Home » Ravenous [Arc 2 Ep.9] [Lament Entertainment]

Ravenous [Arc 2 Ep.9] [Lament Entertainment]

User Rating: 7.4

Please be advised – There is lesbian content in this game, that some may consider NTR.


Play these in order.
ARC 1-Story focused, not a quick trip to the bedroom with anybody. Don’t expect to fap a whole bunch. (kinetic)
 –Relationship/romance focused . Story still running, but more time with the girls. (Some choices added, among other features)
No saves are needed to start arc 2.

This game/story will remain in Beta until the final version.
(In case you are confused by the version naming)

Download for Windows/ Linux - Arc 1

Download for Windows/ Linux - Arc 1 Compressed

Download for Windows/ Linux - Arc 2

Download for Windows/ Linux - Compressed

Download for Mac - Arc 1

Download for Mac - Arc 1 Compressed

Download for Mac - Arc 2

Download for Mac - Compressed

Download for Android - Arc 1

Download for Android - Arc 2

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Walkthrough

Download Mod

Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.

Unzip the mod -> Right click being a dik -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Open the “Contents/Resources/autorun” folder -> Hold the Option key and drag the folder named “game” from the mod into the “autorun” folder -> Click merge

Story - 7.1
Visual - 8
Engagement - 7.1
Core Loop - 7.3

Have your say!

37 2


  1. There was a game i forgot mostly about it there was a girl who told mc that due to her family being religious or something she had baby through ivf so she is a single mother, anybody know this adult game name.

    • Radiant.

      • yes. good game that one.

        • No Radiant really wasn’t. At all.

          First for the premise that Daddy gets into a car accident and a coma for 18 YEARS (They WOULD have killed him off long before that with American Health Care – unless his family was massively rich) JUST because Dev wants to add a dipshit overprotective father…

          Second because Mommy randomly dies immediately (in a harem game for fuck sakes; and it’s designed to be a harem game, regardless of whether it’s in the tags or not) just so the dev can’t actually bother to set her as a massive cock block for being the one he’s actually in love with (because the game is HEAVILY centered on Incest) While also trying to fuck with the players’ head for several chapters as to whether she might actually be alive or not.

          Third; as mentioned the IVF stuff with the fangirl secretary is unmitigated, absolute bullshit. Not that she would do it = that she still calls herself a VIRGIN. Something going up into you in order to inseminate, would naturally say bye bye to a hymen. Same thing for anything going out of you nine months later, so either way you argue – she’s NOT a virgin. At all. (Also entirely unnecessary that character should be a single mom as the thrill in the point should be to MAKE the females that way, and whether that’s content the player wants) There’s also the point you can begin to pursue a relationship with her SEVERELY underaged child (Which is probably the only reason for the IVF bullshit in the first place) Why? No really; why the hell would you ever even consider going there.

          The others are basically the cop neighbor’s wife (who wants to cuck the fuck out of her husband – but won’t likely be leaving him; even though she’s fine getting pregnant with MC’s kid) & a space case stalker type who’s probably Yandere. Not to mention the waitress who actually IS a slut, but of course doesn’t like the label she literally earns three seconds past her introduction to the MC. There is a potential pop starlet, and maybe a model (or the agent of a model?) but that involves getting your ditz of a sweet heart daughter involved in an industry that’s bound to involve NTR if the dev goes there. Which most of us wouldn’t want.

          The game spends way too much time trying to convince you that Incest is Bad, M’kay… while also being the majority of the lewd options thus far. That’s just silly. It rather kills any desire to interact, for most of us. If the premise could be re-worked to include the mother; the see-sawing between pushing us to incest and the moralizing about it could fuck right off, and the rest of the characters were written as they SHOULD be… it could be a decent game. The cop never needed to be introduced, the 3 Sisters could’ve belonged to MC’s cousin as her daughters (then it doesn’t count as technical incest for the cop to get involved; but it’s still close enough if you care about that kink) and the one daughter wasn’t still almost entirely hostile… it could be good. There was potential. I just don’t think it was very well executed in the long run, and the guy updates the damned thing at about the same rate as Hailey’s Comet.

