Home » Midnight Paradise [v1.0 Elite][Final] [Lewdlab]

Midnight Paradise [v1.0 Elite][Final] [Lewdlab]

User Rating: 6.5

Connor is spending his young adult life carelessly, having easy access to money and pleasure.
However, after a failed year at college, his life starts to fall apart as he returns home to face the consequences and those he left behind 2 years ago. He’s met with an ultimatum: rise up to the challenges and show he’s capable or watch his future taken from him.​

Download for Windows/ Linux

Download for Windows/ Linux - Compressed

Download for Mac

Download for Mac - Compressed

Download for Android

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Walkthrough


Here is a new patch. It enables:
– incest (no need to manually change relationship ingame)
– sleep stuff (grope/have sex with girls during their sleep)

2 files are available:
– midnight_paradise_patch.rpyc: unlocks incest + sleep stuf
– midnight_paradise_patch_sleep_stuff_only.rpyc: Obviously, unlocks sleep stuff only

Put the file in <MP directory>/game folder.

Download Mod


This mod adds an in-game walkthrough for every character and story event in the game The walkthrough menu contains dynamic guides that let you track your progress for each character and see the requirements needed to trigger their scenes and advance their story. The mod guides also show all requirements for getting all possible extra dialogue options and seeing all possible extra content during events and scenes.

Stats screen: in Main girls new feature, showing stats of the girls and Story completion bar (for their main guide) and a green check to show when there guide is completed

Clicking “objectives” or tapping the “m” key opens mod menu

Includes all of Lord Ashram’s changes (RIP), Bibifoc Gallery unlocker

My changes: stats screen, readded Night time event guides, updated guides/UI


Extract the mod and put the folder named “game” from the mod into your “Midnight Paradise” folder and click ‘replace files'(if asked to).

Download Gallery Mod


Quick gallery unlock, put unlock_galley into game folder and 00gallery into renpy/common, to be honest don’t know if I needed to change the 00gallery file but couldn’t be bothered reverting it
This Game is completed!
Story - 7.2
Visual - 8.4
Engagement - 5.5
Core Loop - 5

Have your say!

149 6

1 Comment

  1. Don’t download this game is broken, cant get passed Isabel’s TV scene……..


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