
Public Sex Life H [v0.85.6] [ParadiceZone]

Download for Windows/ Linux

Download for Windows/ Linux - Compressed

Download for Mac

Download for Mac - Compressed

Download for Android - 85.3

Special Instructions: Install apk. Grant storage permissions on first run! On first run you will get a prompt to copy the archive.rpa file  Copy the archive.rpa file to the directory indicated in game. Restart the game. Keep in mind if your default install location is an actual SD card and slow speed this may slow the launch.

Download Gallery Mod


– Unlocks gallery
– Should work with all versions of Public Sex Life and Public Sex Life H – past, present, and future.

PC: Unzip the mod and put the folder named “game” from the mod in your “Public Sex Life” folder. Overwrite if required.

MAC: Unzip the mod -> Right-click your “Public Sex Life” app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Open the “Contents” then “Resources” folders -> Hold the Option key and drag the folder named “game” from the mod to the “autorun” folder -> Click merge.

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Editor's Rating

Story - 71%
Visual - 84%
Engagement - 81%
Core Loop - 77%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.5 ( 77 votes)

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  1. This game is utterly ridiculous. The dev tried to add this ‘customisation’ feature to rachel several updates ago and was forced to remove it due to public backlash, and now here they are doing the exact same shit again. I have no idea why they insist on removing some of her best scenes and turning her into a shittier version of everyone else, but I wish they’d stop.

  2. Just wasted 5 Gigs for a non working game : |
    The game crashes ok Android after opening!
    This game should be in a apk file instead of rpa and apk.

    1. Well Mr. Giant Retard, they kinda can’t if the APK limit is 2GB or they probably wouldn’t have went to an .rpa in the first place. But I forgot, how silly of me! The world should revolve and orbit around YOU, so Android should be redesigned to accomodate you and your dumbassery for not knowing how to correctly install .rpa files. 🖕

  3. It was so good before they changed the game entirely. They couldve completed the previous game in a couple of updates but nOOOO they just had to change it to something worse.

  4. The bug in the gallery is fixed in a couple of minutes, you only need to fix 2 lines of code (if you need information to fix it, write to me and I’ll tell you :))

  5. I remember playing this one a while back, its a nice one depending on the routes you take. I wonder how much its been updated.

  6. Fucked the game up. This version you can’t save. F you dude. I hope you lose patrons over this. Didn’t even check before deploying.

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