          • Better. You did stop replying to the negative comments, although I must admit that I did not follow my own advice. Now, not to sound derogatory, your lesson continues. I made a statement alluding to the fact that your reviews sound like a pornographic version of Mein Kampf. Now take a lesson from Stalin… “It is better to listen than to speak.” So keep up the great job at bettering yourself. Trust no one, but you can trust that others are taking note of our rapport. Right now just imagine that a lonely, miserable person is sitting in a chair by a light switch waiting for you to respond. “Lights on, lights off, and so on!” By ignoring them, you are just proving that you are better than them.

            I admitted to replying to some of these comments, but I was polite. You, on the other hand, did not respond at all, which is great! Now for your first lesson. Read “Julius Caesar” by Shakespeare. Not the whole thing, just “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears,” Act III, scene II by Mark Antony. This is how you take control of the mob. By being polite.

            Now prepare yourself to seeing some miserable individuals becoming scared and faking my and your username in some vain effort. Just ignore all of them, including me.

            Now for your second homework assignment: Reread the comment you made out loud and listen to what you wrote. Was it about the game or your own ideology? Then rewrite it. Keep it about the same amount of words, but stay more focused on what topic you want to elucidate. A fictitious fantasy AVN or Hymens?

            If what you are trying to do is to prove yourself wrong in some medieval myth about virginity, then expect feedback or go somewhere else. We no longer live in a world that in order to be a virgin, we abide by the ancient context that a hymen must be intact. If you want to argue this, then make your views known to a dictionary. Historically, a virgin was a female who saved her purity for a husband and rode sidesaddle to prove herself worthy upon inspection. Trust me on this: no man ever inspected this on his wedding night. Hymens break down over time. Sometimes faster with horseback riding, gymnastics, masturbation, or just age.

            Virginity is usually related to a person (female or male) who has never engaged in sexual intercourse or a person with no experience of a particular activity, such as a virgin to bungee jumping. You might ask, “Why are you including this, because it just sounds like an opinionated sermon?” Because that is what you sound like. A sexless sexist who has no comprehension of actual sex. You are just giving ammunition to the ones who would take delight in your failure.

            Now to sum it up. You can do these two tasks or not. This is up to you, but for the time being, show some discipline and do not respond to anyone, including myself. I am not your enemy, but I am not your friend either. The only other thing I have to say at the moment is that I love the moniker that you used and the reference to Hailey’s Comet.

          • TO No1:

            Fuck off. Entirely. Twice on Sundays, and six ways to it even.

            If you think you’re insulting me, you’re not. I don’t give a rat’s ass who does or does not respond to me. I don’t even care if a DEV responds. I’ve patently told each and every one of you dipshits to stop TRYING to respond. My comments are reviews meant for the devs, who likely aren’t going to pay attention anyway. To help them. Whatever your opinions are DO NOT matter to me. So the only thing this bullshit does is prove you don’t understand a damned thing about why I post as I do.

            I’m not imparting lessons. I’m not pretending I am better than you. Or them. I am however VERY good at narrative structure, and continuity in plot. I can offer suggestions; they don’t have to take them, but they’re also free to use them if they want. I do not know how many goddamned more times I’m gonna have to explain this until all of you get the point. I am pointing out flawed narratives, character interactions that don’t make sense or actively counter the stated fucking tags, or mechanics that do not work. You do not any of you genius’ have to bloody agree with me. I do not ask you to; I do not give a crap if you do. All of you assholes that post this trollish bullshit to make fun of me BECAUSE you disagree with me and think somehow that your comments are any better, killed that desire. Not that it was ever there at all in the first place. I do not know how I can make this any clearer. I do not need fans. I do not want copy cats. I want to be LEFT THE FUCK ALONE!

