
Tomie Wants to Get Married Expansion [v1.3801] [Final] [Ollane]

Download for Windows

Download for Windows - Play As Yumi! - Standalone mini game mode

Download for Windows - Play As William! - Standalone mini game mode

Download for Mac

Download for Mac - Play As Yumi! - Standalone mini game mode

Download for Mac - Play As William! - Standalone mini game mode

Download for Linux

Download for Linux - Play As Yumi! - Standalone mini game mode

Download for Linux - Play As William! - Standalone mini game mode

Download for Android

Download for Android - Play As Yumi! - Standalone mini game mode

Download for Android - Play As William! - Standalone mini game mode

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Saves

Extract it into game folder

Please Note:-ย 

However, when using this save file, there is a bug in which certain events with Sungold in Samdai are repeatedly conducted.
Decline Sungold’s offer as points allow, then proceed with the routine.

Download Blackmail Mod


Add 7 blackmail events


For installation instructions, refer to the readme in the compressed file.


Download NightVisit1


Add some Nightvisit events related to rape.


For installation instructions, refer to the readme in the compressed file
(The installation method is slightly different from the previous version, so please check it)

Download violate1


This mod replaces the Violate scene censored by Ollane


For installation instructions, refer to the readme in the compressed file
(The installation method is slightly different from the previous version, so please check it)


For endings, ending conditions, and menu unlock conditions, see theย Tips&Hints
(You can access Tips from the title or from the pop-up menu that appears when you press the ESC key)
Cheat menuย (accessible byย phone item in inventory)
On the board game screen, you can play the game using theย Roll button at the bottom
You can save after a day passes
In the setting menu, you can set the resolution of the game, the speed of text, and the volume
I recommend you to speed up the message speed
I do not recommend changing font type and font size because all text sizes and fonts have not been tested enough
If the game is slow in the android version, set the graphic setting to ‘very low’ in Settings
The game is optimized for a 16:9 ratio resolution
Problems with other resolutions will be improved over time
Higher attractiveness, pheromones, corruption lead to more diverse event
Lower reputation lead to more diverse event

Shortcut keys
L-Ctrl : Skip
A : Toggle Auto
L : Show backlog
Space bar, Enter : continue
Tab : Toggle UI (But use the right side of the button in Animated H-Scene)
ESC : Popup menu

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Editor's Rating

Story - 70%
Visual - 83%
Engagement - 63%
Core Loop - 79%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.6 ( 84 votes)

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  1. This review is made after 6h 20min of playing…
    The game itself is actually better than most games, based on the mechanics and how its plays. But the content however is not for all and definitely not for me (and I do not care in the slightest about the copy paste of assets)

    I first got the easiest “university ending” on day 31, meanwhile learning the mechanics (getting an ending without cheats then enables the use of cheats without any repercussions)
    The game can be grindy but use of cheats is encouraged

    Then second playthrough onwards I maxed out all stats in an attempt to breeze through some other endings, which there are a lot of- a total of 56 endings.
    Every ending/episode and most of events just involve Tomie getting raped, Tomie getting raped for money, Tomie getting raped violently… you get it. She can get raped randomly while sleeping, on streets, while sleeping, on jobs and there is no way to avoid it. The town is filled with most vile and disgusting pieces of filth imaginable. I am not really good with such content but I played on. There is an in game guide for all achievements and endings. These endings involve Tomie being blackmailed into becoming x person’s pet or a sex slave or just a whore, better endings include getting pregnant with a baby from peraon A then marrying person B smh.

    What did it for me was the Yumi episode, I somehow continued playing just to find the “True Ending” labeled as “???” in the tips section. Tumi is younger sister of Tomie’s friend Marie, one day Mari calls Tomie to tell that Yumi has disappeared and later discovered to be kidnapped and taken to slum area. Somehow her release is negotiated and she would be released a week later because she would be punished by the gang for a week. Tomie and Mari take back Yumi after a week and she is in bad state. It happened off screen, and we the player is just told she has severe PTSD. In an atempt to save Yumi, Tomie can tell gang that she too is virgin and the gang can release Yumi and take her for a week instead, which they agree on. This is its shown what happened for 7 days for 4 days she is beaten and tortured till near death and for the next 3 days she is deflowered and raped for the remainder of time by countless men. Those are only two options how the episode plays out. The only saving grace being finding Yumi still innocent and pure by Tomie sacrificing herself.

    I couldn’t bring myself to proceed any further, I understand that is an audience for such content and I do not judge anyone for there tastes but I will let this one pass.

  2. girl only gets married to have proper MAN and BREED for so CULTURE is not KILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no woman has other reason to married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. The game has everything that a game needs.great animation,great sound effects not linear.This is 73 but that stupid game of becoming a rockstar is 96 ๐Ÿ˜€
    The only downside that i see that people say that this is a bad game is cultural difference between japanese games.

    1. this game is bad because model is lazy copy paste honey select and this is not a japanese this is korean. are you retarded? talk about japan culture but know shit about japan culture because maybe fem mc look asian? pfft very funny.
      And this game belong to trash because sandbox and model straight up unpacked data from honey select. if you think developer create model from scratch and rate this game high ur certified retard.

      1. Korea? are you retarded?
        since 1945 there is nothing as Korea on the map.
        we have North Korea and South Korea.
        you must be a certified retard for saying this.
        Hail Hitler.

        1. you can’t even read cumhead. i said korean english term for korea people, it doesn’t matter north south or whatever they are in fact still share the same blood and you can call both korean. ironic saying someone retard but you are worse than retard, your iq must be so low can’t even digest my words. nice try to act smart retard but you just shaming urself.
          get lost and die you retarded shit.

  4. To me it always felt gay to play as a girl trying to get fucked and creamed. Especially if you are the type that actually read the story and immerse in it, kinda like you being a trans in the game…

    1. have you play the game? there is no story in this, basically you just walk around to find an encounter or working at different places to get scene or just whore yourself out with dating app and then you get money for buying stuff and picking stats to open the new scene and your mc willing to do for example if you have 0 exhibitionist mc won’t go out braless but at later game after grind mc can go anywhere without anything underneath. now try this out stay focused and keep grinding.

  5. I do not advise those who first came here to download this project! 1)H-scenes are made within 2)Terrible voice acting is just a nightmare! 3)The plot is very boring stupid! The result is a terrible example of how not to make games!PS.The project still has a lot of other disadvantages, just list it will get boring!

  6. I’ve played over half a thousand porn games, maybe even a thousand, and almost every one of them has a dumb plot, crappy mechanics, and has no content you expect of porn game. This game is just epic in terms of content and mechanics, there is also a small plot, but it is optional, it makes no sense. I recommend this game, it is a gem in a sea of โ€‹โ€‹shit.

    1. Promotion, much?
      I like corruption games, but “Tomie” is hard on the grind-side with little rewarding progress. Just my opinion.

  7. Great game lot’s of content too.It really feels alive and your actions do matter.It’s Japanese style porn so it’s not for everyone but everything from animations and sound effects are on point.Well done even if it’s just a porn game ๐Ÿ™‚

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