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Lost & Found [v0.9] [Jun1or72]

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Editor's Rating

Story - 54%
Visual - 76%
Engagement - 70%
Core Loop - 58%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.45 ( 29 votes)

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  1. All the taboo shit is gone. Replaced with landlady garbage.

    Trash game. 👎

  2. So, this is a Kinetic Novel (no player choices whatsoever). It’s basically a re-write of My New Family from a different author using Honey Select characters that almost all look identical. Even your grandmother looks like she’s ~28, while your mother looks ~21.

    Having said that, the characters mostly look good, except almost all of them have DD chests. Only two I’ve seen so far have large C-cups, and none are any smaller than that (I’m about ~40 minutes through the click-fest). Animation scenes are okay, but not top notch.

    As for the writing, it’s right around 6th grade level. Short sentences, mostly meaningless banter. Even during sex scenes it’s a bit dumbed down with moaning/howling.

    It does have one redeeming character – Kylie, your half-sister. Her backstory is actually enjoyable compared to the others, who are pretty much just filler characters.

    The overall pacing of the story is WAY too fast. You get introduced to someone, and ~24-48 hours later (in-game, which is roughly 5-6 minutes of reading), you are already screwing them.

    If you’re looking to play a fast kinetic novel (no choices) with Honey Select characters that has little story behind it, but has some fap content, it’ll fit the bill. If you’re looking for something with meaning and top-shelf production values (like Leap of Faith or Sisterly Lust), this isn’t it.

    Overall rating from me would be a 2.5 out of 5. Simple, fast, barely passable.. but maybe worth one read.

  3. Haven’t finished current content yet. Like it well enough.

    Some char faces are great: redhead Kylie is lovely and Marion is wonderful.

    Writing can be off at times. Too many “no worries” and “thanks for explaining, you have my blessing”.

    Drama: some that’s there is glossed over while others are forced. Glossed over for example being the difference in welcome from Jennifer to MC and Beth. I noticed and it bugged me but so far hasn’t been brought up.

    Then there’s Susan, she straight up pissed me off. Everyone we’re in a relationship with including our soulmate and Susan; everything Susan had to endure losing her first two children; not having had a talk about children with anyone yet, and Susan asks that our first child be made with her friend that we’re not in a relationship with, but is also married to someone. And being a KN we don’t get a choice in the matter.

    Then the goth comes back, not for long I can only hope.

  4. I dont know whats with people screaming RIPOFF.
    Who gives a shit? Fifa is selling copy paste every year for massive money. So shut the fuck up.
    If writing is good, it will sell!

    This however..
    Is shitshow.
    MC supposedly IP Traced person through discord? As if. (Could have as well IP traced his ex fiance from her church farts, where she left him)
    Then he meets a woman driving a Bugatti and she takes him to a freaking 1$ dinner?
    On top of that, after spending so many hours traveling , eating and finally reaching a what looks like 9999 star hotel.
    That same Bugatti woman has sex with dirty , unshaved , smelly tard of an mc?

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