            Also troll number 666, I have had sex. I know what it feels like to be inside of a pussy and frankly, it’s not that goddamned amazing for all the work you have to do to convince a girl to spread her damned legs. But thanks for playing. Don’t bother to try again. You’ll be just as welcome to leave in pieces as you were the last time. Since you none of you seem to want to come in peace. Also, real nice that for some reason I can’t find the option to reply to your comment. If I could do that, it’d make my life a fuck ton easier. Because then none of you could post replies to me, and I would be a LOT happier. If you want me to ignore you bright bulb, take your own advice and don’t fucking comment in the first place. Especially when I’ve told you retards NOT to fucking comment because I’m not actually talking to ANY of you. Jesus. I have no clue how so many of you can be so damned thick, or think you have ANY right to call me self-absorbed when you all do the same damned thing, with much less subtance, and more social politics. That’s exactly why I tell you all to fuck right off.

            Now, on to what I was originally going to post before I saw your innane comment to start with:

            Dev – your game says: Tags that are not planned (but not limited to)

            NTR = What the fuck was that scene with the blond scarred girl then > You’re LEADING INTO THE SUGGESTION OF IT. Not cool.

            Also, seriously. Pregnancy isn’t planned… for that you can also fuck right off. You literally talk about breeding with the monster Mom character. If MC keeps cumming inside of the girls – Pregnancy SHOULD happen. Fuck whether you planned for it or not. Just on the point of raw logic, unless you tell me that somehow the entire damned town is BARREN. : /

            You already have a massively hard sell with all this Horror based mind fuckery bullshit and the Lolli content (which is frankly way too much of the damned game) and the fact that in season 2 you seem to want to see-saw about whether or not the MC can win. At this point pregnancy content would at least keep some interest – and it would be a viable reward to the player for putting up with all this Let Me Endlessly BLUE BALL You Bullshit. If you’re going to do NTR > There will be a LOT of players that will tap out. NTR and Harem (which IS in the planned tags and IS what you have been building to) DO NOT compute. Netori is another thing, and not generally taken as NTR by most of the harem community.

            Also – since people have gone back to stealing my damned name; and some dipshit who’s halfway to doing the same, thinks he can talk to me at all like I am in need of a High School teacher at 42 years old, and somehow removed the option to reply back like a COWARD: this may very well be my actual last comment. You’re not chasing me away from writing anything down. I am however well past JUST frustrated with the whole damned thing. You have all killed any fun I might get out of it. So thank you all for being such assholes that apparently only YOU get the right to post anything – and somehow even though I don’t talk any different and actually give enough of a shit to play through the whole game and give detailed reviews; I’m the asshole. Okay then. You can all bite me. I do have better things to do with my time, and I think it’s time I finally admitted that. You don’t want me here, and that’s fine. You don’t want suggestions, comments or suppor that isn’t monetary, that’s fine. But I don’t have to sit here and be abused just because you think you all have the automatic right to dogpile every time I make a post. I’m done. Well and truly. Whoever wants the name after today go ahead and fucking take it. Good luck to you. I don’t have to “ignore” you. It was really fucking simple. You don’t have to “Ignore” me either. Just don’t comment, don’t act like what you have to say is somehow more valueable or more important than what I have to say, and then try to lecture me when I have told you so. So. SO many times to a one to stop.

            At this point it would genuinely legally constitute Harrassment. Against someone who is physically disabled, actively on government support because of it. Mentally divergent, and has spent the last year of my real life actively wondering if it WOULD be the last year of my life. I’ve been open on site before about the fact I was dealing with Stage 3 Cancer, there was a reason I went off on Heaven’s Door. And frankly not a fucking one of you have done a damned thing to help the stress of that. So again. Thank you. It took you jackasses 2 DAYS exactly to go back to trolling me with stolen names… and now this. You post paragraphs you fucking twit and you want me to ignore that? What the fuck is wrong with you. I happen to LIKE reading.

            So yes. Thank you, one and all. For showing me exactly why I’m never going to trust anyone but myself, not to want to hurt me. I genuinely hope you’re proud of yourselves.

          • “No” can fuck right off his high fucking horse.

            “No1” you can stay.

  2. from the little i read i always knew that he was a psycho and gov leech. help devs and go away

  3. is game have loli?!

    • 18

      • y babies in images? y dev lie?

  4. Thank you. I’m not on here every day, still after a few days, I was not surprised at the response. I do want to note that all of my posts here have been under the username “No1,” except when I posted a review for “Family Chemistry,” and it received quite a few compliments. I was hoping that someone would get the hint, but I knew wouldn’t. I had nothing to do with all of those other posts. I am sorry that I added to the decimation of this thread by responding. These sections should be game-related and not about individuals selfish ideology.

