
Food Truck Story [Ch. 5 v0.55] [Mukashi]

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Editor's Rating

Story - 94%
Visual - 86%
Engagement - 91%
Core Loop - 94%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.85 ( 30 votes)

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One Comment

  1. Just checked the dude’s paetron for this – the count is 10, at not even $65 a month.
    Unless they’ve got a very good job, I don’t think he’s gonna be able to create the renders consistently that people will want.

    Saying this as the former Wolfie H (Wolfe Hearte, frankly the boss I was originally under registered the name wrong, so I always had By Wolfe Hearte in my articles – but I’m also not sure which version of the name people saw) I wrote an article about this one. I will say the story was flawed. Not bad. There is a difference. There WAS potential, and any negativity I expressed was meant to encourage progress.

    It does suck this one is very likely abandoned (or definitely playing the tortoise rather than the hare) because with TLC it had the mark of a decent harem game. It was a bit too focused on money; one of the girls was a rabid bitch for no reason, one of the girls was your uncle’s lover… so yeah. A few complications to work out. Especially since MC was tithed to him for the whole crux of the story. It’s never fun to see a story that has the ability to become compelling go down. So hopefully the dev can find a way to turn this one around. But that would definitely take more money than I’ve got. Maybe I should get a food truck and take my own shot. My luck, I’d end up poisoning everyone and up to my eyeballs in debt, but Que Cera…

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