That one particular night changed everything—not just for him, but also for the other people he knows.
His parents were viciously murdered by an unknown person. After that, everything went downhill. Join him on a mission to discover the truth about what really happened to his parents and to seek justice for them. The path is far and difficult. Be careful and rational in your actions. Don’t trust everyone.
1- Extract and run.
Developer: Xinkala
Censored: No
Version: Ch.8 P1
Language: English
3DCG, Animated, Big ass, Big tits ,Male protagonist, Teasing, Oral sex, Vaginal sex, Creampie, Graphic violence, MILF, Interracial, Handjob, Prostitution
Future Tags: BDSM, Anal sex, Corruption, Facial, Masturbation, Stripping, Teen (over 18), Virgin, Harem(partially), Sex Toys, Spanking, Lesbian, Cuckolding(Mc fucks other’s girls), Voyeurism, Male domination, Pregnancy
Non-Sexual Tags: Dating Sim, POV, Romance
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- swipe down to hide the ui
- swipe left to roll back
- swipe right to start skipping of text
- swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
- swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
- longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
Download Mod
Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.
Unzip the mod -> Right click being a dik -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Open the “Contents/Resources/autorun” folder -> Hold the Option key and drag the folder named “game” from the mod into the “autorun” folder -> Click merge
Best website to shit website…. U guys ruined this site
Sorry. I’ll try to ask you before I change anything on the website again. Will need you email address.
not your worst idea
Where is you email address? Must post for changes.
I don’t get why they changed it, couldn’t they just have added the Inian Escorts to the old format? There are no tags to sort by, almost all the games are gone. I know it is being worked on, but this reminds me of how Windows is progressing, getting more dumb with every iteration.
Indiana Escorts
The Indian Escorts was in the old format. It’s one of the last things I noticed before it went down for good, so maybe they were having integration problems.
I honestly don’t know what it is about the new site that has people throwing tantrums. I didn’t think it was that good to begin with. The worst feature of the site, the comments, is still here. The 1-10 “Have Your Say!” system is better than before. Some tags are missing and games are getting loaded back in. Really, what’s the big deal?
Is it me,or is the quality of the renders worse than it was. BTW why the complains about the website, i don’t see a problem with it.
Curious, Or The Cat's Me- Ow!
Would like clarification on the “partial” bit for Harem. You either have a harem, or you do not. There is no Partial to it. So is it going to be a harem; or not? I personally want harem content, so that would be a selling point to me.
Also under Cuckolding = MC fucking taken women is Netori. It IS NTR – but it’s the one acceptable form of NTR for those that want Harem Content. There’s very little point in stating that there is cuckolding, but not NTR. Netorare is literally JUST the Japanese/Asian term for Cuckolding. Jesus.
Also for Pregnancy – will it be the choice to cum inside the girl if we want it, or will it just be a binary choice at the beginning of the game as to whether we want to see it? Will you mark when we are in fact going to impregnate the girl by cumming inside? * I tend to dislike when it says “planned” because half the time it just means let us blue ball you with this tag, while accepting the subs from those that want that content… and it’ll be the last thing we actually get to, if we bother to finish the damned game.
Can't say this was your best foot forward... and it ain't even March!
Okay, played far enough to get to chapter 3.
May not bother playing farther because, “PARTIAL” Harem (It should JUST be a HAREM… and EVERY. SINGLE. GIRL. SHOULD BE AT THE PLAYER’S DISCRETION TO DECIDE TO ACCEPT INTO IT OR NOT!!!)
Case in point: Sham- whatever the fuck the rest of her name is, at this point I’m going with “a llama ding dong.” ARE you going anywhere with this character and or is she one of the ones that’s going to end up being “cuckolding?” (Shamira, Shammyr, Shaemus would’ve worked, and probably be easier to type out – though the last would also double as a double entendre)
Case in point 2: Aria = You NEED to give the player PROPER CONTEXT BEFORE you just arbitrarily decide FOR US if she’s done something “unforgiveable” or not. We got a scene with them texting – then BUPKISS for X amount of time (I’m pretty damned sure she’s NOT going to be a virgin; it probably WASN’T with the MC and that would be the ONLY reason I can think she would have “fucked everything up” as you put it) Because so far, she’s a journalist and he’s a veteran and a cop. Whoopie. She OBVIOUSLY wants BACK INTO HIS LIFE – and WE should be the ones that DECIDE THAT. Not you Dev. There’s no choice binary or not, to hear her out and START that path, or refuse it. This is refusing a perfectly good character, for no reason as far as the player currently knows… which WILL piss players off.
There was no choice NOT to cum inside of Hailey (who should just BE ARIA for fuck sakes) which rather borks the planned tag for pregnancy, unless you intend to add an actual choice later on. And why the fuck would you mention birth control? If she’s “not ready” for kids yet, what the fuck are you doing with the character, and that PLANNED TAG??? That’s just being assholish and see-sawing about the content that SHOULD, not Might, be in the game! Especially if it IS going to be a Harem. It’s an issue, but not the biggest one with this random intro of the character. Hailey isn’t anyone we had any reference for, and other than one Green Choice about whether to Do X with a girl we don’t get ANY backstory about before we make the choice is TWO ways you’ve fucked up.
