
But I’m the Bad Guy? [v0.061v1] [DLGB]

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Download for Mac - v0.0601v2

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Multi-Mod

Mod functions:
– background music for the game, adapted to the scenes
– a music jukebox for playing the tracks manually
– renaming the MC
– a “choices helper” / walkthrough function (but there are not that many choices in the game so far)
– option to change the textbox opacity, text size and quick menu

Most of these functions are optional and can be turned on/off while playing the game

Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.

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Editor's Rating

Story - 84%
Visual - 83%
Engagement - 80%
Core Loop - 85%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.89 ( 375 votes)

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    1. listen… maybe if you cry, like a little bitch, just a few more times.. the world will tailor itself to fit your fragile sensibilities. go on, cry more.

  1. Contains child rape, this is sick have reported this site to the police. This will be classed as child pornography in any court.

    1. Please report to the Australian police for duty. They are as mentally challenged as you, that they can’t differentiate between fiction and reality. What’s next, you’re going to report every CoD/CS player for murder?
      The game is trash, but your comment is pathetic and even bigger trash.

  2. Haters aside, this is one of the best lewd games I’ve played. Easily skippable content.
    Looking forward for more, the possibilities for lewdness seem endless!!

    Keep up the good work, and pls release a faster update 🙂

    1. nohomo = homophobic incel reacting to tags and not the game, nothing more to see here.

      Kinda depressingly half-hearted insult, like he’s trying to meet his daily hate quota rather doing something he believes in. I expect better of you next time, Nohomo.

        1. There’s nothing to be afraid of normal people. They’re just people, trying to live their life, get by, maybe get ahead, and be happy.

          It’s the truly abnormal who go out of their way to find things to be unhappy about. Why would anyone normal want to be angry? Easy; they wouldn’t.

    2. why women being lez is ok but men being gay not? just curious.
      what if 2 men just love each other and dont do sex?
      i’v heard from many wise men that “only men can truly understand men”, just saying.

      1. Raping a child is sick, regardless.

        Rape in general is too, but there are enough people on this site that would jump on this that I don’t want to go down that path right now. So let’s start with “raping a child” and go from there.

          1. Okay, you want to go there, so let’s go there. It’s gay. The game has the #gay tag. Congratulations; you worked out the nuanced puzzle of “reading what’s right in front of you”.

            There’s also the #Rape tag. And #Loli. Honestly it’s like you’re surprised that the game gives people what’s there.

            But if you want to put “gay” in front of “raping a child” then you’re sick and deserve whatever they’d do to you in jail for raping a child, male or female. THEY DO NOT LIKE CHILD MOLESTERS IN THERE. They don’t care about rape in general, obviously, nor the gay–tho it’s only gay if you’re receiving. To them, raping you in the ass doesn’t make them gay. They’re just expressing dominance.

            Pedophilia is the main problem here. Even pedos have mentioned that this game crosses a line, which is pretty damning. I didn’t even know pedos HAD a line.

            So sure, call it gay and distract people from the core issue which is the ABUSE OF A CHILD. Because that it’s a boy makes it so much worse? No. Just no. Go rape a girl child and tell me that was better. I’ll wait.

            (WARNING: Please don’t rape any children. That’s fucked up even on the scale of “fucked up”. That’s a 10 out of 10 on the fucked up scale. Go fuck your mom first. Or call her. She misses spending time with you.)

            1. You are just ignorant. Most gays were abused as kids. You can ask them. Priests, teachers, boy/girl scouts, coaches like sandusky, gay story hour, the media and schools. Gays are in them all trying to groom.

            2. @murikan dreams
              I’ve been to prison, nobody gets raped out in the open like that, they do that behind closed doors and if it gets out, the perp is still called gay. Gay love messing with children and so do school teachers which are predominantly liberal. Then we have Hollywood, also entirely liberal. We know all about you people, trust me. No need to get all defensive, may as well own it at this point. It’s just one more example of how authoritarians who want to control your life constantly and tell you how to live, are the biggest hypocrites. If you could just shut your virtue signaling traps and go away, the world would be a better place.

    3. nohomo is actually right for once, the protagonist of this game very literally grooms a young boy, feminizes him and conditions him to enjoy sexual interactions with a man. not great behavior! bad behavior even. i won’t defend it and i prefer not to see it. logically the point should end there, but no. nohomo seems to think that ANY exposure to homosexuality in media is part of a greater conspiracy to emasculate men and turn them gay, which is the most retarded shit i have ever heard. some sick fuck out there is probably into this game, and i truly hope they find help. but this is not some maliciously orchestrated plot to force everyone to have gender reassignment surgery or whatever. just some horny person with a less than acceptable kink making their weird little game. it ain’t that serious bro, just jerk off and go to therapy already.

      1. You are 1/2 way to realizing the Truth. In time you’ll see I’m correct. Globohomo is a cult and they want ALL to join. Through grooming or force.

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