Home » WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B6] [Braindrop]

WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B6] [Braindrop]

User Rating: 7

After a rough start to your life, you’re finally ready to head off to college. As the top high school recruit in basketball you could have went to any school anywhere in the country. Although due to your relationship with your new mother you decide to go to WVM. It was a move that shocked many as WVM is not known for its basketball team. In fact they didn’t even manage to win a game last year. All eyes are on you to perform and turn the team around. Your humble past will be tested and many temptations lay before you. How will you handle being the star on campus?

Download for Windows/ Linux

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Download for Windows/ Linux - Day in the Life of: Harper (minigame)

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Download for Mac - Day in the Life of: Harper (minigame)

Download for Mac - Compressed

Download for Android

Download for Android - Day in the Life of: Harper (minigame)

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Update Only:

Download WVM Character Sheet (Includes spoilers for up to Day 9)

Download Cheat/Music/Walkthrough Mod S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B5

This Mod adds cheating, renaming and some music tracks
which can be played with a jukebox function (“QuickMusic”)

Mod for the side game “DITLO Harper HERE

Oct. 2, 2024
I made at least a “basic” Mod/port with cheats and music player again,
but the choice hints (walkthrough) are definitely stopped from me!
(they are imo not needed anymore, the dev is adding hints in the new parts himself now)

Edit: after reading posts like “the Mod is useless now” it’s time to abandon that thing here.
( the existing Mod should still work for the actual and probably upcoming game versions if needed )

Updated: 2024-10-03
Game/Creator: WVM / Braindrop Patreon
Modder: KoGa3 ( Patreon / Homepage )
Mod Versions: vS2-C1-Exx-AudioCheat-v1.0a
Game Version: vS2-C1-E13-B4
Language: English


– some cheating functions
– renaming the MC and some girls
– some music tracks, playable manually with the “QuickMusic” function
– I integrated the walkthrough from the OfficiallyGames into my Mod (switchable)
– additional game settings like textbox opacity, text size etc.
– named saves

most Mod functions are optional and can be turned on/off while playing


Installation guide for the Mod:
1. of course the original game must be installed
2. extract the Mod archive in a temporary folder
3. move the extracted files / folders into your “game” folder
(…WVM-S2-C1-E..-pc/game), overwriting files if they already exists

Download Gallery Mod

Spoiler: Features
Name changing options for Azel, Jamie, MC
Relevant scene options (for scene variations)
Fully integrated menu

Spoiler: Installation
Copy the files in the zip to your game folder and run WVM.

Optional – Unren the game for best compatibility.

Story - 7.4
Visual - 6.8
Engagement - 6.9
Core Loop - 7

Have your say!

98 14


  1. When will people realize that you can’t support a developer who doesn’t work a damn thing! He will continue to hang around your neck so as not to work, but when he loses all the help, he may start to move, or it’s just a scam!

    • Vomond; guy has a LOT of supporters – and yeah, they definitely fund his lifestyle for this game. There’s a risk of getting lazy, for sure. However, he’s also posted he’s recently enough gotten married. It’s still a new thing, he’s likely got more social commitments now (which was partly why when he announced it in his explanation one update, I got a bit vexed in my own commentary – because you’re not wrong that it will mean he may devote less time to the project) That said, the renders and the quality of the renders, do take time to create. The plot (and continuity with such a large cast) will require a certain level of organization to maintain. If it’s not him doing it, he pays someone else, but they’d still have to set meet times online to touch base for work to progress. It’s not as simple as one man pounding the keyboard to work until his hands break. If he gets too lazy, it will cost him subs… and if that goes too long, the project will likely die. He is probably aware of this. Unless his name is strictly ironic.

