Home » Between Invisible Walls [v1.0][Final] [Spicy Marmalade Studio]

Between Invisible Walls [v1.0][Final] [Spicy Marmalade Studio]

User Rating: 5.5

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
This Game is Completed!
Story - 7.8
Visual - 7
Engagement - 4.1
Core Loop - 3.2

Have your say!

5 3


  1. you people ruined the website.
    terrible terrible UI, many bugs, pew

    • Totally

  2. Why did u make the site worse. And almost all the games I got before r not here. What happened?

    • Shitty UI
      Why ruin the website

  3. site has been fucktop why?!?!?!? are you idiot?wtf

  4. I don’t know why idiots are bitching and crying. 🤯

    Personally I think the website has been improved, as there is (currently) less cuck shit to wade through.

    And anytime there is less cuck shit ruining everything, that is an improvement.

  5. Okay, so as far as I can tell, the dev is an edgelord. Straight up.

    He starts with a main character who has attachment to a female – in a shelter OTHER people say they can’t leave.

    Just about 2 seconds into the actual game = there is a rule set out that all but guarantees rape.

    The rule is each girl in her 20’s (there are only 2 FUCKING GIRLS IN THE SHELTER – unless you get a LOT more of them, good luck with survival in a dystopian setting you dumbfuck Dev) HAS to bear at least 5 kids. The rule doesn’t state it matters to whom. [NTR should be flagged – and that will likely be a point because…]

    The very next continued scene which is only the second continued scene by the way = the girl that wanted MC to be her HUSBAND is DEAD. Straight up; no explanation. Just she’s dead. (I’ll give you 9 guess’ why, and I don’t think you’ll need em to get the 10th that counts) NOT a great way to start a damned game bud.

    If you’re going for a narrative, there’s too much sandbox. If you’re going for comprehensible; you don’t start in the middle and work your way backward unless you know what the fuck you’re actually doing, and who dun it, and WHY. But Rape is in the tags… it’s not a long jump. Either she was raped, and killed to shut her up – or she was about to be raped, struggled and was killed to… shut her up. Brilliant. Bravo.

    With one girl left (who’s one of the people meant to be running the place by the way) your little shelter’s eventual longevity is now absolutely, unequivocally fucked. Even if she will be too. Very soon coming. Nice going. Because you can’t help wanting to be an edgelord. You didn’t even properly give us the lewd scene where they CONSUMATED the fucking supposed marriage. Come on. At that point, what the fuck is really left to even play for? So that was the point I tapped out. I cannot recommend this game unless you really, really for some reason liked DOOMED endings.


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