AndroidGamesRen'pyVisual NovelWindow

Dreamland [v0.2.7] [Dokiden]

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Multi-Mod


  • Added a “Unlock all” to scenes and images
  • Green colored hints added to dialogue
  • Made most transitions faster (Fade to black,opening menu,when it pans over image etc…)
  • Replaced animations with video files to reduce lag

Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.

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Editor's Rating

Story - 90%
Visual - 96%
Engagement - 92%
Core Loop - 88%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.12 ( 144 votes)

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  1. Great game when i played it, however it is definitely short. I understand the devas must have wanted to test the water first but I hope the next chapter releases after this will be a lot longer since this game has got massively positive feedback.

  2. Fantastic visuals, dialog, scenes, animations, music. He does stuff with scenes that I’ve never seen done in a VN. All the characters have depth and individual personalities and characteristics with their own story. My only warning would be to understand that eroticism takes third or fourth place. Primarily it’s a story, after that comes scene quality, then dialog quality, then finally he gets to eroticism quality; I don’t think he really gets eroticism, but he’s very, very good at all the rest.

  3. The renderings and animations are extremely high quality. The guys from the company have clearly aged. Therefore, it is worth noting that it is worth taking an example from them. Sometimes I manage to come across a good idea with images flinders ranges images However, it is worth noting that there are really not enough photo specialists.

  4. Damn!!. Renders and animations are of ultra high quality. This VN has to be one of the best in new projects. But Android version keeps on crashing on regular intervals even though I’m using Google pixel. It needs different porting platform such as DA, BE.

  5. There isn’t much content yet but I have to say the visuals of this game are top notch & the girls are all stunning! I do however find it frustrating that the player is basically forced to choose between the girls in every decision you make. I mean why have so many gorgeous girls in a porn game if you have to choose between them & disappoint or alter a characters view of you in the process. I just don’t think you should be confronted with unavoidable choices that will make any of the girls dislike you especially so early on in the game! I mean, if you like Mai you basically have to side with her on every choice & completely ignore all the other girls or she basically hates you & doesn’t recognise the person she liked. She also appears to get messages from someone on the dating app so if you don’t go with her will she end up hooking up with some other rando? I just really hope this game doesn’t have any ntr in the future because in terms of visuals this game is right up their with the best & it would be such as shame.

    1. I mostly disagree – having branching choices is great and makes it harder for the player, which is good. However, it feels like you’re forced into being with Mei, which sucks because you basically have to make her feel depressed in order to be with any other girl.

  6. “Danielle: However, the dialogue is usually so dull the characters don’t sound like real people.” Dev talking about his own game while inserting weird dialogue about visual novel’s IN a visual novel. It’s such a shame the writing is so dull and the characters so bland and unlikeable when the visuals are god tier.

    1. “Danielle: However, the dialogue is usually so dull the characters don’t sound like real people.” Whether You like it or not, that’s fucking truth baby.

  7. This is the second update with nothing in it, and the problems with this game are still there. This is going to be another milking project.

  8. This one is in early stages of development and has not lots of content so far. But what i’ve seen up to this version (0.2.3) looks interesting and has lots of potential. Visually it’s really good and the modells look really attractive. Animations are really smooth and transitions look really good too.
    On the side of the Story so far there’s not much to talk about. It’s been mostly introduction to the characters and a little bit here and there teases of the mystery inbeded in the story. all in all characters are up to now interesting and the story is well-written. pacing is good and generally all seems to be promising so far.
    now my main critic so far and my main advice to developers, if they read this:
    It’s actually a common problem among these kind of games, and it is unbalanced choices with massive effects on the story, too early too fast. It causes problems in the future, since the devs will have to somehow find ways to go around those early choices to push the story forward so that it satisfies the supporters. You are introducing Characters, MC and his friends. We almos know nothing about their past and their interactions in the past. we just know that Mei has been kind to MC and is in love with him etc. BUT We players/readers don’t feel anything toward this characters at this early stage and then out of nowhere we need to decide, whether we want to be her boyfriend. In an adult game full of way more interesting girls which will be mainly happening around spring break. At this point you have no emotional motivation to sacrifice all the future sexual interactions with other girls over this 1 girl. A choice like this needs preparation and time so the player is at least knee-deep in the story and characters.
    so up to this point you have an important choice to make with 3 options. all of those 3 options seem to have severe penalties :
    1. become mei’s bf ->get in a relationship just in the begining of an adult game, is obviously the penalty on itself.
    2. go with Lea -> bro code etc.
    3. go with Danielle -> will most probably cause trouble with that local girl

    Generally speaking asking the player to make important choices, before giving him the context and time to connect with characters, will cause problems in the story ahead and most probably will cause many supporters to bitch in the future to change this and that. Devs will have to change here and there and make up stuff to satisfy people, and it will cost the integrity of the story.
    As a rule of thumb, leave the harder choices for the later in the story. as the story progress, make the decisions more important and impactful. let the player to wet their foots in the story and involve in it before giving them the tough choices.

    To summerize : i liked it alot so far. visuals are great and the writing is promising. my rating would be 4 out of 5 or around 90%. hopefully developers will keep the quality while balancing the choices and it will be one of the better games.
    Well done and keep up the good work kids! 😀

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