    I do wish that automatic post approval was limited to about 300 words. Anything over should be approved first by the site administrator. This might enrage a few, but it would make these comment sections more palatable. This site is becoming a joke again.

    Again, thank you for your remarks.

    • This was a reply to: [“No1,” you can stay.] Also, I would like to add that calling “No” a Fucking Twat was an insult to vaginas everywhere. LMAO!

      • Then “No is an incel”. Nobody ever wept when an incel’s feelings were hurt, because they don’t have any.

  5. To all of you who want to dogpile in basically every comment I’ve made since I first created the name and it is MY name; first – fuck right off. Seriously. Each and every one of you needs to find the tallest cliff you can, and take a very short walk. No1 absolutely included.

    I don’t and will NEVER call all of you incels, or pyscho, or even generally stupid. For expressing any of your opinions. Whether I agree with them or not. I also don’t use curse words to describe a vagina. Most of them are seen as derogatory anyway.

    I specifically replied as caustically as I did in the first place to No1 because it’s a variant of MY NAME that I took for more trolling; and no, I don’t care that it’s one he’s “always used” (for the fact he’s been here for what two weeks, three? I’ve been here for a LOT longer. I’ve also had people post terrible shit that was incredibly disrespectful to my REAL LIFE DEAD family) That… is why I say to EVERYONE HERE: UNILATERALLY = Fuck off. I don’t care who you are, or whether you like that sentiment. I want NOTHING to do with ANY of you, any longer. You all brought me to that point.

    I do not care what opinion you have of me. You DO have the right to it. The same way I have the EXACT SAME right to express my game reviews, and general commentary. To VENT when mechanics piss me off, and to express confusion about plot points, or suggest pathways that the devs CAN take. Not have to. I’ve NEVER said this is the way it SHOULD be done. That it was an automatic or a given that the devs HAVE to use my works. I do call what I think is stupid, or short sighted, exactly that. I also get very pissed at the sudden uptick in CANCER storylines – having recently gone through that last year myself. If none of you can understand why any of that might just a little bit, piss me off… This is again, exactly why you can all kiss my half Irish ass.

    It’s apparently fine for No1 to talk to me like I’m a third grader, in need of a lesson – which IS NOT how I EVER word anything I’ve written for fuck sakes. But when I call him out on it, and assert my opinions about how trollish that is, I’m a psycho and an incel. First – I wouldn’t post or play HAREM as a genre specifically, if I was an incel. Jesus Flaming Christ that word gets tossed around so dismissively and INCORRECTLY. It’s the same as Pervert. It’s a VERY SPECIFIC female hating group of males. In general. That do so to VERY extreme levels and would absolutely advocate for violence against females. If ANY of you asshats knew a damned thing about me, you’d know the last thing I’ll generally advocate (You really, REALLY have to piss me off to get me to go there) is violence. Against EITHER GENDER. But I’m a psycho. Okay then.

    You want me to go away. My Answer is MY NAME. Fuck that. You don’t get to tell me I can’t indulge in a hobby that I do frankly enjoy, and would do moreso if I could be left entirely alone – when ALL I have ever tried to do was help Devs fix the points in their games that are by and large FLAWED. To make them better. Because I DO believe most of them have at least some level of potential and I WANT them to be the best versions they can be. Hell, at least I mostly talk about the damned games. If ALL of you would piss off and not feel compelled to reply in comments that have fuck all to do with debating any of the actual mechanical points I make, like I also continually encourage I bloody wish you would bother to do… I would be happy to let bygones be bygones and leave your posts as much alone. But you all seem to want to dogpile on me for no reason.

