
Mother’s Devotion [v0.14] [FluffyStudio]

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Editor's Rating

Story - “Mother’s Devotion” certainly garners intrigue with its unique premise—a mother corrupting her children instead of the usual trope of the children rebelling against their parents. This twist offers a compelling narrative vein ripe for exploration, allowing for moments of dark humor and moral ambiguity. However, the storyline suffers from inconsistent pacing and occasionally contrived plot devices. - 71%
Visual - The visual presentation of “Mother’s Devotion” impresses with above-average character models and appealing renders, often drawing players deeper into the world. However, not all aesthetic choices are flawless; some characters, like Max, seem to stumble in the hair department, sporting a style that invites more eye-rolls than admiration. Overall, though, the game’s art direction possesses a certain charm. - 80%
Engagement - Engagement takes a hit primarily due to the despised sandbox mechanics. Players lament the excessive clicking, convoluted interactions, and time-consuming quests that feel artificially padded. Instead of flowing from one scene to the next, the gameplay stalls as players are forced to navigate an overly complex interface. The sandbox element, intended to increase player agency, ultimately becomes a chore. - 53%
Core Loop - The core loop of "Mother's Devotion" tries to balance story progression with sandbox exploration, yet it frequently falters under its cumbersome design. The repetitive cycle of seeking out specific characters in specific locations just to unlock minute portions of dialogue feels tedious and frustrating. - 50%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.39 ( 16 votes)

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One Comment

  1. Still a pretty early release. It’s not too bad, but I quit after doing most of the quests. The sandbox thing does get a little wearisome. Here’s a tip if you play it: to know what quests there are to do with the various actors, go to your phone icon->’i’ icon->select actor, and it’ll show what quests for that person there are. Click on one, and it’ll give you a quick guide how to start that particular quest.

    Little too many clipping errors. And at least once, the wrong person was saying a line of dialog. Also, a couple of times the wrong relationship variable was used in a dialog line. Additionally, the son doesn’t look like her son; I just couldn’t suspend my disbelief. I don’t like him for some reason, and have little or no desire in seeing him in any erotic scenes. Animations are simple. No music, as yet. Some sounds in the beginning, but they were horrible. Still, there were some moments I enjoyed it (like the stuff w/ the step-father.) Might turn out better in the future. I may check back on it in the future.

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