
4 Years In Tehran [v0.7] [Monia Sendicate]

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  • swipe left to roll back
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  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
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Editor's Rating

Story - 90%
Visual - 86%
Engagement - 89%
Core Loop - 90%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.63 ( 68 votes)

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    1. Fun fact: Though Iran is not an Arab country, Iranian Arabs DO exist. You should’ve looked that up first before making a fool of yourself. Also, before calling someone else a retard, I advice you to learn how to use some proper grammar and spelling first, so your attempted insult doesn’t fall flat.

      It’s: “Iranians are not Arabs, you retarded degenerate.”

      You’re welcome. Oh, and your name starts with a capital letter. Dolfy. Get it?

      Clearly your parents have failed you in their upbringing, but just because you’re hiding behind an anonymous account on a porn games website, doesn’t mean you have to stop being somewhat of a decent human being.

      Anyway, I suggest you take some extra spelling and grammar classes first. Let that be your number one priority now. Hopefully you’ll look less retarded in your next comment.

        1. As an Iranian person let me finish here, Iranians are Persian speaks Farsi/Persian
          But Iran has a lot of race and languages, In south of Iran we have Arab languages speakers (Not Arab Race) such as Khoozestan, Abadan, Bandar Abbas etc.

          1. Tell me, as someone in the area, “SHE walks in w/o knocking?!?” — Is that realistic? [In western nations, POLITE thing is to keep your host happy, give privacy & respect—-& KNOCK. (caps intentional for those picky about grammar…)]
            I found a lot of things totally unbelievable.
            (not a fan of RPGM anyway)

  1. Hi guys 🙂
    The seventh version of the game, with all the problems and difficulties it had, has finally ended. I’ll admit that the wait time was unacceptably long and it was delayed several times, but I didn’t want to compromise quality at any part of the build. I apologize again to all of you who supported me 🙂
    April 20 ======> release for €45 supporters
    April 25 ======> release for €10 supporters
    April 30 ======> release for €5 supporters.
    love you 🙂

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