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Earn Your Freedom 3D [v0.08] [EYF3D]

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Editor's Rating

Story - 81%
Visual - 86%
Engagement - 84%
Core Loop - 89%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 2.83 ( 222 votes)

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    1. I know it’s hard for you fags to believe everyone else isn’t queer too. That’s how obsessed you are of assholes. Wrap your whole world view around looking through an asshole. Your whole identity is based on being queer. Fag flags, marches and stealing a whole month. Grooming everywhere. You really function like a cult.

  1. Yes. The game is dead. I killed it. Dev no longer has a Patreon and now does another game under a new account after I tossed his gay ass.

    I made sure this garbage suffered bigly and died slowly. The best kind of death for globohomo trash like this.

    1. cool that you think your personal beliefs are valid enough to destroy someone’s livelihood over. congratulations on inserting yourself into a space where people feel safe and comfortable being and expressing themselves over some propaganda YOU bought. you think you’re such a free thinker but you’re just matt walsh and libs of tiktok’s little soldier. go on, keep doing their bidding like a good little minion. they’ll never notice you. if your life is so sad that you’d rather drag others down to your level than build yourself up, you’re not as big as you think you are. you’re pathetic and weak.

  2. i dont understand you homo haters why do you bother downloading it , LOOK at the pictures read the review
    if its gay then dont play the game , no need for your negative comments , just move on to something you like instead , personally i have many gay friends and theyre just humans like the rest of you

    1. You can comment without downloading and you fags never just leave anything alone. You turn straight characters and historical figures gay. You push homo crap in tv, movies, games, schools, anywhere you can actually. You silence, censor and cancel all decent and those who bring up how unhealthy being queer is. You go after everyone’s kids. So if you gays would just move on instead of pushing gay crap everywhere maybe nobody would comment negatively on a gay game.

  3. No matter how much trannies alter their bodies, they will always remain men and it will be immediately visible and for most normal men it will be disgusting!

    1. No matter how much Vomond alters themselves, they will always remain a fucking loser and it will be immediately visible and for most normal women it will be disgusting!

      1. Why am I not surprised to see YOU hanging around this kind of game. 😂😂😂

        As for why I’m here, I just put this dev down like a rabid dog. Game’s abandoned and the dev is banned. 🖕

  4. To be honest, even though I’m a man, I would fuck such a bitch and I would deeply not care if she has a forehead or not-)The main thing is that she works well with her mouth! Here the trick is that the face is female and in real life this is impossible because how many trannies I have seen disguised as women, you can always see male body textures and immediately disgust well, if you are a normal man-)

  5. I wonder if I could Palegrass this faggot dev and kill his Patreon, just like I did Palegrass and his NTR shit?

    That’ll be about $2,000 per month gone and a bunch of angry faggots.

    Let’s find out! 😎

    1. Heh funny. patreon won’t ban any content with adult on it maybe pedo. you are really delusional. acting like you own patreon but you just a sad faggot irl that hold no importance that’s why when you heard people acc got banned you boast urself you did it to them. how funny…
      you also braindead. if people willing to pay 2000 per month means that they really likes the devs and they have their own bases on reddit/discord etc. sorry to burst ur bubble, i know you want to act tough and important but we all here know you actually all talk and can’t do shit lmfao

      1. Lmao! I can’t do shit?

        Really? Really? 😁 REALLY? 😁😂

        Is that why the Patreon is now GONE and the game dead?

        How do you like how that shit works? Now shut your bitch ass up before my size 13 boot flies out of your computer screen and kicks your retarded ass backwards out of your chair.

      1. I already did. This shit is history and so is the faggot dev.

        They whined and cried on F95 they could no longer emulate being a retarded AIDS fested faggot after I took away the dev’s income from this piece of shit game.

  6. Just more dumb retarded run of the mill pro-faggot shit that belongs more on Sesame Street who push the faggot garbage in children’s cartoons, instead of polluting adult games section on the internet, but then again this worthless garbage is being pushed everywhere and is only accepted by gender confused retards who need a safe space when somebody mixes up a pronoun.

  7. Ladies and gentlemen, I have an announcement to make. This game has turned me gay! I love big gay cocks in my mouth and asshole, all because I played this game.
    Yesterday I was a proud straight, white, republican, god-fearing MAN with a hot blonde wife (also straight) and two kids. But then I played this game, and it infected me with the woke mind virus and successfully groomed me into the LGBT cult!!! I already handed my hot blonde wife divorce papers, told the kids I don’t love them anymore (unless they also convert to gay), and made an appointment with my doctor to have my penis and balls cut off! I’m going to preserve them in a jar so that Dylan Mulvaney can put them on her shelf.
    I would like to thank the developer of this game for brainwashing me into loving gay sex and cocks. I can’t even think about boobs without throwing up! Can’t wait to vote for Joe Biden next year! #standwithukraine

    1. Just faggots. Not everything. Even then I’m trying to help you by getting you to recognize you are being groomed.

  8. I hope the game have many updates is a really great game and
    i thing its lot of work for create
    so very much thanks for the game 🙂

    1. There is no fire in hell, they ran out of hydrogen so hell no longer burn but still quite warm. i’ve been there trust me. because god can’t stand me in afterlife i got sent back to earth to haunt the living.

