Home » Defending Lydia Collier [v0.17 Beta 1.1] [White Phantom Games]

Defending Lydia Collier [v0.17 Beta 1.1] [White Phantom Games]

User Rating: 9

The story of a London-based lawyer called in to defend the wife of one of the city’s most influential and wealthy businessmen who has recently disappeared. You’ll be with the defendant during police interviews through to the trial in court, working to review evidence and help build her case. Along the way you’ll meet various other characters and experience the life of a currently single wealthy London lawyer. Whether your fresh out of school assistant or a local police officer catches your eye, you’ll be able to decide who you wish to interact with and choose to pursue romantically. This game will contain swearing, nudity and adult scenes.
All fetishes are completely optional and controlled by player choices

Download for Windows/ Linux - Version 0.16.2 Full

Download for Windows/ Linux - Version 0.16.2 Split Files

Download for Windows/ Linux Update Patch - Version 0.17 Beta v1.1

Download for Mac - Version 0.16.2 Full

Download for Mac Version 0.16.2 Split Files

Download for Mac Update Patch - Version 0.17 Beta v1.1

Download for Android

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Walkthrough

Download Mod - v0.16.2

Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.

Unzip the mod -> Right click being a dik -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Open the “Contents/Resources/autorun” folder -> Hold the Option key and drag the folder named “game” from the mod into the “autorun” folder -> Click merge

unzip File.zip in “C:\Users\”YOUR USERNAME”\AppData\LocalLow\EternalAliceStudio\Ghost Marriage”

Story - 9
Visual - 8.8
Engagement - 8.9
Core Loop - 9.1

Have your say!

45 6


  1. Dev needs to learn how to compress his image files.

  2. If you merge the update patch 0.17 with the main game, you can’t play the game from the start anymore, just the update.

    • Really??????????????????????????

      • Go sleep nga

  3. where is the old dikgames site ???

    • Well, no matter where it is – this one is broken beyond repair.

  4. Why this so called update, it’s disconected from the game, just some routes only cucks would take.

  5. Saves from the privious version don’t work, you can’t proceed with the game, is this update a joke.

  6. MMMMMMMMF sissy fetish “IN THE PAST”

    INCE(L)TON woke cliche.

  7. The v. 17 1.1 beta is a standalone brief sketch of possible upcoming content. It cannot, nor is it meant to, be combined with or load save files of v. 16.x (16.2?). it seemingly bares little resemblance to that version: since when was the MC in v.16 a desperate letch that peeps on young women through a keyhole!?
    I’ve played through several paths of v.16 and can’t see where this fits in, unless there is a large gap between that and this version

  8. The v. 17 1.1 beta is a standalone brief sketch of possible upcoming content. It cannot, nor is it meant to, be combined with or load save files of v. 16.x (16.2?). it seemingly bares little resemblance to that version: since when was the MC in v.16 a desperate letch that peeps on young women through a keyhole!?
    I’ve played through several paths of v.16 and can’t see where this fits in, unless there is a large gap between that and this version

  9. So many of the games here have high scores are for games with fag and tranny.


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