
Lust harem [v0.43] [Xiongmao]

BellaRejected – It will alter the story so you rejected Isabella’s advances. Even after her attempted seduction.
EarlyHalloween – unlocks all Halloween content (wallpaper, outfit).
KateSaint – It will alter the story so you helped Kate without taking advantage of her. This cheat will RESET Kate’s story (includes pregnancy events).
KateMolestHelp – It will alter the story so you helped Kate after taking advantage of her. This cheat will RESET Kate’s story (includes pregnancy events).

Download for Windows/ Linux

Download for Windows/ Linux - Compressed

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Download for Android

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Cheat Mod


Health points
Mana points
Attack power
Skill points.
Cheats for combat, healing* and mana recovery*.

*Experience – To level up you must win some battle first.
*Combat Cheats – Renews 500pts, can be used repeatedly.


Extract to the main folder with the game and replace the files

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Editor's Rating

Story - 90%
Visual - 75%
Engagement - 71%
Core Loop - 73%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.67 ( 30 votes)

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  1. LOL how can you have problems with the combat it’s easy I have never lost a single fight in this how bad are you? also if you’re gonna be this salty about the content in this simple solution fuck off and don’t play it not that difficult to understand

    1. I’m getting real tired of telling all of you who post as Anonymous to fuck right off. If you can’t be bothered to post under an original name; your opinion doesn’t count. Not losing because you can save scum or roll back, does NOT make the combat easy, and it is poorly balanced. As far as me “being salty” My friend you haven’t seen anything. This was mild frustration with idiotic plot based and mechanical choices. And if you think telling me to fuck off and not to play is going to do any more than my telling you to fuck off, you’re a special brand of reee-tard.

      I wish to hell ALL of you would just keep your fucking opinions to yourself. Or again, legitimately debate my points with examples of your own. Discuss the damned game instead of insulting me for fuck sakes and you’ll all see how civil I can be. But my code is come in peace, or leave in pieces. It’s up to you all which of the two you chose. You want to insult me, take your best shot, and I promise to be ten times more verbose and brutal about it.

      1. ok first why the fuck should I not post as Anonymous I and everyone else can do what the fuck they want, second I think most people will keep there opinions to themselves about you the moment you keep your opinions to yourself also, now as for doing this save scum or roll back garbage you accuse me of sorry Miss whiney baby never used either of them YOU just suck obviously finally as for this (I promise to be ten times more verbose and brutal about it.) go for it everything you try will fail but have at it chief

        1. First, read the damned post again you ignoramous. I’m not telling you NOT to post as Anonymous – literally anywhere else. I’m telling any of you that can’t be bothered to come up with an actual user name (because you lack imagination, or investment to be kinder – though I don’t know why I’d bother since even your current reply to my valid frustration tells me you wouldn’t show the same courtesy… so again: Fuck. Off.)

          I post my opinions to be generally HELPFUL to the devs. I do sometimes get frustrated with them, and the fact no one seems to remotely care to comment on the fucking game itself. In any case; you’d all rather take your shots because I DO take this seriously… and no, dipshit – I don’t suck at the game. The arena is bullshit in general for design (the combat is half baked, ninety percent of the spells you have to pay to unlock. With limited funds, and finding the trainers works about as well as it did in Gothic. Most of the spells you won’t even know are good or not, and the most powerful ones you can only have ONE. Whoopie.) Half of them do shit you won’t even know will help you or not and the whole school of lust can just fuck right off. It’s NOT helpful at all = There should just NOT be spells that can get you into trouble at school for any reason if the assholes that run it WILL let you practice NECROMANCY openly. Come on. There is no way to regenerate your heal; because good luck finding the trainer for healing magics. Which would outright be the most useful, of course. But you’re too damned dense or too blind to see that. Not my problem. Half of the events in the game are either forced, or situational. (One of the girls you can lose with no player input = BECAUSE she was forced on you in the first place, before a certain set event she doesn’t like you to attend… which borks you out of sex scenes that the PLAYER might want to participate in, just to keep a girl who’s elsewise a pretty pain in the ass)

          But sure… I’m “Whiny.” And you’re an absolute DUMBASS. More of my gripes are entirely about mechanics, or plot points that either don’t need to be as difficult as they are and CAN be rebalanced, or straight up don’t make sense. On any review I make. Though I’ll grant in this case at least they’ve scrubbed the actual comment that was the review. So all you can see if my reply to very likely someone else being an asshole in comments. Or if it was you, still an asshole to start with. The skills you can find to learn are too expensive with every other commitment of time and money you need to make (time shit in a harem never works anyway) and draws out the game entirely too damned long. It makes it BORING. The dungeon part where you’re meant to gain EXP doesn’t really help you that much and is again – Boring.

