Paradise Lust is a visual novel and erotic dating sim, interspersed with simple subgames.
The game follows the story of the wreck of the Moby Dick; a pleasure yacht chartered by the Miss World Media pageant for a luxury promo cruise in the South Pacific. You play the role of the bartender of the vessel, washed up on the shore of idyllic Tuvatuva Island along with a cast of beautiful beauty pageant contestants and their friends. There you will sort out how to survive and thrive on the island while searching for other survivors, including your brother, who was captain of the vessel.
1- Extract and run.
Developer: Flexible Media
Censored: No
Version: 1.1.5c
Language: English
Genre: 2dcg, Animated, Male protagonist, Big tits, Exhbitionism, Harem, Lesbian, Milf, Adventure, Dating sim, Humor, Point and click, Puzzle, romance, Rpg, Sandbox, Anal, Oral, Threesome, Mobile Game
Fixed progress bar for Liquid Sort minigames
Possible fix for issue entering text for Steam Deck
Fixed fade outs not covering screen edges
Fixed Jack and Reyna’s flipped heads while in bed
Fixed issue with rollback showing several options sometimes
Fixed hardcoded names
Fixed typos
Download for Win64
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Download for Android
- swipe down to hide the ui
- swipe left to roll back
- swipe right to start skipping of text
- swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
- swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
- longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
Download Walkthrough
Download Complete SAve
Extract the memory files directly into your save files folder and then open Spank Bank from the main menu to access the memory files. We’ve also added a quick.sav file from last build’s content.
Location of save files folder
Windows: %USERPROFILE%/AppData/LocalLow/FlexibleMedia/Paradise Lust
OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/FlexibleMedia/Paradise Lust
Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/unity3d/FlexibleMedia/Paradise Lust
Android (v11): Phone Storage > Android > data > com.flexiblemedia.paradiselost > files
SteamDeck: /home/deck/.config/unity3d/FlexibleMedia/Paradise Lust
I thought that I would start this section here for “non-hate” comments for anyone about anything. Will it work? I doubt it, but it might. The previous one, “Hentai X Thief,” I thought might be left for request, while this one is for whatever off-topic remark that anyone so chooses. Nothing is taboo, but if possible, be respectful to others.
To ‘Some1’
First, thank you for providing the rest of the requested items. I believe that the reason that mine wasn’t going through was that I was posting too many comments in a short amount of time.
Second, your comments in another thread about my remarks were spot on. You being able to elucidate your meaning in an intelligent manner was uncanny. Thank you.
I do not judge the genres of these visual novels. Even though in real life I am appalled by acts of violence, murder, and rape, I don’t condemn the ones who take entertainment from them as long as they realize this is all fantasy. So who am I to judge others who seek games involving bestiality, gay, trans/futa, and loli?
I do not hang on this site every day, for I do have a life, but I will check back from time to time and will try to respond.
Looks like they got wiped out, probably by admin. A lesser creature would call it censorship and tie it into a conspiracy theory. More likely they don’t want people to be drawn to other websites and not collect ad revenue. I only linked to the actual download sites but eh, it’s their website, their rules.
I’m not sure if the wipeout was only temporary, but they are still there and another request was added. I do not know much about these games, but I think by coincidence I have a clue about that one. I do have access to a private forum with a database. Other than writing a short review, it only takes a few minutes to copy and paste the game details. I just haven’t played many, and the ones I do are usually chosen by someone else.
It is sort of a game we play, like the Forrest Gump theory with a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get. They only need to be short enough to not spend a lot of time on it. The fun part is that we must write an honest review. (On another moderated site that must be logged into so everyone knows that you played that particular game.) Some are quite shocking, some are disgusting, or just plain bad. (Like the one I did for “Incest Tales Sister And Mom.”) For the most part, they are quite good. Still, could you imagine if ‘Rancor’ had to do one over “The Futa Experiment?” LMFAO!
Still, it’s all in good fun, and that is what brought me to this site. I rarely checked out the old one, and it was sort of a joke in other forums. Sorry, but it was. I lost a side bet and was told that I had to also post a review on this site under a particular moniker… Well, you by now. At first, I felt bad because I did not want to add to the destruction of a brand new start-over. Still, it was bound to happen anyway.
I might just hang out here from time to time.
Why would you be sorry? The only thing I like about this particular site is the format. I get a good, instant, clear idea of what’s new so if I’m following something it’s right there up front to remind me.
As there is no moderation (“CeNsOrShIp”), we get the added benefit of watching the worst of humanity flail in ways that you don’t see elsewhere in reality, the occasional almost-quality troll like Rancor, and people like No who actually want to engage the site as intended, whom we’ve previously discussed. There do seem to be fewer of the first category, possibly as a result of the several day downtime and everyone needed to find other places to get out their 4-chan thoughts, but you’re sadly correct that it looks like we’re falling back into old patterns. C’est la vie.
