Editor's Rating
Story - - 76%
Visual - Step into a visual realm that delivers what you came for, with scenes that evoke the essence of ancient Rome. Although the graphics are generally good, some areas may feel a tad too dark, hindering full appreciation of the artwork's finer details. In need of a touch-up regarding brightness and clarity, the visuals could enhance player engagement further. - 71%
Engagement - While promising a choice-driven experience, - 58%
Core Loop - At the core of this game lies a mix of intriguing scenarios and repetitive loops. The gameplay offers a brief yet intimate glimpse into Caligula's world, clocking in at around 2 hours. The cycle of exploration, decision-making, and occasional surprises adds a layer of unpredictability, but the overly linear nature restricts the immersive potential. - 65%
out off 100%
This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
There are no sex scenes! The plot is about how the developer urgently needs to see a psychiatrist! The graphics are average!
Never change, sir.
best, review, ever
that’s funny because your intelligence is below average lastly #ILOVETOUCHINGYOUNGBOYS