Home » Secret Care Cafe [v0.8.46 Public] [Rare Alex]

Secret Care Cafe [v0.8.46 Public] [Rare Alex]

User Rating: 7.1

Everyday seemed like nothing was changing. Go into your cubicle, put in numbers to the sheets, prepare presentations, hope for bonus every quarter. Only to see your manager get all the credit for your work. Was it your fate to spend the rest of your days at the same place, being just an insignificant pawn in your own life? No!

You’ve had enough! With the help of your loyal girlfriend Cynthia, you took a loan, left your old workplace behind and opened a Maid Cafe! Cynthia and two of her good friends become maids that will help you with everyday struggles!

Download for Windows/ Linux

Download for Windows/ Linux - Split Flies

Download for Mac

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Update(v0.8.45->0.8.46)

Download Gallery Mod + Save

Here’s the full gallery, it’s missing the added Kai x Cookie x Sergil scene (because it’s still not in the gallery, it will probably be visible in 0.8.44).

The other file is my save from I think 0.8.38. I added this one because that’s a save file before you decide if you want Cookie or Rai to be your secret lovers or not. Just so you don’t have to start from the beginning before choices start to matter. Just rename savedata6 to 1-5 to overwrite your previous save.

Story - 7.7
Visual - 6.8
Engagement - 6.9
Core Loop - 7

Have your say!

4 2


  1. Zero MFFF
    Tagged Harem because WOKE MMMMMF with sissy boys.

  2. Incel groomer game. Real men don’t have to quid-pro-quo to get women to pretend to like them.

  3. I thought of another one:

    Incels may only like women in secret. If other incels find out they’re harassed and berated. That’s how you know they’re a cult.


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