Home » Devoted Wife [v0.42] [LoveStory]

Devoted Wife [v0.42] [LoveStory]

User Rating: 4.5

This is a visual novel about the protagonist and his wife, a newly married couple and the unexpected arrival of a young man into their lives.
The arrival of the young man made the protagonist realize that he had a strange fetish that he hoped his wife would indulge in.
As he began to experiment with different fantasies with his wife, he found that their interests didn’t always align.
As they navigated their new dynamic, they encountered a variety of interesting characters.
The future was uncertain, but one thing was certain:
the couple were in for the ride of their lives.​

Password: 127767

Download for Windows/ Linux

Download for Windows/ Linux - Compressed

Download for Mac - v0.41

Download for Mac - Compressed

Download for Android

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Gallery Mod

Replace the attached file with the one inside the
“…\DevotedWife-0.xx-pc\game\code\” directory.
Enter any 6 digits to unlock gallery.

Story - 4.6
Visual - 5.5
Engagement - 3.8
Core Loop - 4

Have your say!

18 24


  1. Anyone got passcode for 0.41 if yes then pls provide it here for Android user

    • 220220

      • There was a game i forgot mostly about it there was a girl who told mc that due to her family being religious or something she had baby through ivf so she is a singke mother, anybody know this adult game name

        • Sounds like radiant

  2. Anyone got passcode for Android user

    • Fr the ui is shit

  3. need new code

    • Download the gallery mode and install it. After that it will ask you for the pass code type a six digit number and you’ll be able to play the game.

      • Still no passcode update?

    • Download the gallery mode and install it. After that it will ask you for the pass code type a six digit number and you’ll be able to play the game.

  4. What will win out? People’s hate of the site redesign or people triggering themselves by whining about an NTR game? Grab some popcorn and let’s find out!

    • Passwords never works

  5. T the admin. BRO….Please revert back to the old UI.. It was just perfect.. Pleaseee

    • Fr this ui is shit

    • Fr this ui is shit

  6. This UI sucks. Revert it back.

  7. Anyone got passcode then provide it here

  8. The usual dumb fuck mc and his slut wife, not one choice to give the mc some controle.

  9. Only fags enjoy watching a man fuck a woman. There can be no other reason to watch a man fuck a woman. That man isn’t you. That woman isn’t yours. It’s this kind of depravity that is giving globohomo power.

    Don’t watch men fucking women.


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