
Lunars Chosen [Ep. 2 v0.1] [PTGames]

FCA – Enable Futa Content
FCD – Disable Futa Content
budrose – +$1000
letmesee – Unlock all secret images

Download for Windows/ Linux - Ep.1 v0.26

Download for Windows/ Linux - Ep. 2 v0.1

Download for Mac - Ep.1 v0.26

Download for Mac - Ep. 2 v0.1

Download for Android - Ep.1 v0.26

Download for Android - Ep. 2 v0.1

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Incest Patch

Content Changed

Enables incest.

Patch Instructions

Windows/PC: Copy xyz.rpyc into your “game” folder.

Android users: Navigate to Android/data/xyz/files, create a new folder named “game” and copy the xyz.rpyc in this folder.

Mac: Right click your  xyz app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Move xyz.rpyc into your “Contents/Resources/autorun/game” folder

Note: This patch will work for all future versions as well. Just copy the file for each new game version. It will always stay the same file.

Download Secret Image Mod


Make secret images easier to find

Extract ‘game’ folder on top of existing ‘game’ folder

Download Gallery Mod

Gallery/photo/secret unlock, should work across any version, to use download the file as a .rpy into the game’s `game` folder (click on the attachment, press Ctrl+s, select the All files (*.*) entry from the file type dropdown and after that remove .txt from the file name)

Download Saves

Unzip both .zip contents into the \game\save folder.

To change your name. Download (right click save as) the “consoleenable.rpy” and put it into the \game folder.
Ingame press Shift+O. Type into the console: define pc = “NewName

Note: Amy is trans. To change her use the cheat codes.

You can also mail us at :-

Editor's Rating

Story - 95%
Visual - 92%
Engagement - 85%
Core Loop - 90%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.82 ( 53 votes)

Related Articles


  1. I am at the point of:
    I should visit vee at the workshop in the evening.

    ** but, I have tried every evening. The option will not pop up for me.
    I am completely stuck.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. 1)Graphics- The project is made of ready-made assets, this can be seen from the picture of the surrounding world, it looks very poor since there are very few real edits! negative

    2) Sandbox gameplay meaningless repetition of one action with a terrible interface, this whole mixture will annoy you very much literally right away!

    3) Erotic Scenes- The developer does not understand what excites in the picture and what is not and is drawn very shabbily in the scenes there is no lust, passion, orgasms if there is, then they are made very disgusting!

    4) The plot – You will not be able to fully feel it because you will be torn out of it every scene in the end, I would say that it is meaningless here! The plot itself is very stupid because there are a lot of words about magic and there is no such thing in the picture, the MS is constantly spinning in the same places!

    The result is a shit project by all criteria, if compared with any good project with a plot about the magic of Ataegina,Deliverance,MIST,Lust City, This is a small list of top projects there are very worse projects, but much better than this wretched shit made from ready-made assets!

    1. I’d argue Ataegina Vomond = it has far more potential than I think the author has let pan out thus far. I’ve left my criticisms and suggestions about the game on that page. They don’t seem all that inclined to listen to anyone. However, this is a damned sight more than you usually post, and more comprehensible. So bravo. If you posted like this for ever game you’ve commented on, we’d all be happier for it. Good job.

  3. This is pure gay game and i dont mean gay as shitty i mean gay as gay. MC is sucking cocks left and right , taking it up the ass as well. And yet i dont see those tags.
    Gay man voting for gay game lol

  4. Cheaths:

    gravytrain -> +1000 money
    FCA -> Futa content activated
    FCD -> Futa content deactivated

    if textcode = 1:
    otherwise open console and write “textcode = 1” enter
    05837591 -> You type in the code you received and get a bunch of secret images in return!
    When you write this code, the textcode will take the value of 2 and you cannot write it again.

    if futa is active:
    iseethings -> futa secrets opened
    if futa is not active:
    iseethings -> other secrets opened without futa content