          Some of the monsters can pull bullshit just to debuff or hurt you way too much so you can’t actually grind levels that effectively… which translates to needing to waste days, OR never having enough skill points to LEARN the better spells you might want anyway. But sure. The combat wasn’t a problem for you, so that automatically means anyone who did have problems “sucks at the game.” I’d love to see your high school grades, just to take the same laugh at you that you seem to want to have a go at me. I bet they’d be fucking hilarious… if you even passed high school to begin with. I also wasn’t accusing YOU per say of save scumming – and the fact you think I was proves you either can’t read, or in general didn’t comprehend the idea that I was presenting it’s not a valid argument to say that combat is “easy” or fine just because players CAN save scum if they choose to. Read the sentence again you retarded troglydite. But then again don’t bother. Rather, I know you won’t anyway because so many of you bitch (and you call ME whiny…) that even half a page is too long a fucking comment.

          Comments like yours in the first place, which rebutted poorly, in a “git good bro” sense I might add (and that shit doesn’t even fly in Dark Souls because half to most of the problem with that game is the bullshit mechanics/camera controls wherein all of it was POORLY implemented to INFLATE the difficulty artificially and so many of you frat bro hard asses who play on Hardest Difficulty like it’s some sort of bloody badge all want to defend it) are exactly WHY I told you to start with to fuck right off. I meant it, and I still mean it. You think you’re so damned good at the game that everyone has to be on your level; fine. Fair enough… but like so many tell me – even though that’s not the point of my reviews in the first place and I keep stating that it’s my opinion – the game wasn’t made to your whims or with JUST you in mind. Genius.

          If that wasn’t insulting enough for you, it’s not a failing of mine. You’ve either lost too many brain cells to register that I’m insulting you very badly, or you never had that many to begin with and thus won’t care because you can’t understand that I’ve spent the last several paragraphs insulting your ornery. dim witted ass. There is not enough napalm to deal with all the people like you on the internet… but believe me, if I knew where to buy some and knew where you lived… it wouldn’t be a problem for very long. Good thing I don’t. And then again when push comes to shove, not a one of you single brain celled organisms that so very loosely define yourselves as “human” would be remotely worth the time in prison. I’m not dumb enough to torch my own life, just to make sure a few of you go up in flames.

          I’ve NEVER said any of you outright had to agree with my reviews as they are my opinion. But I’ve as much right to express them as you dickheads do to make comments about me that have fuck all to do with the mechanics or plot or even what you goddamed ENJOYED about the freaking games. One time. Just once, I would like a commenter that disagreed with my points, and had a reasonable counter argument. That didn’t boil down to insulting me, and generally showcased their views on the game itself rather than delving into my skill at gaming, my orientation or the idea that I am a very focused individual. But no, we can’t have that can we. It might show that some of you rapacious trolls actually PLAYED the damned games to start with. Anywhere near as thoroughly as I do. People like you piss me off on so many levels it’s not even funny… and that’s more of the reason I’ve stopped responding to any of you. Nearly as often as I used to. It’s not worth my time, and neither are any of you.

          1. Just stfu and save edit the fucking stats. How retarded are you? You write a literal thesis about a stupid broken combat mechanic in an equally stupid garbage game (that is playable at best only 15 minutes before realizing how dumb it is and deleting it).

            Did you think you were getting Halo or Doom combat mechanics? Go change your fuckin clown shoes.

            1. I’m fairly certain I didn’t ask for your opinion Oscar. Usually I leave you well enough alone, and I’m quite happy you do the same for me. Go back to commenting on every fucking game that has a hint of NTR or LGBT stuff in it and leave me well the fuck alone. I answered one asshole; that wasn’t an open invitation. [I generally agree with your stance on NTR – but I tend to only point it out as contrary to a harem game in context]

              * I couldn’t write what you call a thesis if I was actually retarded. Check your narrative. Find a new fucking insult. That one’s been played, and it’s not a reverse Uno card. Be thankful I’m not Luke, and I’ve got a cooler head rather than a hand… or I’d sell you back to Jabba, in pieces.

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