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I keep Dying in Another World -What the hell, Goddess!- [Final] [Artoonu]

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Editor's Rating

Story - Brace yourself for an engaging narrative that transcends the boundaries of a mere adult-themed game.It defies the stereotypes and enthralls players with its well-crafted storyline. We found ourselves irresistibly drawn to the intricate murder mystery that unfolds before our very eyes. The level of writing is truly commendable, managing to keep us hooked from the beginning to end. - 90%
Visual - While aesthetics aren't the sole focus here, the visual aspect of the game does a commendable job of immersing players into a fantastical world. The artwork brilliantly captures the essence of the story, employing vibrant colors and evocative character designs. The attention to detail is remarkable, further accentuating the depth of the experience. Although the visual elements may not rival those of AAA titles, they flawlessly serve their purpose, drawing players further into the captivating narrative. - 84%
Engagement - Prepare to be captivated from the moment you enter this mystical realm.It envelopes players in a world of intrigue, suspense, and unforeseen circumstances. Every step of the journey presents new and exciting challenges, resulting in an addictive gameplay experience. We were delighted to discover that this game offers far more than mere adult content; it's a complex adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat. - 95%
Core Loop - The core loop of may differ from traditional gaming experiences. Instead of granting players choices, it takes them on an enthralling ride through a meticulously woven story. While some might crave interactivity, the game succeeds in captivating players with its intricate and well-paced narrative. - 88%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.33 ( 10 votes)

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  1. This is not a game, it is an animated comic. There are no paths or choices, just read a long and useless text and see some pictures. As a game my vote is 0 on 5. It should be moved to “comics” sections of this website. Maybe it is a good comic, I do not know.

  2. True, no game ever requires a harem – but the genre of Isekai does tend to become one with a great amount of frequency. Most of the games that I’ve commented COULD be harems. I believe they should be, because I do not like penalizing a player for having more than one choice, and or not wanting to have to make one. It doesn’t mean that it has to be a harem, just because I write that in my opinion it should. Which is all it ever is whenever I write those words. My personal preference, and my opinion on what the game should be. The devs will likely never listen to that if they didn’t intend to go there eventually, anyway. I know it, you know it, and anyone else who can write on our level knows that as well. As far as whether it’s a harem or not, as a dating sim, I noted in the short time I played the game, no actual choices to deliniate that I was choosing to be with a specific female either. So it really didn’t do either of them.

    “Ignorance” is bliss; until you walk off a cliff. It might not be malicious, but in this case I would call it willful. They did not have to assign the MC to keep dying in exactly the same way – in several times, the exact same spot, and to the same characters. With the same dialogue… There’s a difference between “I need a few takes to figure out what’s going on,” and I’m going to keep running into the same brick wall thinking I’ll be like the Kool-Aid guy if I try hard enough. Again, the example of Dark Souls applies. I don’t think it’s a bad hero’s journey because he does die; he’s got a super power in the respawn factor. I think said respawn factor is not enough to actually make him the “Hero” of the tale, if they’re not going to take it seriously enough because “parody” as an excuse, that they properly progress his arc so that he can get the job done. I especially don’t like that they have literal divine intervention, and the best that she has done for him to the point I stopped playing was a set of black cards, and that respawn power that keeps putting him back into a dangerous path, so he dies again in like three seconds flat. It’s like, you understand that even at base, most deities have amazing amounts of comparative power that they can grant their followers boons with, in order to ensure they actually have and or keep said followers. It’s not all about specific portfolios. Treated like any other race, Gods have a baseline of things they can do. It’s just a higher and more complex level of magics. I wouldn’t even mind if it took in canon time line, half of forever to get to the point he wins… so long as they do eventually scale his power to the point he can solve the main quest.

    1. “I do not like penalizing a player for having more than one choice”

      This seems like an odd way to look at choice-based narratives. The penalty of taking many kinds of choices is to deny the outcome of another. Look at how many people here complain that their choice doesn’t matter; I can probably find one or two of your reviews saying similar.

      But you’re right, this has nothing to do with this particular choiceless game.

      “As far as whether it’s a harem or not, as a dating sim, I noted in the short time I played the game, no actual choices to deliniate that I was choosing to be with a specific female either. So it really didn’t do either of them.”

      Look, in the tags for the game it says #Kinetic Novel, and it doesn’t say #Dating Sim, and it doesn’t say #Harem. The game is very clear it’s neither choice-based, nor a dating sim, nor involves a harem. So the statement serves no purpose. It adds nothing to context.

