Auto-Sidescroller game by T-Hoodie.
1- Extract and run.
Developer: T-Hoodie
Censored: No
Version: 5.10
Language: English
Genre: 2dcg, Animated, Monsters, Bestiality, Traps, Tentacles, Fantasy, Erotic, Gay, Male protagonist, side-scroller
– A fully functional big boss fight with Fae
-> Fae has 5 unique attacks, all each with their own animations and climax shots!
-> Fae has a shield mechanic and speeds up when damaged, good luck!
-> Fae can recharge her shield!
-> To reach Fae, you will have to complete level 5. No shortcuts yet sorry!
– A new song for the bossfight
– A glimpse of level 6, YES: there will be a level 6!
For windows PC downloaders: Unpack the .RAR file, and run Max_The_Elf_DEMO. If it doesn’t start up, try checking your firewall, or run as administrator, it might be getting blocked. Use 7zip, Winzip or Winrar to unpack .RAR files.
FOR MAC OS downloaders: I packed it as a .RAR file! On Macs some unzippers can corrupt the files, We’ve tested unpacking with “StuffIt” and it worked. If you need a different one, try: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/the-unarchiver/id425424353?mt=12 This one should be official but we haven’t tried it!
If you still get an error (this application cannot be opened), try this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50577473/unity-game-compiled-in-windows-does…
Q: How do I resize the game window? Sorry, but the game is forced to launch at 1280 x 720. If you want to make the game bigger: On windows: If you make a shortcut for “Max_The_Elf_DEMO”, then go to properties of the shortcut, and add ” -screen-width 1920 -screen-height 1080 -screen-fullscreen 1 ” to the [target/destination (translated from dutch)] property, it will launch with those settings! Image preview: https://imgur.com/a/R4lV2Xn
FOR MAC OS downloaders: I packed it as a .RAR file! On Macs some unzippers can corrupt the files, We’ve tested unpacking with “StuffIt” and it worked. If you need a different one, try: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/the-unarchiver/id425424353?mt=12 This one should be official but we haven’t tried it!
If you still get an error (this application cannot be opened), try this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50577473/unity-game-compiled-in-windows-does…
Q: How do I resize the game window? Sorry, but the game is forced to launch at 1280 x 720. If you want to make the game bigger: On windows: If you make a shortcut for “Max_The_Elf_DEMO”, then go to properties of the shortcut, and add ” -screen-width 1920 -screen-height 1080 -screen-fullscreen 1 ” to the [target/destination (translated from dutch)] property, it will launch with those settings! Image preview: https://imgur.com/a/R4lV2Xn
Password: faetalis
Download for Windows/ Linux
Download for Mac
Download for Android
- swipe down to hide the ui
- swipe left to roll back
- swipe right to start skipping of text
- swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
- swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
- longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
Download Cheats Table
It is a Cheat Table for Cheat Engine (CE-link) – also on Github (Ce-Git-link – yes CE and the table are open source to know its safe to use, but be aware of the installer with ads in the free version, see spoiler below). Its a well-known tool since 2000. In a nutshell: Get/start tool, load table/or attach and auto-load, hit enable and activate the wanted options.
Spoiler: More details and tips on install and useage
On troubles installing the tool check this git-link (the video) – it’s safe but ensure source. It is packed using 7Zip (7z-dl-link – you may also use peazip, winrar or any archiving-tool wiki-link).
How to use ct tables (link to best found/simplest tutorial – dont use DL there, its old, just for CE instructions).
If you need screenshots it basically works same as in: Lilitales, UITC, FT2 (or check about).
Tip: save in “%HOMEPATH%\Documents\My Cheat Tables” and after attaching game to CE it will auto ask to open table.
Not needed with my autoattach script but for other tables another way would be to autoattach after opening CT (cheat table): add the following two lines to CTRL+ALT+L and save CT, hit execute after CT-load:
local PROCNAME = ‘filename.exe’
strings_add(getAutoAttachList(), PROCNAME)
Further tutorials: https://wiki.cheatengine.org/index.php?title=Tutorials – https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewforum.php?f=16
How to use ct tables (link to best found/simplest tutorial – dont use DL there, its old, just for CE instructions).
If you need screenshots it basically works same as in: Lilitales, UITC, FT2 (or check about).
Tip: save in “%HOMEPATH%\Documents\My Cheat Tables” and after attaching game to CE it will auto ask to open table.
Not needed with my autoattach script but for other tables another way would be to autoattach after opening CT (cheat table): add the following two lines to CTRL+ALT+L and save CT, hit execute after CT-load:
local PROCNAME = ‘filename.exe’
strings_add(getAutoAttachList(), PROCNAME)
Further tutorials: https://wiki.cheatengine.org/index.php?title=Tutorials – https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewforum.php?f=16
Spoiler: Changelog:
v1 Initial version
v2: ADD: Scripts (SphinxRiddle – ‘*’,Controling options, screen resolution) CHANGE: Code optimization, more descriptions
v3: CHANGE: “Control – 1 keystroke” to a changeable value and display original
v4: FIX: For CE 7.6 / more thread safe
v2: ADD: Scripts (SphinxRiddle – ‘*’,Controling options, screen resolution) CHANGE: Code optimization, more descriptions
v3: CHANGE: “Control – 1 keystroke” to a changeable value and display original
v4: FIX: For CE 7.6 / more thread safe
Download v4 – virustotal-link
- Hope it’s fairly simple to use. It should be quite future proof (made on v5.0.1-3 – 5.10 tested), but if updates break something quote or if I miss it pm me.
- Generally its not a hard game, but I did it on request and to try s.t.
I am still working on.
sick game for those sick in the head