We go there only because living is good and nothing more. Living in most Middle Eastern countries is very difficult That’s why you’ll find most Arabs going there It’s not about sex. We don’t think about our penis more like you. We’re not animals that follow their desires, in short We only go to find a good living, get married, and have a family, not looking for sex. You will find most Muslims there are married

      3. Muslim women doesn’t have sex before marriage because of there religion not there countries, adultery is a sin in Islam and Christianity however, Muslims doesn’t get involved in it but western countries who’s most of there civilians are Christians are the one who is famous of doing it under the phrase “open minded” and “freedom” and now your saying Muslim women are sluts because they respect there religion, and to answer your question if they are happy in their country why move? they move either because the education there are considered better or because most of mid east counties are hard to live in because of there currency and that’s usually the reason and there’s also some ppl who’s life is already good in there countries they think that western countries are more developed than us but i think that’s dumb tbh cuz if u look ate Dubai or Kuwait for example its the same but everyone have their own mind.
        and if you think that freedom of speech is disrespecting someone or a whole religion cuz your country says they are bad, then i truly feel sorry for you, cuz if you did some history research you would see how peaceful Muslims and Christians lived together in the past and now, while if you see america’s history for example you would see how much they hated Muslim and are making them look like monsters.
        and Islam teaches us to be respectful for every human being that’s why you’ve never seen a Muslim disrespect someone for their religion or anything else

    2. Yep They are a group of pigs throwing their filth on people who have not seen their history, what it looks like when they killed half the world’s population and lived on their corpses.They did not see what they also had in terms of pornography, stress, sexual materials, pornographic films, sex tools for sale, and contraceptives.

  7. Really funny to see some Muslim terrorist defending against facts by making some fake Name accs lol
    No matter what ya’ll Ped0 worshipers say your pathetic religion is disease for humanity
    Some 50+ old 🧓 guy R@pes a 6y0 girl and ya’ll started praising him as your prophet(Muhhamed = Pedophile Hag) lmao one of the funniest thing you can read about P!sslam in Quran
    P!sslam in a Nutshell (🐷 🐖 🥩 🥓 🐪 💦 💣 💥 🕋 🤲)
    Your stupid qooran teaches Quran to kill all non-Muslims and spread jihad soo fk you P!g fkers n Ped0 worshipers cvnts, Muslims harmful for humankind

    1. Lol, have you really read the Qur’an? Of course not
      If you really knew the Qur’an, you would know that the Qur’an says that whoever kills an innocent soul is as if he has killed all souls Would you like me to give you texts from other religions that incite murder? I do not believe that Muslims were the ones who caused the First and Second World Wars and colonized the countries of the world I do not know that Muslims were the ones who carried out genocide in America and enslaved blacks and indigenous people It was not Muslims who carried out the Spanish Inquisition and the massacres, and who dropped nuclear bombs on Hrishima They are not the ones who stole the lands and natural resources of other countries They were not the ones who did the Crusades It is not they who created the organization Kkk They are not the ones who support Israel to commit genocide. Do you want me to continue? There are many As for the Qur’an, it is at least one copy and not several copies Look carefully whose religion is fake They are free to prohibit whatever they want. They are not animals like you who follow their desires until the percentage of illegitimate children has become close to the number of your legitimate children.

  8. This is muslim true face in reality too, no christian with this kind of degeneracy. lets genocide them make this world better place.

    1. Remind me again of the largest countries that have illegitimate children What about the countries that stress children the most? What about the countries that sell most sexual and contraceptive products, including condoms and birth control pills? What about most of the countries that show sex in their films, series, and release sexual films? I do not think that Muslim countries do all this In short, this is your real face I did not say that you deserve extermination because I am not a terrorist like you

      1. then can you tell me? of course you pointed western countries but in reality not all people on western countries are christian even muslim immigrants buy condoms and pills here that’s why they want to move to west because of freedom, but most terrorist also moved here too to harass native people. sweden back in 2007 was peaceful now you religious terrorist started a fight here, muslim men verbally harass women who wear skirts and mini shorts it’s about time we fight back and funny most mid eastern like you call us racist while in reality you are the one who started this. muslim don’t do like you said in their country because they’re afraid and will lead them to their death that’s why they move to more free countries. stop being so hypocrite.
        if you think you really right then take this immigrant from muslim country and don’t let them out from your country. i feel safer that way.