      Even when I do my own writing, the best I can do without pain that will cost me days to recouperate from is 30 pages a day. I set that limit so I don’t hurt myself, because if I do I can’t write. Which would drive me up a wall real quick. He might be a dev, but he’s still human. Even with a team – they’re still human. They do have lives, and even if they’ve got responsibilities to earn the money gamers will provide, they also have ties that have their own responsibilities. Patience, especially when quality is desired, is a virtue. Do I want more of the story (and frankly less of whatever cultish bullshit the story is turning into, with characters that seem more designed to fuck with the players’ heads about whether MC will succeed – in a Harem game – or not… and also frankly, I’d like Cedar to be removed from the game if we don’t get to do SOMETHING with her; she’s massively confusing as a character arc. I do not get the insistence on “no incest” content, when she didn’t actually have to be marked incest in the first place) Yes. But I’m also willing to wait for the content. Now, if it gets to 6 months to a full year with no updates, I’d get concerned it’s abandoned. If it hits two, I’d definitely think it’s been abandoned. Which would suck, but is always possible.

      Frankly, they just changed the site a few days ago. So I’d say wait a month or two at worst, and THEN since it would’ve been about three by that point with no updates, you can post about him being a scammer. Which still might not be true; depending on how much progress he’s made in crafting the tale, or creating new characters. I’m less saying you’re wrong than you may be missing some nuance that you’ve not considered.

      • Anyone who doesn’t make a game as fast as I want to is a scammer, a milker, or both.

      • Please this Dev has had a thousand excuses for years and here you are making more excuses for him. Do you even realize he said 2 years ago that he will be re-doing the beginning and it still has not happened. He has been like this from the start, what like 4 or 5 years now, making promises then not keeping them then disappearing for months, and coming back with more excuses, and more promises that he never keeps. It’s a rinse and repeat system for him and for some reason he gets more and more support which makes no sense unless he is doing something shady. So you saying giving a moth or 2 or whatever makes no sense when people have given him years.

  2. This is one of my favorite AVN’s of last year, but it been a while since the last update back in November, I hope developer doesn’t get complacient with one.

  3. This shitty developer doesn’t have a lot of supporters, but a bunch of idiots who finance him so he doesn’t do shit!!! Let’s be clear, this developer is a scoundrel of the worst category, like many others who publish shitty games, short or no updates and so on. It’s time to stop being taken for a ride. Don’t fund these scammers anymore. Look how they go bankrupt and close up shop, and what these scoundrels deserve!!!!

    • You sound jealous, shitfuck. Get off your ass and maybe you too can get paid for doing nothing instead of whining for free.

  4. Like for example that crap game “Grandma house” that I don’t know how long it’s been out, very short shitty updates with the drop counter, and above all without animations!!!! I would like to meet all those idiots who finance these leech developers. We want games done well, with animations, loli, incest, mother and son, sister and brother, and so on. we want these types of games and not the bullshit you publish every day!!!!

  5. He’s milking this game like crazy. 2 small updates all last year.

  6. This was disappointing. The story is boring and the models eyes look weird. 👀 The renders are about average, and the story is very predictable. But, then again, some people like that. So, if you like predictable stories, and average renders, then this is the perfect vn for you. For anyone looking for a good story, with models that don’t have weird eyes and huge lips, then look somewhere else.

  7. good!

  8. all reworks are just milking, you can tell he is not doing a good job, almost all the women still look wonky. Trash game.

  9. 1 hour + just to know the story behind a woman etc in the last update. Boring a lot. Make the game unplayable. So much boring.

  10. HIV is punishment from Mother Nature.

  11. Stomach ache is punishment from Mother Nature.

  12. The flu is punishment from Mother Nature.

  13. Poor eyesight is punishment from Mother Nature.

  14. Being an incel is punishment from God.

  15. finally he fucked his mom or not?

  16. Needs to tie in the start of the game with the last half. It is a great game and has lots of potential. But you have to have cohesive game from start to finish.

  17. imabnrtkonavxthukgbbmozsfkvkfl

  18. esqdokqcywizllhhfyszsdlxhdczkl

  19. rpkhruoavectyuxfawzzlbxwavilcu


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