  5. The hints about what to do next are exceptionally good for a sandbox game.
    Unfortunately this is the only positive aspect of this game.
    Futa is references as optional but it isn’t really. Yes you can avoid that route but doing so you will loose a lot of content. Sometimes there is are alternative scenes but most of the time is about skipping. Even rejecting that route player will get pushed a lot into gay content. MC using Dildo, fucked by sex machines, fucked by futa (if in that route), converting MC to a girl to be fucked…well game is very pushy for Mc to get fucked by any means.
    Despite what authors says in a few comments in dialogue, a guy not be willing to be fucked is not homophobic, it’s just a guy not willing to be fucked! Same way it’s not because you are not into bestiality that you can’t like pets!
    Animations are way out of current standards, not a big issue as the game only has a few.
    Absolute no feelings in the game (no romance but not even lust). MC feels like if you give him the option between a cold drink and sex…he might struggle to decide. On one way it’s a good thing as you feel like the girls are more in the friends with benefit that relationship category. So it’s ok if they are having more fun without MC anyway.
    Would be faire to add (optional) gay to the tags. If you are into that part…game is good.

  6. So… v0.24 released not long ago, and I couldn’t help but be curious about the project. Checked the Patreon history to find that the game has been in development for four (4!) years now.

    The question I have for anyone that’s played most of the current content – is the game even close to done after four years? Versioning would indicate that if it holds to a 1.0 Release, it might not be done for 10+ more years. Since I don’t generally play AVNs that aren’t close to done (or finished entirely), it’s hard to know where this one stands.

    1. As of having finished all I could do for Ver. 0.23 – no. It’s not done. In fact they’ve recently added Lunar’s Brother having it’s own faction designed to make the MC/Player think they’re going to loose their magics {Which is a bullshit way to increase tensions when you LITERALLY cannot kill or De-Power your HERO!} So at the very best, they are maybe, MAYBE half way done. I’d personally put it at 1/3rd to a quarter done myself. There are also a lot of side content girls that are so far either 1 or 2 shot shows. So really, no. They’re not even close to finished unless they want to leave a lot of loose story threads [Though I will note I do find some of the content disconcerting and not to my tastes – but since it’s a harem game and I’d assume the best ending is tied to not rejecting women, some of the stuff I’ve had to see anyway]

      * There are too many girls that are just as much or more into each other than they seem to be the MC.
      * There is too much body morphing against MC’s will (HE. HAS. THE. POWER. OF. A. GODDESS!!!)
      = Fuck off with making his actual ability to counter anything Serena does non-existent.
      * The only reason they all like MC is because A) Spineless nice guy and B) Serena magiked him to have a horse cock [Which is insulting to both your core audience as male, and females in general]
      * Most of the females are either bitchy or disinterested; up until they see MC’s dick… and he wastes about three hours trying to convince them to be DTF. {Grinding is repetitive}
      * The girls are also ALL randomly gaining, or tied to magic – which rather demotes the importance of the MC… Oh well?
      * Almost all of the girls have basically EVERY kind of sexual experience, and of course the Goth/punk who has to be Femdom as much as Sub >.< runs a sex club. So really, there's no sense of adventure, and no growth to other kinds of relationships that might have been a choice to be asked. It also rather leaves their actual loyalty HEAVILY in question; because again – EVERY Girl so far that's been added to the harem has been willing to play either just as much with the other girls, or moreso than with MC.
      [The MC should just straight up BE Dom; and the Player should get to CHOOSE how much of that kind of content they see… because you spend a SHIT TON of hard to earn money into letting Claire improve the club you help her to open as part of her arc – There IS NO choice about it, you have to do it whether you agree with the idea or not – and I have yet to see any improved funding come back to me for said investment. The only funds you gain are from the photo place that you run.