        1. Lol, do you think I’m a fool like you? I speak without facts. Go and look at the law of the Arab countries. There is no stoning or cutting off the Russians. We are not like you, as Europe was in the Middle Ages, If a man or a woman here in the Middle East commits the crime of adultery, they will be imprisoned for only a few years. Research before you speak like an idiot Some countries like the Emirates actually have prostitution and you don’t get stoned so that you know that you are just an idiot who talks without looking As for statistics that say the opposite, they do not say that those who commit adultery and buy sexual intercourse are Muslims The percentage of legitimate children there. There are many Muslims. How have Muslims become so numerous in your opinion? Because they get married and do not feel sad and stressed like most of you. Just because your mother does this doesn’t mean everyone does it And you really make me laugh when you think that Muslims go to Europe for freedom and sex. Europe is a sexual animal jungle, along with America and Canada. We go there only because living is good and nothing more. Living in most Middle Eastern countries is very difficult That’s why you’ll find most Arabs going there It’s not about sex. We don’t think about our penis more like you. We’re not animals that follow their desires, in short We only go to find a good living, get married, and have a family, not looking for sex. You will find most Muslims there are married Also, Muslims are among those who flirt with girls. If you see a man in the street flirting with a girl, how do you know that he is a Muslim? Did he face a card or what? Did you see that you are a lying hypocrite? Look on the Internet, really, who is harassing others in online videos, whether they are in Sweden, America, or elsewhere, and at least we are not the ones who killed the indigenous people. Also, you killed half the planet’s population in your wars, colonialism, and occupations, and you stole the wealth of other countries and committed genocide in the world war. You support genocide now. Muslims are called terrorists, shame on you Even the terrorists did not kill a single percent of those you killed

  9. Rag head simulator.

    Will it have any towel heads blowing themselves up in dynamite vests or cooking babies in ovens?

    1. Oh man, who is the fool who told you that? I see many Western fools speaking without evidence. I am not a Muslim, but there is no evidence that Hamas is doing this. It is all false rumours. At least Hamas has photographic evidence of Israel’s actions. Don’t accuse people without evidence like some people do Secondly, the West invented dynamite in the first place

        1. Lol, Hamas in Palestine, and the events you mention happened in America. Do you want me to bring you the crimes of America and Israel, including massacres, killing children, imprisoning them, other than killing innocent people, storming their countries, stealing their natural wealth, and many others? I know a lot and they are all recorded in history

      1. LOL

        I didn’t even say Hamas but you knew right away what I was referring to.

        So how many babies did you roast alive today?

        1. You do not need to say Hamas because without Hamas, Israel accuses it without evidence of killing and maiming children. If you have evidence, show it to me. Of course you cannot because you are a liar, but I can give you millions of evidence of Israel’s crimes.

          1. Meh. Don’t care. Palestine (that doesn’t even really exist) is a muslim dump full of terrorists nobody else wants. The IDF has already liquidated over 15,000 and hopefully gets many more kills.

  10. It’s hilarious. You have fags and feminists wearing hijabs now in support of hamas across the West. Mostly retards who have had their brains polluted in a so called college. More like an indoctrination camp. Anyway the funny part is feminism and fags don’t fly in the Muslim world. Well they do try. As they are thrown off a roof.

    1. Lol man, whoever supports Israel is the one who has garbage and Nazi thinking in his mind Women support Palestine because this is normal because their thinking is not Nazi like yours It always makes me laugh when I see people who believe that there is stoning for women in Arab countries. I am a Christian and live in a Muslim country. Women there have freedom. They wear what they want and do what they want There is only one thing for which they and men are held accountable, which is adultery, for which both men and women are sentenced to imprisonment

      1. LOL, mein kampf is a best selling book in the muslim world you dip shit. Nice try on trying to gaslight though. Everything you said is bullshit. You must be practicing Taqiyya.

        1. Lol, can you prove otherwise? He told you that he lives there. Only you want to believe your lies. You have millions of videos of women in Islamic countries wearing whatever they want and nothing happens to them. It seems like you live in a cave.

            1. Man, if I’m lying, you hypocritical pig, prove it Because in short, you have Wikipedia that can prove to you the punishment for adultery in the Middle East. You will enter and find that the punishment for adultery is imprisonment for several years for men and women, and it is permitted in some countries such as the Emirates. At least I have proof. You don’t. If you had it, you would have proven it and not accused me of lying like a coward, you hypocritical pig.

    1. LMAO nice parody of the whiny bitches writing comments like that on so many games, captured the incel essence perfectly. ‘b-b-but the definition of stallion…’ haha so damn lame it’s hilarious

    1. Nah she’s FROM a country like that, not IN a country like that. Hence the 1 sentence description stating that, and the image of a Blonde in an even more revealing crop top reading USA

      1. She would have been living in a Muslim community as they refuse to learn English/assimilate into the culture so she would absolutely be stoned in the streets by those who enforce the Muslim laws even in the US.

        1. Lol didn’t I tell you that you are an idiot thinking out of your ass All Arab countries learn French, German and English The punishment for adultery is mentioned in Wikipedia: you continue to lie without evidence because you know that you are a hypocritical pig. The punishment for adultery in Arab countries is several years in prison for both sexes. If it is a man or a woman It is allowed in some countries such as the Emirates It’s forbidden there too, but there are some complicated things, but no one gets stoned. You don’t need to think out of your ass anymore. Wikipedia is there.

    2. As a Muslim we don’t stone it really suprise me how many people think we stone to death matter of fact even in Iraq when anyone mentions Iraq you imagine lawless country ruled by religion but it’s not woman have absolute freedom to wear hijab or not to wear tight clothes or not make some research friend but i can’t say the same about Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan

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