Like I said before, I am not on here much, but I will check it from time to time. I did notice in the other thread that we were commenting on that another loser decided to post a hate message. Although I did like your comeback, I thought it best not to reply, for I find it hilarious that this failure in life is probably checking every hour to see if there is a response. I might, in a few days, comment on the price of eggs lately or something else completely oblivious to his remarks.
Anyway, if you do choose to make a comment or ask a question, I am not easily offended and will respond when time allows me to do so. I am curious about the types of genres that people like. I do believe that some in this particular arena get easily offended when others’ tastes don’t concur with their own. That is a sign of low self-esteem.
Hmm. What do I prefer, No1? Let me think.
I myself am a particular fan of incest, especially with lesbian aspects for those FFM three-ways. (A guy can dream.) Add them together for a spot of twincest with sexual tension and I’ve got a winner.
Good writing and pacing trumps great art, but I am tired of people being too lazy to check if their render clips. Whatever the story is about, I prefer when a writer leans into it.
I don’t care about animation. I appreciate it when it’s well done, but even without it my imagination works perfectly well. I’ve almost never seen it done so poorly to put me off the game, but it’s happened.
I like a good set of variety in the models. Vanilla, chocolate, cinnamon, and lemon are all equally delicious flavors.
I never expect any of these games or non-games to be finished. I don’t care if they don’t get updated for three years. I have neither emotional nor monetary buy-in. I will be disappointed if Eternum or Tales From The Unending Void don’t get completed, but I won’t flip my lid about it.
Life is hard enough without looking for things to complain about. I’d rather spend my energy focusing on the real world, and enjoying the pretend.
I haven’t played many of these visual novels, mainly because of lack of time. I’ve never finished a long one, but will check out the first parts of some, and if it has potential, I will make a mental note of it for when it’s finished. Although, I have viewed quite a few short ones.
I do prefer 3D over 2D, although I must admit that I’ve never played that later. The storyline is more important to me than the graphics (to a point.) I also prefer multiple protagonists, but a female MC or male are okay if I can see their faces. I like controlling the actions of the characters, not being one. Harems are fine if the females still have some control of their own lives. For instance, they can feel free to have sex with each other even if the male MC is not present.
As far as actual fetishes are concerned (and this one might start a ruckus), I like group sex, swinging, swapping and orgies. I would not do this in real life, so why not let these imaginary pixels commit these sins? So yes, I like NTR. Tales of incest I also find hot in any of the combinations. Including woman on woman. I do not have a problem with age play, so long as people realize that this is only fantasy.
What I don’t care for is monster sex, tentacles, unbelievable body proportions, scat, (watersports is okay.) I do not like rape, murder or torture. Also, gay male content is not my thing, but it doesn’t send me over the edge. The thing is, I am just not into pretending that I am a character in a game. I just include these in my real life sex play.
If others are into or not to my likes and dislikes, I respect that. To each their own. Still, my favorite thing I like about this form of media, which is quite common, but never mentioned on this site, is that I don’t play them alone. I use them to enhance sex, not replace it.
The only reason you might cause a ruckus is because of how many people use these games to identify with the MC. There is a certain subset who only use these comments to troll (a fantasy all its own), but it seems that most of the insults stem from people’s lack of control over their own lives.
Studies, however, have found that people who tend toward pedophilia in fiction desire it in real life. I’m not calling you out (“tend to” is the key, here), but the people spazzing against it are probably the only people who might be statistically correct in their insults. I assure everyone that it’s probably by accident. You can readily tell the people who care about what they say. It’s also one of the few kinks that cause actual, lasting harm on the victim. (“Victim” is the key, here.) I don’t know how these numbers reflect to rape, but it’s well accepted that rape is considered bad, so it’s less likely anyone will carry it over to RL. That we question whether or not child abuse is bad baffles me but I’m not in a field of prison psychiatry. Godspeed to anyone who is.
Age PLAY is hot. If there’s a chance to enter “mommy” or “daddy” in one of those fields I’m right there.
It’s good for one to know themselves. Nietzsche was on the right path. Once you know yourself, nobody can affect you without your permission.
See you around these parts, No-one.
I found your post interesting. Not so much with what you stated, but about something I wrote in the past. Beware, this might get boring.
I did a study once. A very in-depth and long one. It was a study about studies. It was totally unbiased and had perspectives from both sides of the issues that I covered, including some ‘scientifically proven’ ones from before my time that now seem ridiculous. They ranged from smoking, abortion, porn, violence in various media, healthcare, politics, gay rights, drug abuse, global warming, vaccines and so on. It was highly controversial and enraged many, which was its intended purpose.
