
Lucky Guy: A Parody of Family Guy [v0.7.4] [BlackFruitGames]

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Editor's Rating

Story - The narrative of Lucky Guy teeters between entertaining parody and sluggish progression. From the onset, the game throws you into the chaotic world reminiscent of a wild Family Guy episode. However, the pacing can be a roadblock. The lack of clear direction exacerbates this issue, often leaving gamers wandering aimlessly in search of elusive objectives. - 53%
Visual - Visuals in Lucky Guy, land as a sore spot in an otherwise conceptually rich landscape. Disappointingly lackluster art fails to do justice to the bold parody it attempts to embody. From character designs to environmental details, the visuals come across as rushed and uninspired, missing the mark on delivering a visually stimulating experience. - 41%
Engagement - Engagement within Lucky Guy is a mixed bag of hits and misses, with elements that both captivate and frustrate players. The desire to delve deeper into a parody of the beloved Family Guy series remains a strong draw for fans of adult-themed humor. However, the game's grind-heavy nature presents a significant barrier to sustained engagement. - 64%
Core Loop - The core loop of Lucky Guy, much like the game itself, struggles to find its stride amidst a sea of potential. While the premise of a Family Guy parody holds immense promise, the execution falters in its repetitive and grind-heavy mechanics. Players, find themselves mired in hours of unrewarding gameplay in pursuit of lackluster rewards and underwhelming progression. - 45%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 2.16 ( 11 votes)

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  1. According to faggots apposing faggots makes YOU a faggot. That would mean EVERYONE is a faggot.

    Anyway things are finally starting to change. You homos are going back into the closet.

  2. Any1 here want to receive free titfuck? I am a man with hairy chest. Feel free if you want receive titfuck from me

    1. I’m sure this comment made the resident tranny lovers who think men with rubber tits that shit tampons are real women salivate over the prospect.

  3. Gay Grooming garbage as always. Along with the typical faggots saying you are a faggot if you appose faggots and their grooming. So according to them there are 2 types of people in the world. Fags out in the open and fags in the closet. No you dipshit degenerates. There are NORMAL people who think fags are disgusting, immoral and unhealthy. Who see fags as predators who lack self control and love to prey and children.

    Fags wrap their whole identity and world view around sex. Gay sex. They are a cult. With leaders and symbols. They go around trying to convert like any other cult. Using things like the media and force through the state. They always go after the young. Like games on this site or in the schools and every form of media.

    So why should anyone care? It’s a suicide cult that spreads disease and destroys your society. We really upon each other to live and fags and feminists are destroying societies from within. Feminists with killing babies. Fags with no reproduction. Both groups destroy families.

    So it’s not weird that I along with a few others speak out where we can. What is weird is many others aren’t doing it as well.

    1. According to fags and fag logic, there are only fags in this world or people who want to be fags. Normal and rational straight folk do not exist unless they need a boogeyman to pin the latest fag suicide on.

    2. You picked the wrong house to preach fool. Most of us here to fap and empty our balls, different people different kinks so why don’t you shut the fuck up and shove that ideology of yours up your virgin hairy ass?
      You are so fucking stupid by stating the obvious, like saying a gun can kill. No shit sherlock and we don’t need a nutjob like you to remind us either. So get a grip and move the fuck on you fucking prick.

      1. Gay is not a kink, it’s a mental illness. Nobody that believes in pregnant or menstruating men, uses Xim/Xir pronouns, rewrites comic book and cartoon character histories to incorporate LGBT ideology before airing it to 6 and 7 year olds, or crossdresses and then dances naked in front of kids in a “Pride family event”, and then tries to force it on everyone else does not have a fetish of any kind. They have a major screw loose and their ultimate demise and riddance would be a great service to humanity.

      2. The globohomo cult is trying to take over the world and destroy it. We need to speak out anywhere we can.

  4. I see that there is a gay tag included. Truth and Rancor will be here in no time to pretend they are not gay while they are downloading it,

    1. More like they are trying to see if they’re not the only gay around. So that’s why they’re gaslighting to see how many defending lgbt.

    2. I see the patterns, rancor and nohomo guy is actually the same person and pro gay or lgbt. But why this guy attack lgbt? To gain people sympathy this is easy way to make people join their cause. There is a guy that not even gay said it gets to him because how unfair lgbt treated this is nothing new and the oldest trick in history but effective. People tend to side with those treated unfairly that’s why community like blm, kkk, etc exist. In other comment rancor mocked a game that can’t run on his apple device and in other comment he said apple ran by California faggots and guess who knows lgbt better than people here? Yes it’s rancor. And if you don’t realize murikan and penismike are just playing along taking role pro lgbt. In politics too many mocking and making false news could backfire. New way of grooming using deception and his account was just a scapegoat and like goat that account was made for sacrifice to absorb hate from community

      1. I see reading comprehension is not your thing, as I never said I used Apple’s garbage but in the customary fashion you globohomo propaganda swallowers, you make up shit when you have nothing to really fit your agenda.

        Have your handlers given you anymore pro tips and tricks to write in your delusional LGBT fiction comic memoirs? Anymore killer trannies out murdering people that gay zealots tries to pin on the straight white man? Anymore suicidal faggots who got depressed and killed themselves that is somehow the fault of straights?

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