      I could spend a paragraph explaining how the game has no sci-fi elements to it, but to what end? With a quick look at the images and tags, you can see this is probably true so unless it’s important that the game has no sci-fi elements, why would I bring it up?

      I wouldn’t.

      The game has no harem elements and gives no expectations to have any harem elements, so why bring it up?

      I wouldn’t.

      The game file says there are no choices so why bring up the lack of choices?

      You get the idea.

      I have nothing to say about the second paragraph because I didn’t actually play/read the game/story. The statements you make seem fairly thought-out and balanced against the game itself, taking the work for what it is and commenting upon what was there. This, to me, is what a review should be.

      I’ll have to trust you that the game was intended as a parody. I caught attempts at humor (just checked; yep, there’s the #Humor tag) except I didn’t find the parts I did read to be all that humorous. I can see what they went for, I just didn’t find it compelling.

      But Parody? Eh. If you say so. I’m not going to read this story fully just to find out.

  3. Game is a waste of time that wants to laugh at the main character – It SHOULD be a harem; and that SHOULD be in the tags, but that would actually require the devs to bother to give the PLAYER CHOICES. Instead they give him ONE fucking power which is literally just to “respawn.” Nothing else.

    You want to do Batman Detective bullshit – MAYBE TRY NOT MURDERING THE MOTHER FUCKER EVERY SIX SCENES!
    He’s NOT solving jack shit like that you retards. It’s NOT parody if you don’t at least attempt to SOME extent to take the fucking story seriously. Parody means you actually respect the material and troupes you’re GENTLY RIBBING. It’s not trolling the player for wanting to play your damned game. Jesus Christ this is NOT a hard concept, but based on your animations I don’t think getting anyone hard will ever be the problem. By which I mean unless you’re literally a masochist, don’t waste your time or your gigs on this bullshit. It’s not funny, most of the cast isn’t even human and for the guy that’s meant to “save the cheerleader, save the world – you dipshits, and yeah I got the bloody reference. Not Subtle – you started the MC screwed right off the bat, with EVERYONE including half the girls STABBING HIS ASS.

    1. I have some honest questions. No really, if you want to be treated honestly and sincerely I’m willing to give everyone one or two tries, so here we go.

      Why should this game be Harem? Explain as if I haven’t played this game yet. (I haven’t, because I’m reading your review as a review and you suggest not to download it, and I’d like to know why.)

      I know you usually focus on Harem aspects of games, but I figure there’s an easy to explain reason why this particular game needs one. Is it the setup? Is it something about how the girls act to the MC? Is it the MC itself? Why a Harem?

      Why can someone not solve a murder if they can respawn? What about the respawning deteriorates the MC’s ability to solve? I’d think that being unkillable would make it easier to go back on the case than having to worry about staying alive! How does this game fail on that?

      You seem to think that the player is being trolled. How is the player being trolled? Can you explain the core gameplay loop, again in a way that would make sense to someone who’s never played the game?

      Is “Stabbing His Ass” a euphemism? Is there pegging in this game?

      Please consider this a genuine series of questions from someone who would like to know more as a review, and unless you mock me in the response I promise not to mock you, even a little, even in gentle ribbing.

      (Parody doesn’t have to be gentle ribbing, btw. If you haven’t seen the movie Airplane! then I highly recommend it as a near perfect form of forceful parody. Mel Brooks typically does it better, even if it’s mostly satire, but even his parody is anything but gentle. Young Frankenstein, e.g. Enjoy!)

      1. Okay, see if you approached comments in this specific way Murikan, I have no problem responding civilly. I do wish you’d do so more often. I’ve stated before in other comments, I have no problem discussing aspects of any game I’ve played here or clarifying my points, if a commenter in responds wants to do so and can be civil about it. Debates are fine. Disagreements are also fine. Discussion about games, I would highly encourage. If you ever had legitimate questions about any of my reviews, I’d be happy to talk it out. I just don’t like and never have been made fun of, for no reason other than you obviously disagree with my takes.

        This style of game is generally made to be a harem, even outside of parody settings. Isekai is famously one of the aspects of the Harem genre on the whole. So while no, it doesn’t HAVE to be a harem; it’s better served if it is or will become one. Furry and monster girl content also happen to be a frequent part of the harem genre. Especially in Isekai settings.