For instance, there is research that ‘proved’ pornography lead to violence against women. This was ‘proven’ to be the cause of serial rapist and killers, like Ted Bundy. Violence in video games ’caused’ the massacre at Columbine. Smoking leads to heroin, Homosexuality leads to child abuse. (Like what some on this site claims.) Most people with some intelligence now knows these to be absurd, even though there were so-called facts proving them. Most people that uses heroin has smoked a cigarette before. I even tried them, but I don’t have a needle sticking out of my arm.
What upset the reader was I took examples from both sides of every issue from reputable sources, such as government agencies, medical and psychiatric journals, all trusted. When one read a study that they agreed with about a particular topic, they would say, “Oh yes, that is true.” Then, when I presented another study about the exact same topic, presented a few years later from the very same journal that proved the first one wrong, they said, “Oh No, No! That can’t be true.”
What I found was that every study outcome was geared toward the ideology of the particular party wanting it. I do believe that we tend to follow our hearts and not our brains on the majority of issues. Although everyone agreed that my thesis was interesting, informative, researched, and well written, they also agreed that it would piss off certain organizations that only a few years back supported these now politically incorrect beliefs.
The reason that I brought this up was not because of what you wrote, but because of a movie that was playing earlier, “The Blue Lagoon.” It was a favorite of my mothers, as it was with half of the females of her generation. Over two decades ago, a law was passed banning virtual underage pornography. It was later overturned in the Supreme Court, which outrage many. But that law would have banned that movie. Although I was too young to see it in the theater, my favorite movie for a while was “Titanic.” It featured an adult portraying a 17-year-old, nude and having sex. It would have been banned as well.
Incest is illegal almost everywhere in the US regardless of age, and it does cause damage to the victim, but could anyone imagine “Game of Thrones” or VC Andrews being banned. There are many things in the real world that we can both agree to being sick. Still, there is that dark appeal to take a peak at mangled bodies in a car accident. It’s just human nature. So although we find even a fictional account of a child being abused deplorable, I still find it hot when a brother and sister had a sexual relationship on a major cable series, or when a 15-year-old actress is portraying to have sex in a coming of age movie on a deserted island.
Like I said, this had nothing to do with your post, nor do I disagree with it. Just something that was in my thoughts I wanted to unload. It’s just a battle between the heart and mind in all of us.
That was one of the least boring things I’ve read today, partially (ironically) because I agree with it. Here is something that The Oatmeal said many years ago, in one of those periods where two groups of US citizens were pointing fingers and blaming instead of trying to fix what was wrong, because they disagreed about what was wrong.
One of the more amusing things about the current state of our social civil war is the use of the term “woke”. It’s a dumb slang term originating on one side to imply “better than thou” and co-opted by the other to mean “pompous idiot”. To me that’s the same thing, but the way the sides are using it couldn’t be more different.
I take it as a compliment. The “pompous idiot” implicators (is that a word? let’s pretend it is) are throwing it around to the point where it now means “anything I disagree with”. Feeding the poor? Woke. Reasonable health care? Woke. But if you follow the etymology (“Went to school? Woke.”) you find out that it originally meant “waking up to see the world as it truly is”.
It’s when liberals call me “woke” that I get insulted, because they’re saying I find myself better than others. When the alt-right or trolls use it on me, I know they’re saying they’re better than me.
Neither are true.
What I think we have are people who have been given the green light, “groomed” one might say, into standing their ground regardless of the effect that has on others. Republican leaders have shit on them for decades. Democrat leaders have shit on them for decades. Nothing matters, so why not make yourself feel better at the expense of others, and to hell with the truth? Hell, it can make you a lot of money!
Not here, mind you. People who do it here have problems that neither of us can fix. I genuinely feel sorry for most of them.
To finish this off, Brooke Shields was also underaged when she was in a jeans ad and said the line, “Nothing comes between me and my Calvin Kleins”, implying that she was not wearing any underwear. Conservative leaders were livid about that one single ad for years. They said it would give kids the wrong idea (“groom” them), that we needed to be morally upstanding or society as we know it would collapse.
Here we are, forty-some odd years later, and it still hasn’t happened. There will always be doomsday cults. One day they’ll be right, but only by accident.
Have a nice weekend.
I enjoyed the “The Oatmeal comic.” Some things I didn’t know, like the false teeth, but most I did like Christmas. I will add that one will not die due to lack of oxygen in space because that takes a few minutes. Space has no temperature so other than a bad sunburn, it takes a while to lose body heat. What kills you is the lack of pressure, which takes about 10 seconds. How do I know this? I know a couple of geeks that talk about this stuff all the time. Hopefully I might be able to stump them with the slave teeth. LOL. I know that they would enjoy reading it as well.
