
Becoming a Femboy [v0.11.1] [Dev_muffin]

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Answers for mom's quiz

-superior to both
-at least as large as male average
-first futa, man and woman subsp
-elastic throat (option available after going to the doctor at evening)

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Editor's Rating

Story - In the world of - 78%
Visual - The art in - 72%
Engagement - Engagement within the game strikes a balance between exploration and quest completion. The addition of hints provides guidance, although over-relying on them can hinder the player experience. The game's interactive nature and evolving scenarios ensure that players remain immersed in the evolving narrative, keeping them invested in uncovering the mysteries of the world. - 83%
Core Loop - The core loop of - 75%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 1.72 ( 55 votes)

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  1. Making you gay and a weak beta is part of your attempted enslavement. The same as goes for being ruled by a feminazi. Don’t allow evil people to enslave you. Don’t be gay. Don’t allow a woman to control you. Be a man. Be strong.

    1. Your mother must be so proud of you for talking about women like that.

      Trust me when I say, if you’re what passes for normal, none of us want to be normal.

      1. He is product of gay man’s love. He is born through male ass. That’s why he hates women. Only men supreme and only men can understand men.

      2. Mother? Don’t you mean birthing people? We must be all inclusive when it comes to discussing ‘people with vaginas’ to not offend all the rainbow frankenfaggots out there who think they can change genders.

        But that is normal to the frankenfaggots and other lab creations with rubber tits.

        1. Look who decided to join the fray.
          Took you long enough.
          Now while I could utterly destroy you and your backwards way of thinking, I’d rather NOT indulge you. Cause all it will do is illicit a response like “because you’re groomed.” And we’ll go back and forth for a while, while other visitors will start to question our sanity.
          I rather spend my time elsewhere instead of searching for every comment of yours or every game with a tag you find offensive.
          I’m not that petty, unlike you in your homophobic, transphobic, racist, uneducated and delusional trolling ways.

          1. Uh huh. Pro hint, it actually took you more time to respond to my joining of fhe fray (that was already joined btw). You are apparently about as bright as a 2 watt bulb, but I don’t expect anything really intelligent to come out of trash people who think men can be impregnated and there are thousands of genders.

            You say ‘destroy me and my thinking’ and then you go running off to whatever globohomo echo chamber you prefer to reside in, but by all means please do try as I would love to have the opportunity to rip apart another sock puppet.

            If your handlers didn’t give you your plastic balls on a string, you wouldn’t have any for posing as whatever made up LGBT franken contraption you are masquerading as today, so I guess echo chamber it is for you.

    1. I saw the title of the game and just knew you would bring your closet case ass to the comments section. You are so predictable it’s actually pathetic.

      1. Lmao that’s what I was thinking too. In other games rancor pretend to be ” i saw normal MF game but another faggot tag” but this is “faggot” game by the title and he can’t be mistakenly click this, he did it on purpose. Should’ve just use anonym name. Now we know he is a gay pretend normal and trashtalk just to validate himself if he is not the only gay around. Don’t worry rancor we are all here. Want me to invite you to the pride?

        1. You’re too dumb to think, that’s why you believe men can menstruate and there are thousands of genders.

          Go back to watching your LGB TV headset and crossdressing as a rainbow frankenfaggot. 🖕

            1. Go put a knife in it, fag, and bleed all over yourself. At least then you can have a legit excuse go shove a tampon up your ass. 🖕

      2. So you just admitted you saw the title and couldn’t wait to open the page to see MY comments?

        Just admit, you are wanting me to watch me curb stomp these fucking faggots as much as anyone else.


    2. holy shit man. you must be a huge fan of this type of games, cause you are commenting on every single one.

      1. Greccii11 you faggot, calling it out doesn’t mean I have a thing for you it, you stupid gay fuck. Now go back into the Closet where you belong hahahah.

        You stupid Faggots ruin everything you touch and go to. Now stick a big dildo up your ass and go back into the closet where you belong.

  2. “During early development the gonads of the fetus remain undifferentiated; that is, all fetal genitalia are the same and are phenotypically female. After approximately 6 to 7 weeks of gestation, however, the expression of a gene on the Y chromosome induces changes that result in the development of the testes.”

    We are all female as default, just evolve later. So embrace your sissy side

    1. Is this the made up garbage they are spewing on your rainbow news LGB TV headset now? That everyone is female?

      Stfu and go change your shitty tampon before you pretend to menstruate all over yourself, you retarded faggot.

      1. He was making a joke. Get help, you sound just as unhinged as the libtards and getting triggered over someone citing biology, too. How ironic.

        1. I’m not interested in your fake ass globohomo garbage you pretend is biology.

          You would do well to actually learn biology, from something else other than your LGBT handlers.

          Do you know how retarded you look when you tell people you are a Xim or Xir?

    2. In general, according to your text, it says that we are all asexual, why did you draw such conclusions is very strange!

      1. Damn vomond, don’t think too hard you barely operational. We don’t want to get your brain fried “again” do we?
        Now let your brain rest and write something simple like you usually do “DEAD”

    3. According to you baby killers that love abortion it’s not even a person.

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