GamesUnreal EngineWindow

Kalyskah [v0.23.3] [Nobre Lobo]

Download for Windows

How to heal yourself:

Press Alt to activate the blood buff and heal yourself (The big red ball in the screen). It will consume blood points (the red bar under the blue one) and it’s a togglable thing, which means that you need to remember to deactivate it so it won’t consume your whole Blood Points.

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Editor's Rating

Story - 83%
Visual - 81%
Engagement - 83%
Core Loop - 81%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.36 ( 22 votes)

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  1. Man, what a disappointment. Adjustable characters and scenes like the first 2 screencaps show is exactly what I am looking for. But dumb fighting scenes are exactly what I am NOT looking for when I play a lewd game. If you made sex scenes playable without all the other crap dev I would try it, but you say yourself the sex scenes are few and not easily accessible. No thanks.

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