Home » Agent17 [v0.24.8] [HEXATAIL]

Agent17 [v0.24.8] [HEXATAIL]

User Rating: 6.6

Coupon Codes:

924-788-9264 ~ Agent
966-571-8790 ~ Teacher
792-340-5464 ~ Class-rep
243-895-3600 ~ Chloe’s Love
259-592-2488 ~ Dana’s Love
847-336-9519 ~ Elsa’s Love
121-933-3254 ~ Sticker Home
115-948-4696 ~ Sticker Red Rose
308-175-8929 ~ Sticker Sakura
236-317-9072 ~ Sticker Candy

Download for Windows/ Linux

Download for Windows/ Linux - Compressed

Download for Mac - v0.24.5

Download for Mac - Compressed

Download for Android - v0.24.5

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Anti-Anti-Cheat

As usual download the attached file (right click –> “save as…”) and place it in the game folder.

Download Phone Hack Mod

For devs that mess with config.developer or config.console the easiest is just to jimmy rig the check itself.
Notepad: renpy\common\00console.rpy
if config.developer or config.console:
if True: #config.developer or config.console:
Console will work now regardless of those settings.

Money code
$ PutGold(65535, “start”)
Editing money directly will trigger a security check unless disabled. Details from BigDaddy.

Phone Hack updated to v0.24.5 Rev 2
Error handling for Inventory Entry not in TB_Item

Phone Hack updated to v0.24.5 Rev 1
Suppressed security checks for functions “PutItemNotice” and “PutBook”

Phone Hack updated to v0.24.5
Corrected error with mainmenu_hack.rpy

Phone Hack and Dev Log Hack updated to v0.23.8
Removed some coupons from “Show All Coupons” list as they were causing errors.

Phone Hack updated to v0.22.4
Updated “Give Panties” and “Give Pictures”

Spoiler: Show All Coupons
Cheat 0: Student
Cheat 1: Teacher
Cheat 2: SuperStar
Cheat 3: Agent
Cheat 4: CAT

Spoiler: Other Cheats
“Give 1000 Gold”
“Give 500 Gold”
“Give House Fairies”
“Give Time Skip Button”
“Give Auto Door Opening Key”
“Give Lockpick”
“Give Panties”
“Give Books”
“Give Pictures”
“Give Stickers”

Code for this menu is a bit sloppy as after getting a few “Cannot start an interaction in the middle of an interaction, without creating a new context.” I went with good enough :p

Edit: Cheap translation table

금 삽​
Gold Shovel​
낚시 드론​
Fishing Drone​
미스릴 낚싯대​
Mithril Fishing Rod​
알루미늄 낚싯대​
Aluminum Fishing Rod​
엘리스의 팬티​
Elise’s Panties​
철 낚싯대​
Iron Fishing Rod​
티타늄 낚싯대​
Titanium Fishing Rod​
티타늄 주괴​
Titanium Ingot​
VVVIP Membership​

Download Cheat Mods

I created a few more cheats:

Spoiler: All
Contains all cheats

Spoiler: RemoveActionLock
Actions such as cleaning the kitchen are no longer locked until the next (time of the) day after completing them

Spoiler: RemoveActorLock
Characters (or actors, as the dev likes to call them) are no longer disabled after one interaction (Note that some interactions that raise love may still only do so once)

Spoiler: RemoveTimeSkipCooldown
Disables the time skip cooldown

Spoiler: InfiniteResources
Mission resources are no longer removed but you do have to max them out once

Spoiler: InfiniteLove
Love is no longer removed but you do have to max it out once

Spoiler: InfiniteItems
Items are no longer removed but you do have to buy the max amount once

Spoiler: InfiniteBooks
Books are no longer removed but you do have to buy them once

Spoiler: InfiniteGold
Grants infinite gold

This requires the anti-anti-cheat.

Note that the game will still say that an item/gold/… was removed even though that is not the case.

Warning: According to the dev, RemoveActorLock will cause problems during quests. You can still download it here but I removed it from 0_Cheat_All.rpy.

Installation: Right click the attached file that contains the desired cheat, select “Save as…”, save the file and place it in the “game” folder.

Story - 6.4
Visual - 6.5
Engagement - 6.6
Core Loop - 6.7

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