
Brooks in Wild West [v0.70] [Piggy Nose Games]

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Editor's Rating

Story - The game's premise is an intriguing mix of nostalgia and self-discovery, as you awaken naked next to a horse—surprisingly not the weirdest thing that happens in the Wild West. While the story starts off compelling, it quickly trails off into familiar tropes and some vague storytelling paths. The conflict with the college bully sets up a classic underdog theme, but the resolution feels drawn out. - 70%
Visual - Visually, *Brooks in Wild West* presents a mixed bag. The low-res animated scenes can be charming in their own right, but they do feel like they missed the mark in terms of modern expectations—especially when you're searching for a bit of eye candy in your adult visual novels. While the character models are serviceable, the scenes often lack the visual flair that could elevate the narrative. - 58%
Engagement - Engagement levels see a significant dip due to elements of grind. Players find themselves sifting through repetitive tasks and unclear objectives, making the adventure feel more laborious than exhilarating. The hints systems are laid out, but navigating them often feels counterintuitive, leading to potential frustration—an experience that might make players grumble more than cheer. - 55%
Core Loop - The core gameplay loop, unfortunately, is where *Brooks in Wild West* stumbles the hardest. Players grapple with an overly complex stat management system, one that can feel more like a chore than a fun aspect of the game. Progressing through the scenes and stat upgrades can indeed lead to exciting moments, but getting to that point often feels cluttered and illogical. - 50%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.12 ( 13 votes)

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  1. No - Five seconds in and the game is too overcomplicated, with WAY too many plot mishaps... Don't waste your time if you value a story that makes any fucking sense says:

    First, for that intro – you are an ASSHOLE. Objectively. Pick your god damned setting. Before you code a damned thing. You either want it to be the typical highschool/college/Uni slice of life bullshit, OR the wild west. He didn’t just fall through a fucking worm hole. People generally CAN’T kill you with just their bare hands, with a few fucking punches, and Tyler would be arrested LONG before that happened. There is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy in most schools no matter whether it is post secondary or not. FOR THIS REASON. You jack-off!

    – You mention this fucking ass is a SOLDIER. How the fuck did he end up in University in the first place???
    – You mention this asshole is a SOLDIER = The first thing you do is make him get his ass beaten by a fucking COLLEGE LEVEL JOCK!!! (You may as well just tell me you have no idea how military training actually works, idiot)
    – NEXT THING you’re waking up nude in the wild west. HOW????????? You can’t just write in whatever the fuck you feel like and expect the audience to go with it because BOOBS you fucking knob.

    – The next scene you make a bitch that was naked and SHOULD NOT HAVE A GUN BECAUSE SHE IS NAKED – AND AT NO POINT DID WE SEE HER ANYWHERE NEAR HER FUCKING CLOTHES; SHOOT the MC!!! For a five second point where you have him staring at her FAR TOO GENEROUS CURVES (Realistic body expectations – back then there was not as much easy access to food. Rangy was the far more common build and if you don’t know what that is, look it the fuck up.
    – You have her FATHER apologize for her being a dick, then have her guide MC around and literally call him a CRYBABY.
    Dipshit; have you ever been shot?!? Do you have any idea how you would react, or how much that hurts? You do not neg the main character this hard this early in the fucking game if you want ANYONE to actually stick around to PLAY it.

    – The love/Respect/Lust system is BULLSHIT = Love and Respect SHOULD NOT BE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE TO LUST. You need one to get the sex scenes; you need the others to actually make the girls like you – and you SHOULD NOT have made the first girl we meet that fucking SHOOTS you, a member of that Love Interest list. She shot me. I don’t give a fuck if the next scene is her literally kneeling, wearing a collar and saying I’m So Sorry Master; I’m a jack ass that doesn’t deserve it, but if you want, I’ll let you breed me for the rest of forever… I’M NOT GOING TO WANT TO DO ANYTHING WITH HER. On point of her being bipolar, and my general desire to survive. You absolute fucking literal retard. [Girls in that time period would also know that a male built like MC is would be FAR stronger; and would not want to risk his ire… so she DEFINITELY WOULDN’T BE THAT ANTAGONISTIC = Especially to a guy she doesn’t know, who was just as naked and ACTUALLY defenseless as far as ranged combat as she SHOULD HAVE BEEN. First thing I would’ve done is break her damned neck, slam doctor boy’s head into the desk to make him unconscious and then leave. But you’re a dumbass that doesn’t know how to properly write a period piece…]

    I have no idea why so many of you dipshit devs get off so hard on making your main characters spineless, limp dicked bent over bitches to EVERYBODY… when you’re also trying to write that they have any option to ever become the dominant force in a given game. Fuck me I wish you’d all get a brain. One of those things is true, and the other CANNOT happen if one of those things is true.

    * Any quests that involve Dakota, can now absolutely go fuck themselves. Period. You just killed any desire anyone SANE should have, for wanting to get close to her; for a cheap shot, and 5 POINTS of lust, without the option to gain ANY respect. I fucking HATE having to choose between one or the other and that is NOT “management” That’s you being a dick and saying No Player; you’re NEVER going to see every scene and half of them you’re not even going to be able to access because we didn’t code in the PROPER amount of goddamned points to be able to grant you access to them unless you play VERY specifically (and likely as every girls willing bent over bitch)

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