GamesUnreal EngineWindow

Z-Island [v0.18.9.1] [GTS]

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Editor's Rating

Story - 71%
Visual - 86%
Engagement - 66%
Core Loop - 69%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.29 ( 30 votes)

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  1. Why develop such shit? The sex scenes are very little drawn, just awful! The plot is stupid and boring! The gameplay is not here-) The result is that the project is just shit!

    1. Why develop such shit?

      For the same reason, we let you live and breathe even though “I” want to choke the life out of you and Nohomo.

      For now, you have a nice day

  2. You are just used to 300 pond behemoths with purple hair and nose rings loaded with tats. As most girls in the West are now becoming past 15. That shit ain’t natural.

  3. Oh mi Gosh why i a fucking life can make Windows And Mac Version …. it’s too hard to doit… or only in the world of the patreon only exist Windows… some people have MAC OSX … or you live in other planet

    1. There’s always a fucking braindead incel like you, first thing this site just uploads the work from hundreds of different developers so it’s useless and tupid to ask them for another version here.

      Second you’re not paying them, so why would they bother to make another version just for you when there’s a bigger market on windows for them.

      Also before you try to make the typical shit mac users say “I uSe It FoR wOrK, I’m rIcH” let me tel you something very simple if you use the same PC for this games and work good luck idiot, and if you think you’re rich because you’re using a mac PC that just shows how fucking poor are you, you FUCKING DELUSIONAL BUM PUNK GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE AND PUT YOUR FUCKING RANT UP YOUR CUMM FILLED ASS MORON!!!!!

      1. wow … thats amazing …. i’m the only one …..
        What a poor mind to think that I am the only one who has a Mac. Poor you who can’t afford one because PCs are cheaper than a Mac. For efficiency and stability, that’s why I have one. Buy One. PC are cheaper and may be you are happy with the blu or black shit problem screens in windows … ha ha ha…. maricon de la mierda … va a ver quien se lo coge ….

        1. And again you just proved my point to be right, the only thing you show here it’s a zero comprehension about what you read, followed by the same shit i just told you not to do, but hey I’m here the one with the poor mind LMAO what a cringe idiot you are sissy boy.

          wInDoWs CrAsHeS?? WiNdOwS pCs ArE cHeApEr?? Yeah right, you only show how noob you are, typical idiot that thinks he knows everything just because he use a mac, how retard can you be?

          But you know i just discovered what your problem is, you’re a piece of shit centro american siempre ladrando como la perra muerta de habre tercermundista que eres tu estupidez no te permite pensar antes de ladrar.

          But you know what, enjoy your ridiculous existence faggot, I’m not going to bother with your stupidity anymore, that shit is contagious, keep being a fucking ignorant till the day you die motherfucker.

          1. Well, ionno if its weird i use both and hold them equally, and no i’m not rich, they are hand-me downs

        2. My PC is more expensive than your MAC lol. It’s a matter of choice and the programs you use. Everything is better on PC. Only reason I a mac once was FCPX and logic pro. I never wanted to buy the hardware only if they’d have made a PC version of these. Anyways You need to a little more tech knowledge for PC.

        3. Wow Apple has brain trained you, if they were so great majority of the world would use linux, (hint) mic drop….

        4. idk about this vn, but bro is right, PC has more versatility than Apple products as you can exchange parts for better parts if one fails, whereas Apple products are more predatory and make you get parts only from them at times. Thats my take from what I’ve heard from users who have Mac/Apple products.

        5. LOL, as a master race i feel insulted. you think your mac expensive? how much does it cost? have you ever heard of asus ROG or Alienware? even my pc cost more than your crappy mac even my graphic card alone about half cost of that “expensive” mac of yours lmfao. come on benchmark with my pc you retard and you talk about technical you’re know nothing about, windows black screen? lol. what a retard, i bet your mac is refurbished or second hand and you’re spanish and spanish is not considered wealthy nation lmfao.

    2. the game uses unreal engine not renpy. its much harder to make a mac version for it than a renpy game. and after making one you need to check the game for bugs(and you need a mac to do that) so yeah. the time and money needed for it probably isnt worth it.

      1. oh kid stfu, you don’t need mac to test game for bugs, are you retarded? congrats you show how retard a person can be.

    3. And this is GAMERS don’t but macs. Not all games are written for macs. And when they are, it is usually After the PC version has been released. Grownups know this. It is known.

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