Home » TwoSides Reboot [v0.036A Fix 1] [GreonoGames]

TwoSides Reboot [v0.036A Fix 1] [GreonoGames]

User Rating: 7.4

Download for Windows/ Linux

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
Story - 7.2
Visual - 7.5
Engagement - 7.2
Core Loop - 7.5

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  1. Jeez, the amount of gay grooming in games is staggering. It’s like EVERYWHERE! gay, trans, cuck, ntr all the weak ass beta shit trying to turn you into a pussy. If you can’t see this is on purpose you’re a moron. If you fall for it you are a moron.

    • First, comments like yours are exactly why Dikgames restructured the site and wiped comments.
      Second; if you continually shout X equally propogandist bullshit from the rooftops – what does that make you?

      Most of us understand that they’re pushing “inclusivity” too hard, and it was properly never about actual inclusion. But most of us are just going to choose to speak with our wallets, or in this case not download or support the games we don’t want to play. Rather than screaming like Chicken Little.

      • Yup, you globohomo cultists go to any means to silence all decent. You are so “tolerant”.

    • Well said

    • I think it’s hilarious that paranoid alarmists think that seeing something gay will “turn you gay.” That’s not how it works, moron.

      • i never saw gay content in ths game lol… because i am not and i dont choose those options…

        • Dev is slow.
          Try in 2051. Then will have a lot of gay content = 2 sex scenes. And a lot of blue balls in male MC straight path = 4 BJob. 2 Ft job. And teasing.
          Scammer. Woke rtard. Never complete nothing in his life. But cry a lot ‘because black sissy lives matter.”

        • You are clueless how groomers work.
          1. Games are played by the young.
          2. Putting it in everything “normalizes” it. If you ignore or not. Being gay isn’t normal. It’s incredibly unhealthy for the individual and society.

      • The proper response is:

        I have not seen someone trying to pass vomit off as their own brain, but here we are, reading slop from slimeballs pretending to know what morality is. It’s too bad these retards are not confined to their echo chambers. I like paranoid alarmists who stay in their closet, quiet and obedient like the amoral shitstains they are.

        You can’t let these fucknuggets take the higher ground, Don’t, because they don’t have any. This one is an incel, which is like saying not only is he a paranoid alarmist but he’s into being told what to think and what to do like a fucking sheep, unable to do anything but regurgitate his clique’s favorite lines. Brain vomit. Fascist slop. Weak-ass snowflake crybaby over shit that doesn’t affect him.

        Two words are behind his weak-ass screed: “Cultural. Decline.” Fucker’s never cracked open a history book in his goddamn life. Fucking retard.

  2. They are attempting to amoralise humankind.

    They are doing this to make humankind a primate with the brain of an amoeba.

    I hope the new U.S. president will destroy all this crap once and for all, starting with a Patreon, a veritable hotbed of ‘hell of corrupt minds (and paid specifically by third-party “subjects” and organizations) to create emotional and cognitive disorder.

  3. They are attempting to amoralise humankind.

    They are doing this to make humankind a primate with the brain of an amoeba.

    I hope the new U.S. president will destroy all this crap once and for all, starting with a Patreon, a veritable hotbed of ‘hell of corrupt minds (and paid specifically by third-party “subjects” and organizations) to create emotional and cognitive disorder.

    • Shamboniell chandugowdachandugowda@Com..


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