Another thing is about Brooke Shields, back then (Before I was born), she was more popular than all the teen sex icons since, at least according to my mother who is close in age. What I really found disturbing was none of the commercials, but her first starring role in “Pretty Baby.” I never saw it, but I heard about it.
What really shocks me so far is there hasn’t been any hate comments yet, and it’s not because of the lack of views, which has doubled since the first post on this thread. Anyway, enjoy your weekend also, and I might have a few more comments in the near future.
My guess about the views is that the site is frequented by bots and no other reason.
The lack of trolls because the game is final so not going to hit the front page, and it doesn’t have any tags that people would hate-scroll for.
Good point, and actually one of the reasons I chose this particular thread. Still, due to the rare silence at this site, I can’t help but wonder if Mustafa is whispering in Simba’s ear, explaining how to wait for the right opportunity to strike.
I don’t think preparation or subtlety are key elements here so less Mufasa whispering in Simba’s ear and more Scar tying down Simba and pissing in his mouth, calling him gay for taking it. This is the mentality of an eight-year-old writ large.
A few people have made me chuckle, but it doesn’t seem much different than 4chan. But everything is well laid-out in the WordPress format, so for that reason I keep coming back.
I am old enough to remember my younger days when my family would go out for pizza and to Blockbuster for some movies. It was always the same old, same old: Dad would get an action movie, my brother, a video game, and my sister and I would get a comedy. (Or occasionally a horror flick like “Scream,” which we promised not to be scared, but always failed.) Mom would always suffice to abide by everyone else’s choice. However, once in a while my mother would suggest that we go to the ‘Other’ video store. You know, the one with the back room with the saloon-style swinging doors that said ‘Adults Only.’
What I find funny about this is that it was Dad who was embarrassed, and Mom didn’t care about what anyone thought, for it was her suggestion in the first place. While Dad took forever to wait until no one was around to make a selection, we all chose our picks and would wait on him. Mom would then get agitated and walk through the doors and come out a minute later with a couple of cassettes in hand. No matter how nonchalant Dad tried to act, we knew what lurked back there and what was going to happen later that night. Mom was horny and wanted to watch porn while they fucked.
I have never known another couple that hasn’t watched porn during sex. No matter how good one might think they are in bed, people will always have the need to spice things up. Times has changed and so has the media. Although the internet is full of content, it’s just not the same thrill as it was for the previous generation who had to sneak on occasion to obtain erotica. I am sure that that our grandparents felt the same when camcorders replaced Polaroids.
So now a common trend in the next phase of sexual aids are these visual novels. It might seem gross thinking about our grandparents having sex, but they were sexual beings in their younger years. If not, we wouldn’t exist. What I find disgusting is if grandpa just hopped on grandma to please himself and bounce back off after he came. Just imagine if they had these games during their younger years and became uninhibited enough to tell each other the choices they wanted these characters to perform.
Grandpa wanting the MC to fuck another woman doggie-style while she ate Grandma’s pussy. Then on the next scene, Grandma wanting the female protagonist to have a big black cock inside her while she is sucking Grandpa’s dick. Many in here would find this appalling and state, “Only a Beta Cuck Fag would do this!” I say, “Only an Alpha MAN who is not plagued with insecurities could do this to enhance his wife’s sexual experience!”
I will end this by saying that I have no problem if someone wants an AVN with a subservient harem who only purpose in life is to please their master’s every whim. Furthermore, I can see how that could be actually concupiscent to one’s appetite. If they choose to fantasize that it’s about them who is the MC while they masturbate alone isn’t a bad thing, unless one becomes so delusional that when confronted that most people on this planet prefers to enjoy sexual gratification with a real person and to satisfy their partner while pleasing themselves. Just don’t whine because the majority doesn’t agree.
So why did I add this. Well, I guess I wanted to give a clearer understanding of my perspective.
I would agree that one of the problems of perspectives of the male to itself is complicated, and has been drawn into the spotlight of hate out of sheer marketing. Do we live in a patriarchy? Do we have the moral right as human beings to demean anyone who demeans us? Do we have the right to defend our self-image? And if so, why only some of us? Is it acceptable for some people to give up control for the sake of sexiness and not others?
A lot of men and women feel like their right to be themselves is under attack. A lot of this is true. A lot of it is perception by people who need to grow thicker skins. Or who need the support of others to remind them that who they are now is usually okay, and call them out when it’s not. It’s honestly a mix of both.
I started writing this and got distracted, but in the end I agree: The best man, the best woman, the best person is one who knows themselves and is willing to do so.