  9. fucking faggots try some pussy you might like it! tell your daddy or uncle it’s not cool to fuck you in the ass.

      1. that one I’ve already did.
        I’m stucked when i play with her at night and appears the popup: “you can ask her to remove the cage”.
        Have I to write something ?

  10. Holy shit, the amount of keyboard warriors that don’t seem to understand how to read tags is simply amazing!

    If you’re not a fan of tags that say “gay” or “siissy” just walk away from it, do these people go on sites like redtube and go to the gay section and then moan when they see gay sex?

    I get that their is an agenda creeping into a lot of regular media and day to day life, that is pushing the pride and trans message far too hard, and going way beyond just teaching tolerance and acceptance. And no i don’t agree with all this “Preferred” pronoun business either. Seriously, you’re all human beings first not goddamn sexual identity or a skin colour.
    And that trying to get billions of people to be “inclusive and diverse” and best buds and not have prejudice and bias is frankly a load of bollocks that will never happen.
    People will always have prejudice and bias, and will always form groups and cliques. Again it’s about tolerance, and not being shitty to people just cos you don’t like the look of them.

    However you’re on a site where everyone using it should be over 18/21! so stop whinging when you see a game aimed at a different sexual preference.
    Don’t matter if a person is straight, lesbian, gay whatever, people can have access to fap material.

    You know what. The criticism that I have of these sort of games is not the sissy or gay tags, it’s that they all make the MC a sissy and then have loads of huge muscly “alpha” guys with unrealistically large cocks.
    Or they make the MC a sissy and have loads of “futas” with huge unrealistically large cocks and no vaginas. (btw to the devs a futa is a hermaphrodite they have both.)
    And if on the odd occasion you have a game with a normal MC that includes gay or sissy characters then the sissy in that game them more often than not has an unrealistically huge cock!

    Yes, after all that previous essay, my gripe is the unrealistically huge dicks, and not enough games where you have an averagely masculine MC that gives the option to have a relationship with a sissy that doesn’t have a fucking tree trunk for a cock!

    But what do I know I’m just an average centrist with a keyboard and a few opinions.

    Post whatever hate comments you want, I just post these things and never read them again.

    1. Oh look a faggot got offended dont worry just like the rest you’ll kill yourself soon and it’s crazy you call people keyboard worriors when you type a whole paragraph lol pathetic no dick worm

        1. A great way to die is by joining your suicide cult of asshole worship. The high risk of std’s and mental instability. How you don’t reproduce so it leads to the end of a society. No better way to kill yourself than bu being gay.

  11. Holy shit, the amount of keyboard warriors that don’t seem to understand how to read tags is simply amazing!

    If you’re not a fan of tags that say “gay” or “siissy” just walk away from it, do these people go on sites like redtube and go to the gay section and then moan when they see gay sex?

    I get that their is an agenda creeping into a lot of regular media and day to day life, that is pushing the pride and trans message far too hard, and going way beyond just teaching tolerance and acceptance. And no i don’t agree with all this “Preferred” pronoun business either. Seriously, you’re all human beings first not goddamn sexual identity or a skin colour.
    And that trying to get billions of people to be “inclusive and diverse” and best buds and not have prejudice and bias is frankly a load of bollocks that will never happen.
    People will always have prejudice and bias, and will always form groups and cliques. Again it’s about tolerance, and not being shitty to people just cos you don’t like the look of them.

    However you’re on a site where everyone using it should be over 18/21! so stop whinging when you see a game aimed at a different sexual preference.
    Don’t matter if a person is straight, lesbian, gay whatever, people can have access to fap material.

    You know what. The criticism that I have of these sort of games is not the sissy or gay tags, it’s that they all make the MC a sissy and then have loads of huge muscly “alpha” guys with unrealistically large cocks.
    Or they make the MC a sissy and have loads of “futas” with huge unrealistically large cocks and no vaginas. (btw to the devs a futa is a hermaphrodite they have both.)
    And if on the odd occasion you have a game with a normal MC that includes gay or sissy characters then the sissy in that game them more often than not has an unrealistically huge cock!

    Yes, after all that previous essay, my gripe is the unrealistically huge dicks, and not enough games where you have an averagely masculine MC that gives the option to have a relationship with a sissy that doesn’t have a fucking tree trunk for a cock!

    But what do I know I’m just an average centrist with a keyboard and a few opinions.

    Post whatever hate comments you want, I just post these things and never read them again.

        1. I’d bet the last braincell that you have left, that the percentage of pedos/groomers is higher in the LQBT-alphabet mafia than for straight people.

  12. I need to stop reading these comments on this site even though some of them are funny as hell …But My Computer is catching STD viruses from just reading them

  13. Блядь, я думал хоть в Америке нет этой дичи, аргументация один в один, как от кремлеботов.
    Теперь понятно, откуда вся эта срань с перебором и радикализацией – если вдумчиво всё это прочитать, то реально можно стать SJW и бороться с виртуальной трансофобией.
    Впрочем я уже не уверен в её частой виртуальности.