      TL;DR as some people are fond of typing out after my comments (but if you didn't read it anyway… why does it matter how long it is?) = Nope. The game is not done. If it keeps going at this rate I don't doubt it may never be. There's also the point that they added an achievement system that means fuck all = except that you HAVE to start the game all over again. Which was a pain in the ass of the highest magnitude, from that far into it. To me, that alone almost made me throw in the towel. And if they keep on with the every girl's bi/every girl's magic, and the MC's powers as Lunar's Chosen mean jack shit because he's literally too retarded to TRY using them for himself – or asking his FAIRY GF how to actually use his own magic, rather than letting her steal it for increasingly bullshit experiments… then I will very much be done with it.

      I wouldn't stop you from downloading it, and it's not necessarily a horrible story. But there are missteps; and it's a little more of a wide net in tastes than I think apply to 95% of it's audience (being generous) so at the end of the day, it's your call.

      1. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll poke around in it a little, then shelve it until it releases (if that ever happens).

  7. Okay, so far here’s my take:

    You. Do. Not. Write. Your. Characters. Into. Corners!

    I don’t care that MC’s a Goddess’ “Chosen” (which by the way is a state that SHOULD NOT be able to be fucked with at any rate – divine ability is NOT something to be easily rescinded. Power when given should NEVER be taken away without consequence and NO. I don’t give a flying fuck – that’s Serena’s job – that Lunar has “brothers” Go fuck yourself with the idea they’re anything more powerful than she is. For any reason) You DO NOT need to create problems that you cannot or do not intend to solve.

    Not by giving each of the seven – who are NOT all originally magical – duex ex bullshit reasons to suddenly be magical (it takes away from the MC character’s uniqueness overall and is a BAD sign for a HAREM Lead = you already focus WAY too much on the size of his dick. Which he also supposedly ONLY got because of Serena. Which I would accept as retconned into it’s an extension of Lunar’s magic; like the fact ALL of them are just randomly okay with him fucking around. So long as he loves them)

    You SHOULD make him TRAIN the damned powers. Period. For literally anything other than fucking. [We’ll get into the fact you had Serena magically sterilize the dumbass – who never thought to ask, and ISN’T massively pissed off at her for it. Fuck you VERY MUCH for that = ALWAYS. ALL WAYS. Player Choice! Jesus Christ I do not get how that is such a hard concept. Now you have Amber talking about how she was willing to LEAVE because she “wants a baby” but you don’t even write in a choice for MC to say as a player option YES. Or Nah, that’s not something I want. I could facepalm so damned hard but really; I’m starting to want to use ALL of yours. For never any of you at all considering this stuff. Escapism doesn’t mean you can gender swap, fuck around with fertility and shrink or engorge to whatever kinked assed bullshit you think is funny. It means that there is power. There is fantasy, and you need to respect your damned audience, else you will end up losing any hope of continued support.

    That’s beyond the fact this recent update actually borked my last save file; so I had to start what is an OVERLY grinding game from the fucking beginning. There are many things I would change: First = ask if the player wants to be a girl or not from the beginning. Ask if Gay content like Futa is something the player wants to see. Once asked, if no is chosen, then fuck right off with the concept full stop. Do not ask if I want to see it; I already told you no.

