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Unseen Instincts [v0.46] [DemonLad]

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Editor's Rating

Story - Unseen Instincts presents a story that, while not overly convoluted, still has room for improvement. The game revolves around a cop story, which, unfortunately, falls short of being truly captivating. The characters lack depth and fail to leave a lasting impression, as they have very little to say that truly engages the player. - 64%
Visual - When it comes to visuals, Unseen Instincts falls within the realm of average. The models are well-designed, capturing the essence of the characters they represent. The rendering quality is decent, and the overall presentation is visually appealing. However, it lacks the extra polish and attention to detail that would truly make it stand out among other games. - 77%
Engagement - Engagement is an essential factor for any game to succeed, and unfortunately, Unseen Instincts struggles in this area. The prolonged wait for the few, albeit mild, sex scenes can test players' patience. One would have expected more content and depth in Chapter Three, but the game fails to deliver. - 58%
Core Loop - The core loop in Unseen Instincts aims to provide an immersive experience; however, it falls short of its full potential. While there are glimpses of promise, the current state of the game lacks the necessary elements to keep players hooked. The lack of variety and limited progression inhibits the core loop from truly shining. - 62%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.53 ( 79 votes)

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  1. Every time a developer is shouting FULL HD images and FULL HD animations, you know it looks like shit. And he fixed a bug, with a lot of new bugs.

  2. Starts off as a very story driven VN. Eventually, you get to the first adult scene, which was a lesbian scene. The second adult scene was with a guy, fortunately, but simplistic and not great. The third was another lesbian one. This did not bode well, and I almost quit. Also, up to now the renders and model textures had been odd, and I was having trouble getting used to it. But things changed–the renders and textures got much better and the fourth adult scene was both erotic and good; mainly because the female cop didn’t want to do it, but had little choice–made it hot and dynamic. I hoped there would be more similar content. There wasn’t. The fifth scene was another lesbian scene–I began to see the pattern. Sadly, the mayor didn’t stay in charge with a reluctant female detective, which would have been much much more erotic.

    I soon also discovered the adult scenes do this weird flip, where the first individuals initiate, but then the other individual suddenly takes over and initiatives for the rest. It’s like the roles keep flipping. It’s confusing, and also wrecks the reluctance eroticism potential.

    Not a lot more content–still the early stages of the VN. It has potential, but the dev needs to sit down and think about what dynamics make a scene erotic vs. boring. And stop flipping their roles; have one aggressive and the other reluctant, and keep it that way.

  3. The early stages are quite promising, but you have to stretch the imagination to make the MC into a bit of a hoe because police departments are notoriously male-dominated and they do not like female officers who sleep around with non-police because they believe it makes them corruptable. I took criminology, so I know this fact. The departments do not seem to mind that male police officers are notorious poon hounds though.

        1. S24ultra is a good smartphone with ultra-high resolution screen…of 6.8in…for a grand….my desktop pc cost less 21.5in screen included. That’s what I meant with wasting efforts by the developers – at least connect the phone to your tv-screen.

  4. Bro Why You Upload Low Graphics compress Apk for Android ??? Like A wife And Mother The66 apk good But Konga3 is bad , and about This Game just 192 mb Apk ?? 😏😏😏 Low Graphics Game sorry i don’t Want to Play .

    1. Go play in the traffic you stupid shit. Comparing this to awam is stupid awam milked for 6 yrs with 1000 same images and this game is new and the visual is not low at all and no one actually asked you to play. Get lost you little shit

    2. Honestly, who wastes the efforts and ressources of a high-resolution game on their phone should blame themselves if there are issues. It has to be compressed and ported to (crappy) Android, which was not made to adapt to a xGB-sized WIN or MAC game.

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