Home » Delta Zone [v22.1 Hotfix] [DEVOLUTION]

Delta Zone [v22.1 Hotfix] [DEVOLUTION]

User Rating: 7.6

DELTA ZONE is a completely NSFWUNCENSORED cyberpunk-themed FPS game with high-quality graphics, deep gameplay, and explicit animations. Your play as Ivy, and you have to survive in Delta Zone, an area infested by monsters, occupied by rogue raiders, and other dangers. You will be able to build weapons, modify yourself with cyberware, loot, craft trade work at a strip club, and modify Ivy’s face.

Download for Windows

Download for Windows - Split Files

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Crack

Download a full suite called DeltaZone.zip from this post. Pick version that is suitable for your game version if required. It uses an amazing UE4SS library which allows modding of Unreal Engine games (like Hogwarts Legacy) and contains a small script written by me.

Unpack it directly into the game folder. It shouldn’t ask to replace any file unless you are updating crack to a new version.

Use “Skip Login” button! New crack uses alternative approach for unlocking NSFW and Cheats.
After launching the game you should see crack0 username already filled for you. If not, type crack0 and press Login button – you should get a Developer tier unlocked.
It is possible you will have to login twice (press L to bring up Login window again).

Warning: Check you game path does not contain non-Latin symbols, otherwise crack won’t work!
Thx KoldPitold for debugging!
Detailed ZIP Installation instructions are below:
If it is not working, check presence of these files:
Story - 7.1
Visual - 9
Engagement - 6.9
Core Loop - 7.3

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