Not counting the flashing thing with the Therapist (which would fucking cost her the goddamned job by the way – by any metric, and it’s worse that she’s either likely working with COPS specifically; who would know how fucking ILLEGAL that shit would be, or willing to work with them ocassionally which would still VERY LONG ENOUGH have been a reference for NOT DOING SOMETHING PATENTLY ILLEGAL)
There’s the fact that the LI introduced so far are as stands:
– Therapist Girl (wrong on SO many levels)
– Cousin
– Aunt? (Not sure if you want to go Incest but at least for once it’s not in the tags)
– Bar Girl’s Redhead Friend (Red Flag is my middle name – and literally my hair color)
– A Desert Savior???
– Rando Friend with Benefits
– Potentially your Sister (???)
– Aria [Who gets cock blocked for no reason thus far…]
You have a main character that’s about three steps away from a psychopath; who is literally a trained killer – as a COP. Does the word TIME BOMB mean anything to you? You have the cliche of Muh parents was merced, and one was likely invested in the MOB… so of course I’m gonna end up a soldier and then go right into police work after that. Duh.
You have the sis con there for basically NO reason except a rape/domestic abuse flag with the Uncle. She may as well not even be in the game. Nor should Aria if you’re not going to MASSIVELY apologize to your audience with her being the KEY to the HAREM as the one that suggests it – for being that much of a DICK to her. If that’s where you’re going with the character; fine. It’s ham-handed as fuck, but fine. I can tell you that particular re-introduction is all sorts of jarring unnecessarily. But I’m at least willing to play to the end of the update to see if you’re actually willing to START giving us some bloody relationship defining CHOICES.
Screed Racer
No, is this you? If so, I like your change in tone. If not…I still like the change in tone from No’s usual screeds.
Call Me A Chameleon. The Man With No For A Face; Or Is It A Thousand? I Can't Remember...
Wasn’t really a change in tone; just a change in names. Since people keep stealing mine. I wasn’t exactly being subtle. I figure No works about as well as Dead Horse now. People have treated me like a joke, and purposely trolled me long enough that I figured I’d show more creativity and keep coming up with new names. That way people can’t steal them.
I was also going to post fairly frustratedly that I get why it’s called a “partial” harem now… IF the dev is not being just blatantly emotionally manipulative with the character of Aria (Since we haven’t yet gotten ANY input as to whether we’d want her to stay… and they seem to want to assert a “fucked up” history between the two characters… which ALSO doesn’t need to have happened or should at least freaking have CONTEXT, so that we know why it’s fine if the character is leaving/Unable to join the damned harem) * It reads like this is her last ditch grasp at trying to make MC do what she wants, or actively wound someone that she’s admitted she’s fucked up with… which is JUST her running away. That’s no bueno. Not to either character – and it’s jarring to the player base who again: Don’t know why she shouldn’t be pursued. When she’s a named character, who’s rendered attractively and seems like she’d basically be “First Girl” in any actual fully functioning and genuinely well fleshed out Harem game.
It’s NOT going to make MC’s character like her any more than he already does, and frankly with his skill set he’s more likely to outright put her through a wall if she’s fucked up that badly, and IS actively looking to hurt him. If she’s doing this because she already has a boyfriend, or a fiance or whatever the fuck… none of those are great options. Frankly it makes me hate BOTH characters, and you as a Dev for being so brick headed about NOT giving us any input to make a choice about her. We can make a choice to pursue a martial arts SUB, who’s so freaking obvious about it she’s actually reading Domme… but we can’t chase the first girl MC very likely loved. Because what? She’s supposed to be “The One That Got Away?” It’s a harem. Partial is bullshit and you know it Dev. In a harem, any girl the player wants and chooses actively to pursue, should be attainable. Without enough drama attached to make me want to put my keyboard through the moniter. That’s not what the genre’s bloody about mate.
* Amendment – Dev: You are abjectly AN ASSHOLE!
I knew. I knew this was blatant manipulatiion. Emotional manipulation. We CAN pursue her: We just have to do it AFTER the Dev does this bullshit song and dance of making it seem like she’s going to walk away. Because she IS going to walk away, IF we don’t pick the green option. Except – from the moment we met her rather randomly, to the scene of her tits in a bathtub, there were at least 2 open points where we SHOULD have had the option to NOT let it get to that point. If you weren’t being absolutely stubborn about the MC’s personality. About Aria being a passive aggressive bitch, for no reason – who apparently can’t just ADMIT what the fuck she actually wants. Because it’s CLEAR even to a person with ASPERGER’S that she doesn’t bloody want to leave. Either Him, or the country. Hence, I knew you were going to pull something like this. Which is again, why I said the “partial” part is bullshit. Gah!!!
– Thank you for at least giving us the choice, but dude:
– Fuck you, for being that level of ass about it.
This. This is the EXACT reason I get so frustrated with Devs. This character and the entire way that lead up was handled. If I wanted my head fucked with that badly, I’d stick to my family in real life. Jesus. That’s on top of you calling Emilia stupid. For any reason, after what she’s been through. That’s YOU writing: It’s not how a cop would talk to a victim. Especially one who’s just realized her friend is in the crosshairs because of her, less than advisable actions. And MOST especially not a potential LOVE INTEREST! Viperswhip is correct. There are SEVERAL scenes which SHOULD involve player choice, that simply do not. Adding them in retroactively only means at some point sooner than later, we’ll likely be forced to use the SKIP button just to avoid the stuff we’ve already seen, to get back to where we were in the story.
Okay, nevermind. There you are, pissing over things again. Ah well, it was nice when it lasted.
Too many times am I saying, fuck, why do I have to do this, no choices. This guy wants you to see every location, almost every scene or something. I just get annoyed playing this game.