Home » Honeymoon Island [v3.0] [TK8000]

Honeymoon Island [v3.0] [TK8000]

User Rating: 9

Your Aunt drives you and your “friend” to an Island to see if the place was ready to receive people.​

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
Story - 9
Visual - 9.1
Engagement - 9
Core Loop - 9

Have your say!

39 7


  1. Marko, check out where you requested this game and it will tell you where to find the others.

  2. Damn this Dr. Disrespect?

  3. This game is pure shit, there are better games out there. Don’t waste your time whit this blue ball game

    • Blue balls? You must of fucked up some where to not get the sex scenes.

      • 3 years = 1 sex scene
        Only you fuck less people in 3 years sissy mike.

        After 3 years, you need 30 sex scenes in male MC straight path.

        Summertime Saga. 7-8 years milking. 80 sex scenes.
        10 sex scenes per year is a good number.

        1 sex scene per year or each 3 years is BLUE BALLS.

        But you have NO BALLS sissy mike. Your futa mommy send you to cut your dick and balls. Now you are a trans male to female.

  4. This is an old file, just tried to advance from last save point from last update and its not advancing.

  5. MC looks like a walking STD.

  6. Only games for homos get high ratings on this site.

  7. when does Taboo University come back?

  8. More people need to be made aware that lesbians are part of the globohomo agenda. Avoid this game!


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