Home » No Expectation [Ch.3][Final] [Mr Georgie]

No Expectation [Ch.3][Final] [Mr Georgie]

User Rating: 6.8

You haven’t seen your best friend for a couple of years because you took different paths in your life,
now he is getting married and you’re the best man.
It’s worth mentioning that you’ve always been in love with his sister,
maybe this is your chance to do something about it… maybe.
Nobody knows what could happen on just one weekend ¿Right?

This is a visual novel with sexual content,
which is not the main element but the spice of a story that seeks to be emotional and meaningful with a realistic approach.​

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
Story - 7.2
Visual - 6.8
Engagement - 6.8
Core Loop - 6.4

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  1. There is no expectation for incels to act like human beings. Always disgusting cultists. Say no to incel grooming.

    • Nice try faggot. Incel means nothing. It’s a manipulative term meant to shame and silence. Truth is any guy can buy a whore today. But you’d have people believe that guys who don’t want to fuck a whore or another guy is an “incel”. Just like when you said “trust the science” with the jab. While not even knowing what mrna is (it’s not a vaccine). Or the science that says you can’t pick your gender. There’s something called chromosomes. So you call anyone who believes real science on gender a “bigot”. It’s all lies, deception, censorship, propaganda and gaslighting with you globohomo cultists. Trash people.

      • Shaming people is the only way to get them to behave. Silencing people is okay. These are words I’ve said before and I still believe. An incel is fine as long as they stay in the closet and stop trying to spread their cult behavior to others. I like incels who stay in the closet. It’s when they go out and try to make other people like them that they’re a problem. If people are shamed into not becoming incels, the world will be a better place. They are a cult of lies and manipulation and ultimately death. Do not engage with them, ever.


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