Home » Missy [v0.9.3] [Trinian Games]

Missy [v0.9.3] [Trinian Games]

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View Walkthrough

Some notes on a playthrough of day 1. Depending on RNG some random events may vary …

at home
Missy LVL 1 : 300 HP 90 MP 0 Cr
Check note on wall : Reputation : school 3, player neutral
Check bed : slutty 20 sub 50
Dress white underwear + school uniform
Take dirty panties
Surrender to Stacey (Spanking)
Return to bed in Missy’s room, then Beat Stacey (use Hair Pull, Grapple and Guard)
Check Karen’s office (Spanking)
Leave house

Street in front of Missy’s home (Lady Flower Estate)
(Activate fast movement : SHIFT)
Go east (Town Square)
Public punishment of bra thief Kaitlyn Mico
Talk to girl north of Kaitlyn, distract guard -> Friendship Bracelet

Go east (Fallulah Park)
Annie needs help, bad girl Chantelle stole her money
Go south and fight Chantelle, get Annie’s purse and a random item (mind clearing tonic)
Return purse to Annie
Sit on bench to heal

Go north (St Alancia’s School for Girls)
New Quest : first Day at School
Save before entering the school area
Go west to school yard
Talk to Abbie (red hair + green) in front of school
Talk to Lola (black hair) in center of school yard
Go to * marked bench in the west
Meet Jessica, Emma and Vicky -> Stand up to her (- Jess)(?+ Abbie?)
Teacher call : go to * marked spot

Class 1 :
go north to front row and sit near Abbie *
new teacher Miss Paris
Chat with Abbie (+ Abbie)(- Paris)
Break 1 :
go west to yard
You can save the game in the yard
Talk to everybody
Talk to the 2 girls near door (new Quest : Best Friends with Benefits)
Talk to Lola (new Quest : It’s Always the Quiet Ones)
Talk to blonde bad girl who wants to swap her black panties against white ones (+- bad girls based on answer)

This ends the break, go to group study area (go to the east beyond the punishment plinth, 1st room to the right)
(To see the girl on punishment, click on the sign south of her)
Class 2 (group study) :
group with Abbie and Jess
vote for Abbie as leader
tell Jess to pull her weight
appell on her ego
don’t tell on her (+ Abbie)

optional : talk to all the girls in the room
go to the table south and pick up * resources for group project
return to group *
Break 2 (lunch) :
leave room, go west, go north, 1st room to the right : cafeteria
pick up meal * and sit next to Lola “!” *, talk (+ Lola, quest +)

go south, go west, take the “double” door on the right : library
join Abbie (+ Abbie)

go west, last door to the left : yard
optional : save game
check the yard for random events “!”
Intervene in the north-east corner to save the girl bullied by 2 bad girls
fight against 2 bad girls (use Hair Pull, Grapple and Guard, use Guard everytime health is below 250 if not on cd)
ask for a kiss
(+ school reputation)

after doing 3 (?) quests the break ends
Class 3 (sports) :
enter the building, take 2nd door to the right
(sign : “Miss E Paris – First Year Class (Age 18-19)”)
in classroom go to the right side to the locker *
go to place in front row * near Abbie

soccer training
select defence
Defend Abbie (- Jess, – Paris, + Abbie)
Jess invites Missy to a fight in the orchard (near entry to school area) in 3rd break
Jess and Missy spanked by Miss Paris
Break 3 :
leave the building, go east to the statue
SAVE the game
Talk to Jess
Reason with her
(use Hair Pull, Grapple and Guard :
– use Guard everytime health is below 250 if not on cd
– use grapple if available
– use hairpull or face slap (depending on available points))
Spank her
don’t spank her too hard
return to class room
Class 4 :
grooup work with Abbie
Work hard (+ Paris)
Leave school, meet with Abbie near exit
End of Chapter 1 -> Missy Lvl 2 : 352 HP 100 MP 0 Cr

