
 OSC The Lust of Us [Ch.2] [Studio44]

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

View Walkthrough

The amount of variables this game tracks is a bit excessive. I wouldn’t be surprised if half of the audience completely missed Ellie’s content purely due to the fact that certain items are required to trigger certain scenes. I’ll leave a rough list of what to look out for (I might edit this later to create a proper guide):

  • Prologue
    • Open the Door
      • Take a closer Look
      • Take the Lighter (required to progress passed the prologue)
    • Go Ahead
    • Open the Door
      • Take the tactical knife (required for Ellie points later)
  • Day 1 (Starts in the Truck)
    • Explain the reasons (trust +1)
    • I will help you, but (trust +1) (Note: unlocks the rest of day 1 content)
    • Yes (ellie +1)
    • Okay (forgiveness = true)(if trust is >2 then you immediately jump to the end of the day)
    • Make a joke (ellie +1)
    • Change the subject (chance = true)(only appears if you have the knife)
    • Yes (leads to porn = true, and corruption +1)
  • Day 2
    • Go (Ellie finds a sex toy)
    • Go (fantasies +1)(You only get the points if you found the knife and gave it to Ellie)
    • No (Ellie +1)(The following 2 choices only happen if you say no)
      • Take hand off belly (trust +1)
      • Put your hand on belly (corruption +1)
    • While looking at the board:
      • Click on the valve in the top left (tap = true)(required for several points later on)
    • Take the bucket (bucket = true)(required for several points later on)
    • Comfort her (ellie +1, kiss = true)(Ellie’s trust must be 3)
    • Go (corruption +2, fantasies + 1)(requires you to have found the tap earlier with Ellie)
    • To lie down (ellie +1)
    • *Next scenes are with Abbie*
      • You will be kind to her
      • Accept it, let it kiss you (whore = true)(spicy scene)
    • The right thing is to tell her (ellie +1, telltrhu = true)
    • Take a look (corruption +1)
    • Talk to her (good way to check if you’ve triggered the “telltrhu” variable correctly)
    • *Next scenes are with Abbie*
      • Shoot him now (leads to spicy Abbie scene)
      • Or don’t do anything (Abbie becomes infected?)

The key mechanic behind this VN seems to be building trust with Ellie, which will open the doors for corrupting her later on (essentially leading to lewd scenes).

Ironically, you can completely miss ALL of the content from the first release of you don’t get the required amount of trust with Ellie. This is the first time I’ve seen a dev heavily punish their audience by outright removing any semblance of a plot while obfuscating the “correct” path.

*Edit: The “Key Choices” spoiler has been renamed to “Choice Guide”, and all choices have been included broken down into each day.

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Editor's Rating

Story - OSC The Lust of Us promises a narrative journey but delivers a plot that feels like a damp squib rather than an engaging tale. The writing, described as “atrocious” by some reviewers, reads as if it was hastily translated from another language, leaving players scratching their heads and wondering if this was the game’s humorous attempt at “surrealist dialogue.” The scenarios are too short and lack depth. - 31%
Visual - The game does present some decent renders, but let me tell you, they're a bit of a mixed bag. While there’s a certain charm to the art, it often feels uninspired and lacks the polish that players have come to expect from contemporary adult games. The low image count for scenes certainly leaves much to be desired, and you find yourself wishing for more visuals to accompany the bland scenarios. - 60%
Engagement - Engagement is where OSC The Lust of Us truly falters. The illogical gameplay mechanics—having to click on the right object can feel more frustrating than rewarding. Choices that lead to game overs leave players feeling punished rather than challenged. It’s less about meaningful decision-making and more about playing a guessing game with the awkward UI and confusing options. - 25%
Core Loop - Ah, the infamous core loop. This game can best be described as an exercise in futility. The core loop consists of some basic interaction with nearly zero depth or consequence. You’re recycled through scenes that lack variety and substance—open this door, pick that object, and hope you don’t “die” for making the wrong choice. It's a mediocre clicking game wearing a sexy costume, lacking the thrill. - 22%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 2.62 ( 15 votes)

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  1. WTF, why delete my comment, all i said was that it is impossible to get true the first part, because every combination of choices leads to game over. Make a better game instead of deleting comments, the sandbox bs is annoying difficult.

    1. Nobody deleted your comment, fucking spaz. If they did it wasn’t the creator. Huffing has ruined your pathetic pea brain.

        1. Mind my own life when you can’t help but whine about yours for everyone to laugh at? You sound like a fag complaining about their life, fucktard.

          Nobody deleted your first comment idiot. Blow your brains out if you can’t cope.

          Whiny bitch fags all over this site jesus fuck.

          1. What the hell is whining about my life, if i point out what is wrong with the game bozo, i don’t live in the game. If something is wrong in your pathetic life, don’t attack me faggot.

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