    Так то плохо, эта дичь разрушает общество. Анти-ЛГБТ фанатики призывают SJW и этот кошмар не заканчивается.

    1. Блядь, я думал хоть в Америке нет этой дичи, аргументация один в один, как от кремлеботов.
      Теперь понятно, откуда вся эта срань с перебором и радикализацией – если вдумчиво всё это прочитать, то реально можно стать SJW и бороться с виртуальной трансофобией.
      Впрочем я уже не уверен в её частой виртуальности.

      Так то плохо, эта дичь разрушает общество. Анти-ЛГБТ фанатики призывают SJW и этот кошмар не заканчивается.

    2. some day you will be ready to address the REAL reason why you couldn’t help yourself from clicking on the page for an OBVIOUSLY gay game.

  14. More fucking stupid homosexual STD pride garbage. For you all you fucking AIDS fested carrions who put tampons in your ass and think there’s 957,000 genders and are offended by colloquial terms like parents or men and women, because that is so offensive you are rewarded with your own venereal disease appreciation month

    1. Says the guy on a website called

      You even took the time to comment how you feel, no one cares about your feelings gay boi.

    2. it appears that someone is not very secure with his own sexuality to take such offense at another’s.
      if you don’t find it enjoyable then move on to one of the thousand other games. i did. but i also recognize that someone must have spent considerable time developing it and that means they enjoy it, and other probably do as well. if you consider your self to hetero that you need to rant like a caveman then perhaps you should grow a pair. ha ha.

      1. Every point he made was valid, you just came back with emotional bullshit. But thats all we see nowadays so guess you’re just falling into line with the rest of the BS.

        1. not one point he made was valid. it was just a lot of nonsense from some whiny bitch over a fucking game. seriously, you think it’s “manly” to come here and cry like a woman over a game that affects your life in zero ways? that’s some triggered little bitch shit. i got news for you: if all it takes is a game about gay or trans people to totally turn you out as gay, then you were already gay to start. being mad about it is not going to make any of you less gay. fucking cry about it, you triggered little bitch.

    3. STD ? WHAT ? I didn’t know you can get an STD from a game ? Holy shit ! I need to stop playing now ! And I was deep up in that ass too LONG STROKING ! Thanks for the info buddy 😉

  15. I find this game to be a bit repetitive. I find this game to be a bit repetitive. I find this game to be a bit repetitive. I find this game to be a bit repetitive. I find this game to be a bit repetitive. I find this game to be a bit repetitive. I find this game to be a bit repetitive. I find this game to be a bit repetitive.

  16. Wouldnt it make it better sense to make the main protagonist a female and say she has to pay off her debts by working in a brothel, not a man. Besides there is far more women working in Brothel then men.

        1. and not everyone is heterosexual. the VAST majority of games here are made for hetero people. go play them. unless, there is another reason why you can’t help yourself from showing up on a page for an OBVIOUSLY gay game.

  17. Ever wonder why you have a sense of smell? It’s part of natures warning system. That things that smell bad are bad for you. You know what smells really bad and is bad for you? Assholes and shit. Homosexuality is an unnatural act and unhealthy.

    1. Agreed, But I’m learning to live with it because the more you fight it the more they gain ground , Like when your parents told you NO ! You can’t do that ! And what was the first thing you did ? YOU REBELD You did it anyways
      BTW Stop sniffing ass

      1. Apparently you never took a shit. You don’t have to smell an asshole to assume it stinks. It’s called using logic.

    2. nothing is more gay than hyper-focusing on the sexuality of other men and then coming to a porn game site to whine incessantly about it like a fucking woman.

          1. All gays are 100% groomed. There is no genetic link to being gay. All studies claiming such were later found to be faked.

            1. Sexuality is not groomed.
              Are you a functioning adult that is capable of understanding that sexual attraction is something that is subconscious and not something you choose or are groomed into being.
              No i don’t agree with teaching gender identity and sexual stuff to kids.
              But the reason more people admit to being gay is we have moved on as a society and that in the 80’s we decided it was fucking stupid idea to persecute people for being attracted to the same sex.

    3. Wow, every time I see this guy’s lack of knowledge I laugh, I honestly piss myself laughing seeing that this guy has nothing better to do than have an avitar that says “nohomo” and post ignorant comments on a porn site, for porn games for adults.
      This guy seems to go out of his way to post on all of the games tagged gay instead of just finding the games he likes and playing them.

      Just so you know, more anal play and anal penetration is between straight, heterosexual couples than gay couples.

      Do you sit and piss and whinge when you see a man fucking a woman’s arse?

      Or is it just because you have that little life, and that much of a raging hate jellybean for gay people?

      1. You fags think you are so smart. But all you do is cray and throw insults instead of facts. Here’s one for you. Fags have no kids. Yes, you groom. But how long do you think parents will allow you to do that? Eventually you will run into those that won’t allow it. Then what? You will be stopped. So here’s some logic for you. You are part of a death cult with no future.

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