        It’s not the randomly dying every three scenes that is trolling the player – it’s the manner in which he’s killed, and the fact he’s not even given a remote chance to fight back. It’s done far too crass from the start, like the dev doesn’t give a crap about his MC or actively hates him. He goes up to the bandits about seven times before meeting Veery… and he dies. Veery doesn’t even remember the fact she raped him the first time they met – so she kills him too, for insinuating she would do something he knows she’s already done, and having expectations that every player of this sort of game would naturally have… that sex should at some point happen, with the major characters. In the city after going with the bunny girl, they see a woman in obvious distress and the Devs thought it would be funny to have an over reactive dog captain of the guard cut MC down for literally asking the random woman a question to see if he could help her. I’d posit to you, how is that “harrassment?” This is what I mean about trolling the player.

        They stated the premise of the game in the title, and I get it. He’s unskilled, unprepared, and likely going to die a lot. But you don’t have to go out of your way to make it a sledge hammer of “you’re never going to win, because we’re going to beat this dead horse as our one trick until playing is not fun.” If they want to be Dark Souls about it; the game is an asshole to the player, and especially new ones, but there’s viable character progression. Eventually through level ups and better gearing, you get the skill to survive that you otherwise would not have had. The detective aspect might have saved it, if it was handled well. But the guy is a computer programmer (and I take massive exception as an actual writer – whether you agree or not about that point is irrelevant – on making a Main Character so bluntly a self insert. I will grant at least he’s not the classic Gary Stu of a Harem Genre game in general, but they also went too far in the other direction) He has NO ability to necessarily solve this case himself. He has a goddess that’s given him one actual power, that’s about as useless as it ever is in any video game as far as I’m concerned. No he doesn’t technically die with a game over, but it’s still a death and there are players that do not like that. I’m one of them. It breaks the power fantasy that most Isekai are supposed to be, or become. There is no level up system, and I never saw him find any gear to potentially better protect himself, so this game is missing several aspects that are standard to RPG’s that would make the premise of the game’s core a little more palatable.

        My point about “gentle” ribbing was that it wasn’t outright vindictive. Gentle was perhaps the wrong choice in wording, but it’s the same point as with banter that I recently made in my reviews in the currently re-worked Where It All Began. It’s not meant to be malicious, and it feels like the devs do not understand, or don’t care about that finer point.

        1. > an over reactive dog captain of the guard cut MC down for literally asking the random woman a question to see if he could help her. I’d posit to you, how is that “harrassment?” This is what I mean about trolling the player.
          That’s a pretty fair point.

        2. I wish you would treat the material more civilly, but that’s a me problem. I still don’t like what to me reads like “I don’t like this game and I won’t explain why but the author better fix it or he’s stupid”. This particular post was short, tho, and therefore easy to draw out some genuine questions to answer what you meant vs. what I read.

          What do you mean “this style of game”? And what about it requires the Harem setting? I genuinely do not understand what kind of game needs the Harem consideration? I honestly do not understand why this game should’ve been Harem.

          Spoiler: After my post I downloaded the game, turned on “skip unseen”, and just held down the control key. Something about how you said there were no decisions had me curious. I don’t know if the #Kinetic Novel tag was there when you wrote what you wrote, but you sounded like you were demeaning the author for making it a #Kinetic Novel. Were you? If so, why?

          And why does a Harem game need choices? The author could’ve just as easily done what they did and gotten a harem ending. Not with that story, but I don’t see why Guy Fucks Twelve Girls needs choices. “Single Again” has few if any substantive choices and it’s already a harem and I’m loving almost all of it. Should I not be? Am I wrong to like it?

          See, this is why to me you seem like you’re putting your own expectations on someone else’s fiction, and I don’t understand why. This could be entirely me. But that’s beside the current response.

          Moving on.

          I think a game where the MC gets his shit wrecked and still somehow comes out on top is a good hero’s journey. I didn’t see signs of that in my hyper-fast run-through, but it *could* have been.

          The example of “trolling the player” is clear and succinct. Even if I hadn’t skimmed the game I would’ve understand the point being made. Five By Five.

          I think you give people too much credit for understanding satire, in part because satire takes practice, patience, skill, or all three. What do they say? “Don’t assign to malice what could easily be assigned to ignorance?” How many of the games on DikGames are people trying their hand at writing? Or composition? Sure they probably didn’t know how to do satire, but let’s at least give them the chance.

          They apparently didn’t do it well. Fair enough.

          I think it’s amazing that someone started a porn game and actually finished it. Kudos for them for that! I hope they learn from the experience and try again, because that’s pretty cool.

          The story was a bit rushed, writing a bit bland (I did stop and read sections), sex scenes a bit uninspired (didn’t even stop for all of those), but if we can use this as a Shitty First Draft to another iseki or time-travel Hero Keeps Getting Killed story, I’m all for that.

          Even if there’s no harem ending. 😉

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