Home » Lust Hunter [v0.113.0] [Lust Madness]

Lust Hunter [v0.113.0] [Lust Madness]

User Rating: 2.1

The world was full of lusts, everyone had sex until the witches came and took all the lust for themselves.
You need to fill all beings with lust and exorcise witches.

Open world map:
There is no more small map. Now the location is huge, and it will be constantly updated. The location with which you can interact is in the center, from which you can go to neighboring locations. A system of camps will be used to quickly move around the world. When you find a new camp, you have the opportunity to immediately move to it. There is only one camp in the first version of the game.
You can take quests to get coins. You can take an unlimited number of quests available to you. The quest ends right on the map, you must click on the flashing quest and click сcompleted.

WARNING! Be sure to make copies of your save files before uninstalling the previous version of the game.
Path SD:/Android/data/me.lustmadness.lusthunter/files/saves/

Download for Windows/ Linux

Download for Windows/ Linux - Compressed v0.112.0 hotfix

Download for Mac

Download for Mac - Compressed v0.112.0 hotfix

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Patreon Unlocker

Enjoy. Should work across all versions unless author changes things up. If people don’t act like herpderps and fuss about it I’ll maintain it. And no, I’m not going to tell people how to copy/delete files or anything basic that every electronics user should know.

If you ever “lose status”, just “refresh/login” and it will automatically fix. Sometimes it occurs on every “game update”, not going to bother hooking those routines. Remember to click on the Patreon buttons to “unlock” stuff if you want to.) Bumping BaasB to have this re-added to OP. The patch also has King Tier, Platinum, blablabla.

Just a note to everyone, this game usually has a lot of call-home DRM. Fortunately it’s easy to override here, but still, bad behavior by the author. Also, the King Place crap about who is King or NPC it’s just boring and not useful for anything, story or content, I didn’t bother with it. This game is clearly built around ‘selling artificial perks’ and is gameplay+layout-designed for bilking money.

Edit: Make sure you delete patreon_unlock.rpy if I uploaded an RPYC, otherwise Ren’Py will recompile the RPY over the RPYC. I can be forgetful.

Updated for 0.103.0. Added some cosmetic check fixes (dynamic) and found a way to speed things up. Try it out? This new version keeps track of what it changed and simply attempts to adjust those again (since they’re sometimes redefined again by the game). Since those functions are typically called several times per frame it can be slow walking through the globals to adjust them.

It’s also okay to quote me to let me know when it needs updating, I won’t know unless someone mentions it. I don’t play these games, I crack’em. Test it out first before leaving a message. I don’t mark what version it is currently working up to unless it needs an update so just try it first.

Story - 1.6
Visual - 4.2
Engagement - 1.2
Core Loop - 1.2

Have your say!

5 7


  1. gay groomers

  2. Obvious incel bait.


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