Home » My Loyal Wife [v0.4] [NTR MANIAC]

My Loyal Wife [v0.4] [NTR MANIAC]

User Rating: 5.5

Download for Windows/ Linux

Download for Windows/ Linux - Compressed

Download for Mac

Download for Mac - Compressed

Download for Android

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Wt-Mod

Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.

Unzip the mod -> Right click being a dik -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Open the “Contents/Resources/autorun” folder -> Hold the Option key and drag the folder named “game” from the mod into the “autorun” folder -> Click merge

Story - 5.5
Visual - 7.1
Engagement - 4.8
Core Loop - 4.4

Have your say!

6 11


  1. My loyal wife helping a black sissy boy lose his virginity because he is crying “I can’t breed”.

    But because pietaty, let him breed finally. Because black sissy lives matter.


    Woke cliche
    And no male MC straight path again.

    Its all heterophobic games nowdays.

    • So get lost from this site missy

  2. What self respecting white male would save blacks. Developers should not cater to a small group of mentally sick fucks and stop making trash like this.

  3. NTR garbage.

  4. Decent start. I don’t, however, like that the wife is starting to take over and direct things. The husband talking her into doing these things is a lot better. I mean, the title is, “My Loyal Wife”, not “My Loyal Beta Husband”.

    Don’t play if you don’t like NTR and BBC.

  5. Incel groomer game, fantasies of having women flock to them.


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