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Lineage or Legacy [Ch.4 Act II] [Biting The Bullet]

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– Add ‘cheat’ points function
– Choices for all points


Unzip the mod and put the folder named “game” from the mod in “LineageorLegacy-pc” folder. Or extract the mod’s zip file and move all the files in the “game” folder that you’ve extracted to the “LineageorLegacy-pc” ‘s game folder. Overwrite files if required.

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Unzip the mod and put the folder named “game” from the mod in “LineageorLegacy-pc” folder. Or extract the mod’s zip file and move all the files in the “game” folder that you’ve extracted to the “LineageorLegacy-pc” ‘s game folder. Overwrite files if required.

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Editor's Rating

Story - 78%
Visual - 80%
Engagement - 77%
Core Loop - 80%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.7 ( 43 votes)

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  1. The thing I like about the game is the mc development and the other characters too, I hope this game update soon can’t wait!🙌🏼

  2. Really some good stuff in this game. It’s very engaging once you get into it. The start is just kinda rough. I don’t mean because it’s hard to stomach the MC in the beginning, it’s obviously part of the catharsis. But the characters’s dialogue is kind of flat/transparent. Like, you can tell it’s one person behind the lines. Dev does seem to improve on this as the game progresses, but I think it just needs a little tidying up on that front early on. People react sort of 1-dimensionally. Other than that, really enjoying playing it.

  3. Words can’t express how awesome this game is! Please always update, we need more games like this🙌🏼

  4. I also forgot to say in comment that innext update hope the develop added a hint box in gallery so that we can see what we need to unlock the scene because for me the image I did not know how to unlock all them so a hint box on what action the Mc need to take unlock would be very helpful, another is please if developers what please add another tag such as harem and incest the reason why say that is because there is so many girls that like the Mc and it same that he would need to choose one in end hope, that there is ending where Mc choose all the girl because that would really light the game n fire in good way because of all the work you get to do on girls you only have end up with one that a shame given how in beginning the story start and later makes you sympathetic and you want the Mc to end with a proper girl even if that means he end with multiple girls really hope😀that there is and ending in the game like that. Another is incest because from the look there is chemistry between mom and sister, I mean the moms looks hot and if you not gonna add incest why make the mom hot the sister I get but mom even in her bio she 39 which she looks still hot if not gonna added that in then was expecting the mom to look the maid kinda hot or not at same time so please added that for mom please and the sister because I like how the sister looks at Mc vice versa and sister does not deserve that guy Johnny for me it feels like his using her to get in her pants and see why her because given her home environment it makes sense which why hope Mc save and helps her an they do the deed , hope that also get added because I really the develop take my comment because I’m gonna post it also on patrons as well because I see that game has lot potential so much so I don’t mind waiting till may of June for the next update an I’m not a waiting type of guy but if the game is that good I don’t mind waiting 2 or 3 months for realse update,just hope the develop take as feedback an maybe added some of the comment I mentioned. 😊

  5. Play the game an I like it, 👍 the only thing I have to say is when the next release because this was answome, an hope they added the cheat mod back because that was really helpful so we van see the choice we could have made if that another route because you have keep going back to choose the other like it before where you could choose both route or view hope that in next update that you can make so story can have both routes because feel like that would be interesting, other than that 9.5 out of 10 just because they removed the mod because that help made the game more easy and able to see the route that did not choose 😉

  6. The Lincoln lookalike transforms from a bullied kid into the biggest asshole you can find in this game. Have fun with this piece of crap, it’s not my thing.

  7. Wow this game is 👍, hope they can continue because the game kinda a bit relates to lot us in one point of time ,but man this is answome just hope this get an update in this please I hate for good game to abandon, If you need support to help with the game I’m your man ,I’ll continue supporting.

