“Special Request” is a pornographic crime novel that revolves around corruption, blackmail, humiliation, prostitution, and various fetishes. Young, successful businesswoman Laura struggles to keep her life together after falling victim to a strange blackmail scheme by a powerful crime syndicate. This organization now exerts control over every aspect of her existence. Following an ill-fated night on the town with friends, Laura finds herself under the thumb of the mafia, determined to humiliate her at every opportunity.
“Special Request” offers a unique interactive experience. No request is too special in this game. You determine how Laura responds to events as they are thrust upon her—willingly or not. You have the power to guide Laura through her perils and hopefully uncover the truth in the end. The question is: What will the cost be?
Have fun gaming!
1- Extract and run.
Developer: Nemiegs
Censored: No
Version: v2.4
Language: English
Genre: 3dcg, rpg, Female protagonist, Corruption, blackmail, rape, vaginal sex, anal sex, group sex, animated
Saturday, week 5
636 images
51 animations
This game strongly involves fetishes mentioned in the tags of this thread. They do not appeal to everyone. By game time, most become avoidable. However – they are present until player choices shape the MC’s character and circumstances.
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Download for Windows/ Linux - Full Interaction Edition (Make all in game decisions)
Download for Windows/ Linux - Compressed Full Interaction Edition (Make all in game decisions)
Download for Windows/ Linux - Kinetic Edition
Download for Windows/ Linux - Compressed Kinetic Edition
Download for Mac - Full Interaction Edition (Make all in game decisions)
Download for Mac - Compressed Full Interaction Edition (Make all in game decisions)
Download for Mac - Kinetic Edition
Download for Mac - Compressed Kinetic Edition
Download for Android
IMPORTANT Instructions:
Download the APK:
Install the apk and run it once.
If you are upgrading and you already have the RPA file you can stop here.
Download the RPA file:
- Move the RPA file to the game directory on your phone: Documents/Renpy_Saves/com.estrada777.specialrequest/game The file MUST be named: archive.2.0.rpa
- Restart the game and enjoy.
Download Update Only - Full Interaction Edition (Make all in game decisions) (v2.3 -> v2.4)
Download Update Only - Kinetic Edition (Chose only Pure or Corrupt route) (v2.3 -> v2.4)
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place on the “Game” folder for this game
You can also mail us at :- dikgames.play@gmail.com
Editor's Rating
Story - 85%
Visual - 85%
Engagement - 81%
Core Loop - 79%
out off 100%
This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
This developer has a fetish for blackmailing; in this nowhere fucking city everyone is either blackmailing, or a voyeur, or a degenerate perv. I tried about 1/2 hour to see if it comes to be something interesting in the script, but I lost my patience when even an old hag from the orphanage was (what do you think?) blackmailing the girl (Laura)… Dude, there’s like for the medicine drugs a dosage: if you take the right amount, it will heal you, if you overdose it, it make you sick. I think the idea of a (AVN) script is to keep you captivated, and to excite you, not make you feel miserable and disgusted. This is how this story makes me feel…
I’m sorry, but errors were detected in your script. Please correct the
errors listed below, and try again.
File “game/00iconbutton.rpy”, line 42: expected a keyword argument or child statement.
0 icon style “iconbutton_icon” properties icon_properties
Ren’Py Version: Ren’Py
Wed Dec 4 10:41:18 2024
It showed up when i try to open the game…. Why? What is the solution?
Android version flash back, is my device too old?
well for one faggots and queers are the same thing dumb shit but that’s probably why you are also here and have been on plenty of VN’s like this one
What to do with RPA file in android
How to unlock all Hall of Shame?
Damn, I don’t understand how you have to be a moron to jerk off to this plot? It’s just disgusting, even the sex scenes don’t excite and it pulls you to vomit!
Looking forward to more exposure in public
Best game, full story, full of actions, I love it
I played multiple routes, but my favorite one so far is her potentially being a Boss B**** as the CEO of Ladies Rags. (She uses sex as a weapon to manipulate and control men.)
one of the best in his genre
where the f is the fullscreen option
This is one of the best ANV stories I have played in a long time, the mob story is very intriguing, and I can’t wait for future updates.
Fantastic game. Just wish Laura was skinny.
Because people want to live vicariously through someone whose life they wish they had. A hero, a jedi, a guy who is loved by women, a guy who hates women seeing them be hated, so on and so forth.
That’s not the only kind of fiction there is which you’re pointing out very well, but that’s the only kind of fiction some people want out of their porn.
This is a really solid game with good plot, amazing renders and animations. It’s far from Shakespeare, but the writtting and plot are acceptable for a B movie. In fact, could be so much more, even better than the top games in the industry like Being a Dik and that boring game in the long-term that everyone likes (Genesis Order). I don’t understand why the sound effects during sex scenes are not in looping, they stop quickly and this is annoying. But so much better than the “Erotica” sound effects for sure.
this is the best adult game (female protagonist), this is a real “hardcore” adult game, for those of you who are not mentally strong, don’t just play, this is not like a wife and mother game which only contains nonsense and cock lock (all the women are virgins, no ever had sex, and the men are all “losers” because they always fail to have sex), do you want to play adult games or watch dramas?
Boring ugly man fetish.
Nothing hardcore here.
Its only you, a player with fetish for peeping in ugly old man.
Nothing hard. Its very easy. Skip. No choices. You need no brains to play. A kid of 7 years can play without effort.