    Why? Because I’ve shared I have Aspergers. Because I’ve shared I’m on Government assistance because I was BORN with Cerebral Palsy? You fuckwits think I WANTED to be put on Government Assistance from the age of 16? There wasn’t much choice for me, I cannot physically stand long enough to get a bloody job. Yes, that fact absolutely fucks with my confidence, and my sense of self worth which is also dented by the Aspergers. Thank you very fucking much. But who cares, right? It IS my problem. Not yours. I’m sure you’re all healthy, well adjusted paragons of virtue, and nose to the grindstone absolute Ants in the working world… despite the fact you all seem to spend just as much time here as I do. Is it because I happen to be skilled as a writer, and actually care about plot development, storylines that progress in a structured way and make fucking sense? Because I can create a given character and a whole cast that has more to them than I am Gay. Because I will debate you socio politically driven dipshits that keep constantly spouting the same propogandist nonsense and fucking the site over for everyone else? Because I fucking exist? Any and all of the above? Or is it that you just don’t like that I’ve shared what my general IQ is.

    I’ve never hidden a damned thing about who I am, from anyone. I’ve all but continually stated NONE of you have to agree with a damned thing I say. You’ve been very clear that you disagree with just about ANY thing I fucking say. For no real reason. Say what you want. From now on all of you get ONE response. It’s really simple. Fuck. Off. In fact you can all of you take this as my last response to any of you in comments. You’ll all of you get no more out of me. Not one word. So try to troll, and it won’t matter. Be as much of an ass as you want. I won’t stop you, because I can’t. I’ll waste no more energy trying to defend myself from baseless attacks. I don’t want, or need any of you to like, or agree with me. I’ve never cared if you did, and I don’t do this for Fans. Have at it, but all you’ll hear if you’re seeking replies from this point is crickets.

    • If you think not using a derisive name is somehow less insulting than the bullshit that flows like watery vomit from your mouth, then you need to be the first off that cliff. You’re not better than anyone here. That’s the one thing that you don’t get and why you need to be first.

      “No1” is not taking your name, it’s making fun of it. A writer would know the difference. Nobody who reads your sputum-cum-essays and his would ever mistake the two of you.

      You’ve proven you can’t leave even after you repeat it. And you want anyone to believe you now? You’ll be back. You cannot keep your word. You can’t even take the slightest criticism. I’ve seen you explode at people trying to help you. That’s because you’re broken. Probably suffering from some form of narcissisms. Believing you at your word is nothing a sane person would ever do more than once, because they are better than you.

      Enjoy your last word from your high horse, elitist.

      • The only reason I “can’t” leave – dipshit – is because jackasses like you don’t take the hint when I say to STOP FUCKING REPLYING TO MY COMMENTS. It’s less can’t than won’t. On general principle. Because you all fucking WANT me to. Sue me, I’m vindictive like that.

        I have told you, every fucking one of you, more than once: You assholes WILL NOT drive me off a hobby I enjoy. I said it specifically in the comment you’re replying to smart ass. That, and THAT ALONE is why I’ve kept commenting. Even against all the crap you shit stains spew at me for it. It’s the principle now. Not my inability, or lacking desire to leave the site.

        I’ve also told you all more than once that the name No was never a negative. It’s not derisive to a damned thing. I’m literally calling myself the man with No For a Name. No, I will not give a name here. Jesus. It was an in joke. That’s all. I’m not saying No to the Devs, or directing them that they shouldn’t do something JUST by my username. I never was. You all can’t seem to figure that out when I literally tell you what the joke was, in SEVERAL older comments… but I’m the broken, and insane one.


        I have NEVER said I was better than anyone here. I’ve actively gone out of my way to state I am NOT better than anyone here. More than once. I will call you names when you call me names. I’m Irish, we tend to throw back what we get in kind. Also, how the fuck did you get “I’m better than you” from anything I wrote in the comment you’re responding incredibly needlessly to? Did you even read it? If you had, why the hell are you bothering to reply at all when I clearly DON’T WANT YOU TO. You know, like you want me to leave the entire site, and have all been trying to drive me to do. For years now.