    – That includes Amy. I don’t give a fuck what her arc is: come up with one that is different – hint: You made her stronger than Spiderman, so RUN WITH IT. She did not have to be Trans baiting content. Most of your fucking audience is going to be male, and straight. [I said most, and go look up the bloody stats of gay and LGBT across Canada or the US if you want to judge me about it – I’m not wrong. How many of them do you honestly think play this type of game regularly. I’ll wait]
    – There are too many side characters. Period. You have a harem with what you call 7 mains.
    * Zara NEEDS to be added to that list. Bent over a table and bred in one go; it’s fair punishment for the bullshit you pulled with her character. {The trans content I WOULD accept is MC by the end morphing all of Lunar’s bitch assed brothers into women – and then breeding them, to own for the rest of eternity. That… would be your ultimate happy end, and to get it no. He should not have to grind for eternity}
    – Serena REALLY should have understood from the start that the second MC learned to control any of his powers; he could turn the tables around. [Do not make him look like a dick and fail at it – He has the powers of a GOD = GOD > Fairy. He WINS] Nothing he does should harm her; but it’s more than time for a little straight lacing revenge. If she wants to be in a serious, commited long term relationship, she doesn’t wear the magical pants.
    – You need to talk to ALL of the girls about family. Starting one, how many are wanted, basically put it as a quiz to the player in choices, so they can customize to their tastes. There should be NO negative consequences. It shows MC’s investment in the harem, and each of his women. * Including Kim, Jamie, the entire demoness pack and Sam too. Otherwise what the fuck was the point of adding them???
    * You did not really need to ressurect Star – but no. Falla DOES NOT want Star’s baby; nor need to be so focused on a marriage that frankly from a legal standpoint in human terms very much doesn’t exist anymore. If you are separated for more than 7 years in general, your marriage is legally void. If she is damned near dead, there’s a good argument to be made it was annuled. You can renew their vows AFTER MC knocks them all up at least once, but fuck off that any of the women want any other cock but the one YOU created, that they’re all now so damned obsessed over. Jesus.
    – Sharing. IS. NOT. Harem! Sharing is something entirely different. They are antithetical to each other. Read above.

    – If you are going to input events that happen on specific days… MAKE DAMNED SURE the person involved in those events is WHERE YOU SAID THEY SHOULD BE ON THOSE DAYS. More than once I had to wait the whole damned week to get to an event progress point, because you can’t be bothered to have static placements for all characters, or just fuck off with the specific day/time chunk events.

    – The economy is massively borked. By the time you randomly stumble onto finding all opportunities to get the girls’ pics that you make money from; you absolutely don’t need money at all. I have now thousands of dollars for WAY too much grinding that shouldn’t have needed to be. Start. The. Fucker. Rich. * You make Claire wealthy adjacent, Katie somehow as a sex obsessed ditz a dildo genuis who again is RICH. You have Amber who again, comes from money… but Captain Blue Balls has to work them right off to get any scratch that he’s only going to use to see a few fucking scenes anyway??? Come. The. Fuck. On! [He HAS THE POWER OF A GOD. Just a reminder. Money is NOT a concern]

    – Stop at all pretending like you’re going to endanger this bastard. You cannot kill him without ending your game. It does fuck all for tensions, but it does actively protray the “hero” as a spineless little bitch. I get you want to make all the girls unique and I’m even okay with some of them being Jennifer Walters from time to time, with less green for the job. However, you NEED to start letting MC throw his fucking weight around. With something other than a magically mutated cock : / {Here’s a random thought: Instead of having Serena do a scene where MC is STILL a guy but has a pussy; why the hell don’t you just ask the player if they want to play as a girl. Let Amy keep the imp cock, and end up having MC be the one to get pregnant. That, I would call actually funny, a subversion of expectations, and respectful of kinks involved}

    Overall, I’d say permanently make Meg small. She’s hotter that way. Missy can be the one to play popples with how many babies she gives, but Meg should give at least 3. Their moms can do one for Falla or two for Star. Claire needs to fuck off with the FemDom on MC when the player generally does not choose anything but Dominance. You should stop seeing submissive options if you pick dominant more than once. Other than that, you’ve already got one problem in that fucking cult looking to flay MC, and now you want to do the magic version of ICE? I do not know how many more ways, or how much more intensely I can tell you to fuck absolutely right off. Except maybe with Vodka. Again, resolve it by bending Zara over a table to become MC’s willing, submissive breeding bitch for the rest of her days. Sister very much included, and have her help you do the same to lunar’s brothers. Otherwise for all the crap I’ve had to wade through in general… I’m tapped out.

  8. For v0.23

    moolah => + 1000$
    uncover => Secrets unlocked
    05837591 => some code from an unknown number

    ofcourse FCA + FCD still work. And Katie doesn’t have any affection, all the emotions are stripped in this update…

  9. You are right with the emotions. Try playing Summer’s Gone, it doesn’t have sex yet (Will be added in Season 2), but you can feel it.

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