Home » Lust Town, Amanda’s road to porn [v0.7] [NOSY GULL]

Lust Town, Amanda’s road to porn [v0.7] [NOSY GULL]

User Rating: 8.1

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Download for Mac - Demo 2

Download for Android - Demo 2

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
Story - 8.3
Visual - 7.8
Engagement - 8
Core Loop - 8.1

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  1. I did not want to review “Lust Town,” so I decided to review Family Chemistry v1.0 instead.

    Family Chemistry is another visual novel typical of Dumb Koala, short and sweet just like my reviews. The characters are the same style of models that Dumb Koala usually exhibits: slender, freckled, small-breasted lolis. Even the mother and therapist look barely old enough to drive. If one did not figure it out by the title, (SPOILER) the plot is about chemistry between family members. The storyline is lame, cheesy, and cliché, as one would expect from a short AVN with no choices. Still, it would be worth it if it did not suddenly end abruptly without any closure.

    The biggest problem I have with Dumb Koala’s work is that there is no variation with her creations or stories. (She claims to be a female, but I have no experience with real live women.) On the plus side, there is no grind, so if what you are looking for is quick arousal with young, taboo-laced models, you might give this one a stroke. If there is ever a part two to this tale, I will give it a try as well.

    • So people are already going to start stealing my user name again. Brilliant. Wonderful. Just makes my damned day that does.

      Hell, at least this is an actual review. Sort of. I’m not exactly sure what to make of that, and frankly if you know me enough to take the name you know damned well my reviews are quite a bit more detailed, and in greater length. But at this point, go ahead and take the name. It’s not like I can stop any of you asshats. I’ve tried telling you all to fuck off – I’ve tried posting my reviews regardless. Within two days of the site being back up, I still get called all sorts of names and/or have shit posters spewing vile things about me in copy/paste fashion. Up to and including involving my deceased family. I certainly don’t own sole right to the word, and they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. At least you’ve actually attempted to make a review. So as much as I might curse you could’ve come up with your own actual user name; bravo.

      Keep working at it, and you might be able to convincingly pull off being me in length of coherent posts. Most of you have probably noted I tend to swear a bit more in my reviews though. Just saying. I’ll take it as another point of flattery in imitation that you chose first not, and then next, not to self-deprecate. I wonder if it’s funny or ironic that whether I as the originator of that moniker actually post or not, it seems such a simple thing as an inside joke will outlive any attempt I make to leave, as my mark in legacy. My Mom used to ask me jokingly, would you jump in my grave that fast? I’ll ask you the same, given the last year I’ve had. But then, given the last comment I responded to with my user name attached, it’s not like any of you care whether or not I’d pass away. Or who else in my family has.

      Still, I appreciate that at least you did attempt a legitimate review. I’m less than pleased that you used my name to do so, but many people may well leave the site for what they’ve pulled. Whose to say I won’t be one of them. If I was, it still won’t count as the trolls having chased me away. Here’s one last tip though, from the originator of the name – I don’t post reviews of games I haven’t played, or don’t want to review. If you wanted to review “Family Chemistry,” it should at least be on that game’s page. If, of course, you’re actually trying to pass yourself off as the real No.

      • First of all, I didn’t post those other rants that I have noticed. It isn’t worth my time, nor do I see why anyone bothers to get a reaction out of you when you do a fine job of that on your own.

        Second: That is not the user name you went by in replying to me. It was “No – Getting Real Tired of Playing The Real Slim Shady Here… Can You People Not Fuck Off, And Show Some Originality?”

        Third: If you just ignore them, they will stop. You seem to want to keep it going. Maybe for attention, I don’t know.

        Fourth: If you want that moniker, then you should at least know the meaning of it. Just like when you go off and tell the devs what they should do; the answer is NO! If you tell me or anyone else here in that manner; the answer is NO.

        Fifth: When I posted that review, there was not a page for “Family Chemistry.” They only posted it right after I made my comment. Are you not the least bit curious how I could have known that they would, when this site has not posted a “Dumb Koala” game in a long time? Have you ever gotten a response so quickly?

        Sixth: My review was about the AVN in question. Not about my own personal ideology of what I think these fictional worlds should be like.

        Seven: I do write reviews for a living. Not for games, but I am paid well.

        Eight: If you want to give criticism, then you need to be able to take it. You might have been on this site longer, but you suck at it. How can you expect a developer to take your advice when you won’t accept the overwhelming majority viewpoint?

        Nine: Advice. Keep your comments between 200 (for a simple one) and 500 words (for a complex one like I am writing now). Keep on topic and don’t go on personal tirades like a pornographic version of Mein Kampf.

        Ten: Why did I choose to use “No” now? Because I knew that you would respond. Actually, now that I used it, I sort of like it. Lol. Still, if this is what you enjoy, then seek help at getting better. There are some cheap and even free online courses available. Maybe try a different pen name with a different style and see how that works. So unless you are seeking all of this chaos, what you are doing isn’t working. I am not saying that everything you write is bad; still, who could bear to go through reading it all to find the decent ones?

        One more thing: will you people stop with the hate rhetoric and impersonating? Are you wanting this site for downloading and reviews, or for it to end up like the previous one? Mr. No, you should nicely ask the same. Will it work? No, but it might make you a better person.

    • Nice review, any links for DL?

  2. is that game on this site?
    finaly a good reveiw

    • I was waiting to see if this site would go ahead and post it, which they did. So I posted my review there as well. Thank you for the kind remarks.

  3. I don’t find the apk in the android version any ideas to fix this issue?


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