    1. This is actually pretty good, glad to see the dev is remaking the chapters and the remade chapter I played was really well done

  8. I’d have to agree, it’s rather implausible that the bullies would stay away for 2 whole years while MC was “improving.” I’d add on that there’s NO point to Kaylee or whatever the Asian looking geek girl who buggers off from the “coffe date” while MC is getting the crap beaten out of him by her stalker (more because you as the DEV want to pile on than any sort of sense in the story – Jeez man, you couldn’t even let the poor bastard have a fucking coffee with ONE girl who wasn’t remotely guaranteed yet? = Did you READ your own game’s title??? Because that is not the path that provides Lineage. And the only legacy that provides is abject humiliation. Her jetting on him does not put her in any better a light by the way, did she not have a phone? If she heard what the hell was going on, she could have called the cops and literally ended her own problem as well as paid MC fairly back for the save earlier…) even being on the list. You made the choice for her to blow it off; so god knows what she’s been up to, and who wit,h for how long since that point. For all MC knows she could be a massive party girl/super freak slut now. That’s not a good idea to start any sort of “romance path.” With anyone. Also, Mikeala’s not even on the list – so why force us to interact with the bitch. Otherwise it seems like skipped content. Frankly, START MC OFF as the Demi Chad you sort of kind of turn him into by the end. He can still be the almost cool guy that looks like he really should be; can defend himself and IS a nerd/geek/adorkable at heart. Better start off point.

    There’s also the fact the first actual sex scene I got to, was way too fast DTF; and it glitched out before it got to the “good part” so it actually skipped all of anything I might have invested in. Med Student doesn’t necessarily intant ONS girl. It would be better to have actual progression to invest in the girls. Other than that, what’s the point? First thing I’d fix is your intro and time scale. He’s either a dead man, or she’s a porn star with no contact and that’s not condusive to her being in the list of affection a all. Next thing I’d work on is not getting your H Scenes to glitch out and skip over. A little bit of ribbing is fine but man; you do know what Respect is, right? The word isn’t spelled “I Have To Be Everybody’s Bent Over Little Bitch.” Nor is being rude when it’s not been duly earned anywhere near appropriate. Also, checking out a hot girl’s ass when she’s willingly in MC’s dorm and knows what’s going to happen because SHE wants it to, is NOT rude. It’s quite normal, to I’d argue, very much expected.

    There’s also the point that if you want to make Teacher Boy seem less passive aggressive and seem instead like he actually has some authority in his own goddamn classroom when Mikala tries to sex kitten it up; have him say “Little Girl, I’m Tenured. It doesn’t matter who your mommy or your daddy is. The school can’t get rid of me without a DAMNED good reason.” Then have him say when she walks out the door, before she leaves his presence “And the next time you think you can threaten me with sexual assault charges, remember… it’d be a real shame if you were to have a sudden unfortunate accident.” [Implying she’s got to be ALIVE to do so… and he might be more dangerous than she wants to wrestle with. Without actually threatening her directly. Since accidents can happen anywhere and he need not necessarily be involved. It’s plausible deniability – to scare her off, and it doesn’t make him look simpering or stupid] It would also be implied the same might happen if she DOES tell her parents on him. You could even spin it as he got that tenure with possible mob connections or he’s using the teaching gig as a cover. Since you involved Vets for basically no reason (and not everyone who goes to a fighting club would necessarily have served…) Maybe he’s black ops and has that training. Either way man… multiple things to fix. I’d recommend at best to wait for a few updates if anyone else wants to try this game. If you can handle the denegration of the MC fair enough, but it’s not really in a playable state at the moment.

  9. the mod remvoes like 50% of all the photos off every scene so its just black error page every other click to progress the story

  10. The game is not bad…maybe to many exclusive paths…choosing to go to one place you completely loose the possibility to meet other girls…not very consistent with a school setting. Same with main story…Mc is bullied…but somehow the bullies give him a 2 years break, has some minor bruises not requiring hospital and claimed to be “gone in a few weeks” but 2 years later still has them.
    Creator is updating the renders…it is strongly needed. Girls don’t look attractive at all, in most cases they look like some low budget trans and you expect them to pull out their dick at any moment.
    No big story but guess after rework could be pleasant to play.

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