        They are NOT trying to help me. At all. “No”1 Specifically was being a pretentious ass in “trying” to “help” me. He would’ve been better to follow his own damned advice in the first place, and I told him that. I’ll tell you the same fucking thing. I am NOT a narcissist. You actually have to LIKE yourself at all, to be one. You absolute genius. Do you think I would still be replying to any of you ad infinitum if I liked myself? There are a hundred thousand things I could better use my time for than defending myself against people who won’t care to listen regardless, and can barely be bothered to read comments beyond five sentences to start with. Because you’re all so very willing to tell me I’m broken; insane, X,Y,Z over used “get out of jail” for a good debate point excuse to infinity and beyond. Want to call me any shade of Ist or Phobe while your at it, so I can call you Shill Media and be done? Oh wait, you have…

        I do review a very specific type of game. I try many of them, and I have a particular genre I enjoy. Guess what one of the key traits of ASPERGERS is. Focus that is much more narrow – and no, that doesn’t make me “narrowminded.” It means I know what I like, and I’ll stick to it. All but exclusively, for the most part. I will not branch out from it, too far. That’s all. I like Harems, and I like pregnancy. I’ve never been shy about saying so. So what? You all have your tastes and that’s okay, but mine somehow make me a “psycho” to you. Gah. Because I point out that any given genre does have a noteable formula, and doesn’t tend to deviate that far from it while remaining properly categorized as said genre? Or with any guarantee of success. Come on.

        I’ve been called worse names, by better people ALL of my damned life. I literally have two out of the three things that Quasimodo has. You can say whatever you want about that. If you know what it’s like to be introduced to a new group of kids at any given new school and have them ask you right off, “Why Do You Walk Like That?” Before they even knew a damned thing about me, not even my name. THEN you get to comment. Unless you do, kindly or not, I will tell you to shut the fuck up. Not that I expect it’ll go well, because it’s the internet. But I’m the narcissist. You somehow felt compelled to throw your two cents into a ring when NO ONE asked you to, and I’ve repeatedly told EVERYONE on site not to do… but, I’m the fucking narcissist.

        By the way, I’m 5’4″ tall. Any decent sized horse is frankly too tall for me to get on. Nice try. I frankly don’t care if any of you believe me. Or agree with me. I’m pretty damned sure none of you like me. None of that’s what I’m here for. At this point I feel like I’ve said it til I’m blue in the face, and I was blue for several hours, very shortly after I was born. It’s not a feeling I want to repeat. Smurf is not my color. I can take criticism, dumbass. When it’s actually presented constructively. Which I’ve invited and even encouraged you all to do. Several times. In actual debates, that are germaine to the games, or the points I’ve made, with arguments based on your own playstyles or the things about X game you’ve enjoyed. That, would be constructive. It’s not a hard concept. Read No1’s ORIGINAL comment – which was also an undesired and unnecessary, uninvited response to my original post, I might add. What part of that reads constructive to you?

        Again, I KNOW he’s making fun of me with the name = Why do you think I took him for a troll? Jesus Christ dude, and yet all of you jumped on my back to defend him; thinking he was trying to help me. How. Is talking to me like I’m a kindergartener, trying to help me in your mind? There’s no way to win with any of you. Which is why I’m done responding. Call me whatever you want, since you’re going to one way or the other. No matter what I’d prefer. Or how many times I tell you to stop. At this point I could potentially sue the pants off the site for actual Harrassment. Thank you all so much for that. You’re all wrong about me. On any given day, in just about every way you’ve all chosen to comment. That’s not me being elitist by the way, despite how it sounds. It’s just a factual statement that you none of you actually know a damned thing about me that I haven’t willingly written down.

        Frankly, Murikan was the only one aside from Ray who ever offered genuine constructive criticism; and one of them I appreciated openly, several times in comments. Whether I agreed with his takes or not. The other, I buried the rivalry with, and respect them, but I also haven’t seen a post by the name in quite some time. The rest of you, for all you’ve endlessly trollishly retorted, hounded and legitimately harrassed me over expressed opinions, can safely rot.

        • If you can’t stop replying to people replying to your comments that’s what we in the real world call a “you problem”.

          If you can’t control yourself even on this fundamental emotional level, that’s pretty fucking funny. Sad for you, but funny.

          So is thinking I’m the one trying to help you. I gave up that shit a year ago after you wouldn’t stop attacking people who weren’t attacking you. Don’t remember? That’s also sad. Typical, but sad.

          Everybody on the cliff is waiting for you to jump. See if you can fly.

          • You will find my response in the “Unyielding” AVN comment section.

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