Visit Abbie
go south to -Fallulah Park-
go south to -Honeypot Estate-
go to the house south west with white flowers, enter
meet Abbie’s moms Carmella and Janette
go upstairs, meet her sister Malia
talk to Abbie, check the drawers near the bed to get her bra size (+ quest)
stay for dinner
go downstairs and sit at the table * (+ Abbie)
(talk to Abbie and) leave
Visit Lola
go to the house north with yellow/orange flowers
talk to her (“Here to see you”)(+ quest)
meet moms (Monica and Claire)
sit down in dining room *
… (+ Lola)(+ quest)
(optional : explore city and talk to people)
return home (use road sign to fast travel or walk)
go north (Park)

go west (Town Square)
on your way check out Jan Winters shop to the left
check the central puppet for red underwear (30 credits)
try it on in a cabin *, use mirror
check the puppet below the Jan Winters sign for Abbie’s future underware (70 credits)(+ quest)
return red underwear to clerk at the left
leave shop

go west (Lady Flower Estate), 2nd house on the right with white flowers
enter home
go upstairs, west-north-west Missy’s room
check stats
relationship : Abbie 6, Lola 4, school 3,
slut 26, sub 42,
(optional : north-west-north room (empty), enter, use cabinet to view scenes)
go downstairs
(optional : explore Karen’s Office)
enter Living Room and talk with Karen to start 2nd chapter

talk with Karen
new quest : The Delivery Girl
change dress
leave house

go west (Sapphory Docks)
enter 2nd building to the right near water front
talk to 3rd clerk from left (blue hair)(+ quest)
leave building

go east (Lady Flower Estate), go east (Town Square)
on your way check out Jan Winters shop to the left
check the central puppet for red underwear (30 credits)
try it on in a cabin *, use mirror
check the puppet below the Jan Winters sign for Abbie’s future underware (70 credits)(+ quest)
return red underwear to clerk at the left
leave shop

go east (Fallulah Park), go south (Honeypot Estate)
go south, the pub is in the south east corner,
SAVE the game
talk to girl with blue hair outside
since there is no money at this point : Flirt with her (medium risk)
(failure brings Missy into the stocks naked (- school reputation)
reload or return
try again)
get phone (+ quest)

return to the docks and talk to the clerk girl again
the package was delivered to Rosaleigh Khmer at Cervexa Club, Red Light District
trade phone for Rosaleigh’s package (+ quest)
leave building
go east (Lady Flower Estate), go north (Red Light District)
talk to girl near central building to get club pass
SAVE the game (since you can’t save in the building)
enter club
talk to bar girl – “I want a job”
go to the backstage door with private sign (2nd from right)
go backstage and enter the office to the left
talk to Lara (club manageress)
strip, talk to Lara on the couch
get heels and a black thong (+ quest)
– perform on stage x 2
– check all the tables for offers
– do a private dance for the girl sitting at the table close to the entrance for private dances
grind against her, finish her off
(repeat actions until Rosaleigh notices Missy)
get elevator pass (+ quest)

use elevator in north east corner
the hotel room number is 169 (north west)
enter room
drink champagne * only once!!!
while Rosaleigh is in the bath, check the closet in the north west corner
while Rosaleigh is on the phone, go down to backstage area and get the package from closet in south east corner *
return to Rosaleigh’s room, hide the package behind the couch *
talk to Rosaleigh, offer her a drink
Rosaleigh passes out, take package from couch * and switch with package in closet
use Rosaleigh (Yes!)

return to back stage area and talk with Lara
get 50 credits
(in v0.3 this pay is one-time-only)

return home and deliver package to Karen in living room
End of Chapter 2 -> Missy Lvl 3 : 404 HP 110 MP 50 Cr

ask Karen for 70 credits (Abbie present)
tell the truth
new job option : maid for Emily
go upstairs into Karen’s room
get maid outfit from left closet
leave house

