Home » Paracosmic Reality [v1.11.0 Main] [Jiggly Stone Studios]

Paracosmic Reality [v1.11.0 Main] [Jiggly Stone Studios]

User Rating: 8.8

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Developer FAQ:

Futa/Trans Tag? Where’s the content?

Ahh, so I see you’ve been lured here by the tag, but didn’t find the amount of content you were looking for! Well, I’m afraid that one’s not entirely my fault. See, the reason the futa/trans tag is attached to this thread is because of my self-insert character in the game. If you wish to learn more about them, see the segment down at the bottom of the FAQ. Anyways, to clarify, my self-insert/persona is a Femboy. Now, there are not many intersex tags on F95z and there are really only two that would apply to my persona. Futa/Trans and Trap. The tag definitions for either technically work, however, traps are often viewed as super lithe and “twink-ish”. So that’s why, despite my persona not being trans, they get the tag. (To my understanding.)

-Futa/Trans [A woman with both male and female genitals or just male genitals. Or a trans character.]
-Trap [Usually men in women’s clothing, but may also be the other way around.]

Will there be more Futa/Trans/Femboy content coming?:

Currently, I’ve seen a lot of interest in it, so more than likely.
As mentioned above, said content will be optional/avoidable.

Is Futa/Trans/Femboy content avoidable?:

Yes. All sexual/romantic relations with Futa/Trans/Femboy characters if added will be completely optional/avoidable.

How “Optional” are the optional scenes?:

Yes. I don’t know how else to describe it other than all content that is “Optional” is completely avoidable.
Ex: You’ll get an option to go on a date with [x] and an option to romance them that night if the story permits.
Opting to not will cause the MC to avoid going on the date, or if you do go on the date, opting out of the romance scene will just wrap up the night.
Don’t worry. Optional scenes are 100% optional. It won’t be shoved down your throat. (giggity)

Muh Realism!:

Guy, you clicked on a game with cat girls in the main image. Furthermore, you read through the description page that clearly has various methods of saying “This is a game with fantasy and fetish elements.”
Sure I want my game grounded with a sense of realism, but by no means did I promise perfection or to adhere to your sense of it.

Why are the sizes so big?:

Because I like ’em big. My question to you, is why is it that there are always people going and throwing a fit about girls having too large of breasts, but never too small of breasts? You can’t really use realism as an argument as bodies vary greatly and there are plenty of women in the world with breasts vastly larger than what the average person could consider big/huge. If you can’t handle that, then please for your own protection, steer clear of NSFW social media! Your precious little heart might not be able to handle how curvy the world is getting to be!

Now, there is an important thing I should mention. This game will be featuring expansion. The fun kind. Girls getting curvier and MC getting more hung! You’ll be able to play through the entire game without ever accepting an expansion decision though. (This expansion will not feature ANYONE getting taller/shorter, nor will it feature muscle expansion.)

Can we have options for who MC does/doesn’t get involved with?:

Yes and No. Right now all of the love interests for MC are divided into two groups. The “Main Group” and the “Side Group”. Li’s that are in the main group are not optional. They are a part of the story and are critical to its telling. So if there are any of them you don’t like, all I can really do is suggest you skip past their scenes, as I can’t make everyone happy. As for the side group, they will all be optional. The side group will feature potential futa/trans characters and any characters that dip out of the norm. (Eg: More extreme fae races, furries, etc.)

Why aren’t we allowed to pick who MC does/doesn’t get involved with?:

Short answer, the amount of work. The more diverging paths created by opting in/out of relationships, the more renders I have to do. This isn’t linear either. Adding the ability to opt in/out of the main group girls would take the 1-4 renders I have to do per scene (see below), into the dozens of renders on end. It’s just physically impossible. When it comes to the side group characters, those characters will be detached from the story in such a way that’ll enable a person to opt out of their content entirely without any repercussions to the main story.

How does the expansion work? Won’t that create too many diverging paths?:

If I were to give each character their own option for expansion, then you’d be right. It would fundamentally lock me out of multi-character scenes. However, I plan to offer a singular choice per expansion event.
One choice allows all significant characters to grow slowly over time until the next event.
I’m only planning 2-3 of these events with a significant amount of time between then, so this means that I’ll only have 3-4 variations to render at most at any given time. With plenty of time to refine and optimize my process for rendering these things out.

What’s up with the super dark scenes?:

That one’s my bad. My primary monitor is a 10-bit color panel with HDR and all those other fun things.
Long story short, I underestimated how well it handles low-light images, compared to others.
I’m currently in the process of updating the dark scenes to be less dark. I’m currently half done with them with v1.6.0pro, if you’re reading this after v1.0.0main, then the dark scenes are likely already fixed to the extent of my abilities. I recommend optimizing your environment to minimize things such as overhead lights/lamps or windows that could be shining light around the room. It’ll make for a better view experience regardless of what you’re playing!

Is [x] character based on [x] reference?:

Nope! None of the characters are based on any specific reference.
Pretty much I just said “I wanna make [x].” and then did so.
Mixing and matching looks and running pictures by friends to find the overall best look I could.

Why is MC so short?:

MC is 5ft 6in (about 168cm) tall. This is CLOSE to the world’s average height.
Obviously, different locations and factors change that. This is no different.
In MC’s case, they are a Neko. Nekos are known through various settings to be more lithe and smaller than most.

Are Jade and MC siblings?:

Canonically speaking, No. However, they’ve known each other since birth.
So they are as close as you could get to being siblings without actually being such.
As some people have pointed out, yes this is partially because of Patreon/Paypal/[insert transaction business here].
However, transactional businesses aside, I chose to not write them as blood relatives out of choice and not a necessity.
Personally, I really like some incest VNs. They lead to some really adorable romance dynamics.
Killer7’s MyNewFamily is a prime example of such a dynamic that is done in such an amazing way.
I wanted to recreate that same fun dynamic in a more “Like a brother/sister to me, but not actually my brother/sister.” sort of way. Which, I believe the relationship between MC/Jade will do so wonderfully and without the guilt of such a romance happening.
The added benefit of Patreon/Paypal not burning my business down is a very welcome one.

Why don’t the Nekos have tails?:

There’s actually a lore reason for that! Though I don’t wanna spoil too much. Stay tuned and you’ll eventually find out!

What’s up with the cute ass Neko girl in the intro/outro?:

Thanks! That cute-ass Neko is a self-insert of me! They were never intended to be a story character in any way. Primarily just for StanLee-eske cameos and fun little side events with no real meaning to the story. They were created as a character that I could practice with and use for promo media. That being said, I’ve been getting a lot of interest in having them be more of a part of the story! So I just might do that.

Please understand though, that my self-insert is a Femboy. Not a Futa/Trans person. That being said I’ll likely consider rolling them into the demi-god role and have them be able to change between Female/Femboy. So while their NSFW scenes will be entirely optional, you’ll be able to also decide whether their NSFW scene is a femboy or female scene.

Story - 8.8
Visual - 8.9
Engagement - 8.6
Core Loop - 8.7

Have your say!

12 4


  1. So is this a trans faggot game? I don’t want to be groomed into the globohomo death cult. The game looks normal but I don’t want some faggot with tits running after me.

    • No worries, panty-sniffer. Nothing with tits will ever be running after you. Only away.


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