Emily’s house is the big house with orange/yellow flowers south of Missy’s house.
work ***
talk to Emily in the kitchen
undress near the couch *
talk to Emily in the kitchen
work *
talk to Emily on the couch
agree to sleep with her
go upstairs to the bedroom *
have sex
go downstairs, take clothes from the couch
(Missy now has 250 credits in her pocket)

return home and talk to Karen
(Missy now has 140 credits in her pocket, 110 credits (30 for Karen and 80 for the maid outfit) were subtracted)
change clothes (since Missy cannot leave this district in maid outfit)
status : slut 32, sub 42

Note : the maid job is repeatable once per day and yields 20 credits

return home and read the letter near the entrance

go east (Town Square), go east (Fallulah Park), go east (Lady Gardens Estate), go south (Hospital)
(Lady Gardens Estate is home for Jessica, Becky and Poppy)
Enter hospital building and talk to receptionist
Go upstairs and talk to receptionist
talk to receptionist (+ quest)
go to the north west office on this floor
talk to administrator

learn Missy’s back story (moms Ezra and Renee)

talk (+ quest)

go north (Lady Gardens Estate), go north (Financial District)

go to Guard Headquarters (1st building to the right) in Financial District
talk to officer
speak to Guard Captain Elysee *
Lie … (+ quest)
Go to Red Light District (north of Missy’s home)
The Pussy Pit is in the bigger northern building right to the entrance to the arena
save as backup before you enter
just have a look, don’t talk too much to people (+ quest)
Check out the south west corner and do a tutorial wrestling fight
(use grapple, go for bra and panties, use guard to heal, break/counter grapples on you, use hair pull)
Save the game and do a real fight against Nissa
Use all options : make her eat your pussy, fuck her and turn her into a spectacle (spanking and make her cum)
get 50 credits as winner
if you did not talk too much, you can see Nissa in the stocks
Note : the fight against Nissa is an easy repeatable event yielding 50 credits per day

talk with people until Missy is kidnapped
wake up in the slavers’ cave
talk to mom Renee
sleep, wake up
trust her (+ quest)
explore the cave
mom will unlock the door after a while
go upstairs

Slavers’ Hideout
talk to mom near stairs (+ quest)
explore and talk to everybody, use the slaves
(this whole area will become unaccessible once the story advances)
talk with the slave cleaning a room, have sex
talk with the guard in front of the cell, do all the sex scenes (3 x 1 girl, 3 x 2 girls, 3 girls)
return to mom’s room
select to move on if you are finished exploring (+ quest)

enjoy the party, have sex with the red haired slave and the slave in the stocks
talk to Maria
check mom’s room
talk to mom to move on (+ quest)

follow Renee (mom)
Renee escapes
Missy is returned to her room
scene with Karen
leave room -> teleport to the hospital
examination scene
Chapter 3 end -> Missy Lvl 4 455 HP 112 MP 190 Cr, Encourage, Counter-grapple
return home
stats : slut 32, sub 42

optional :
If you missed Nissa in the stocks, you can return to the Pussy Pit and fight her again for another 50 credits.

optional :
go to Town Square
– either buy Abbie’s present and the red underwear for a 100 credits at Jan Winters
– or visit the shop to the east to invest into a stack of Rocket Fuel (+250 HP) for 15 credits each to battle Poppy in next days
To date Abbie you need Abbie 15, so her present maybe can wait some days …

return home
undress in Missy’s room
use the bed to masturbate
use the bed to sleep to end the day
Story - 8.8
Visual - 7.5
Engagement - 7.9
Core Loop - 8

Have your say!

9 10


  1. Links not working for mobile

    • Mobile devices are smarter than the garden variety run of the mill Dikgamer, who exist largely in a vegitative state. Your Android doesn’t want to run female protag faggot shit. I would listen.

  2. “Missy” sounds like “sissy” which stands for FAG. The Globohomo wants you to think that women have rights equal to men but lesbians will never carry children so they should be dealt with. Simple.

  3. Imagine guys want to wear a dress and be a sissy today. There are people trying to teach you this is perfectly normal. It’s not. In fact that has never been normal in the history of man. This faggot acceptance shit is very recent and society is collapsing. No coincidence.


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