
A Loving Family [Ep. 1][Final] [Mr. Taboo]

Developer Notes:

“A Loving Family – Episode 1” is a short episode that puts you in the shoes of a college student who’s returning home after losing his dad, and now he’s about to meet his step-family for the first time. It’s a pretty big deal, filled with all sorts of emotions – like feeling nervous, curious, and maybe even a little scared. As you dive into this new chapter of your life, the game lets you explore what it’s like to connect with these strangers who are now your family, all while dealing with the sadness of losing your dad. Through conversations, shared experiences, and learning about each other’s pasts, you start to see how relationships can grow and change, especially in tough times like these.
You’ll see how the bonds between you and your step-family start to form, from those awkward first conversations to the moments when you really start to understand each other. And as you make choices along the way, you get to shape how the story unfolds – deciding the direction of your journey and the relationships you build. “A Loving Family” is all about exploring love, loss, and how people come together to support each other, even when life throws them a curveball.

Download for Windows

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

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Editor's Rating

Story - Calling the story here lackluster would be a kindness; it's like a sad tale spun by an uninspired bard who possibly nodded off mid-composition. The narrative limps along with all the grace of a three-legged tortoise, burdened by a deluge of grammatical hiccups that make you wonder if the scriptwriter had a vendetta against coherence. Removing the skip option for unread text is a cruel twist. - 11%
Visual - In the visual department, this game is a mosaic of mediocrity painted with just a few strokes of effort. The renders feel like stick figures on a blurred canvas, lacking in variety and resembling a budget cutscene from the early 2000s. Characters, frozen in perpetual stasis with limited poses and outfits, fail to evoke any sense of depth or dynamism. - 28%
Engagement - Engagement? You might as well be trying to wrestle a doorknob here. The game's attempt at choice-driven interactivity falls flat on its face, with options that seem to have been randomly generated rather than crafted with purpose. Navigating between scenes feels like wandering through a desolate maze where each turn leads to yet another dead end of banality. - 15%
Core Loop - The core loop of this game resembles a broken record stuck on a loop of disappointment. It's a ceaseless cycle of predictability, where scenes recycle themselves ad nauseam, leaving players stranded in a sea of monotonous dialogue and scant visual variety. The gameplay, if you can call it that, feels like a bland chore rather than an engaging experience, with choices that have the uncanny ability to lead you - 10%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 2.76 ( 17 votes)

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    1. Have a lot of “STEAM” games with scam RECIPE.

      50-60 images.
      2-3 short sex scenes.
      1-2 images in each sex scene.

      Go to right … fuck girl 1
      Go to left … fuck girl 2
      The end.

  1. For once the editors comments are dead on.

    Story is crap, repeating the same damn lines over and over, no creativity at all 1/10

    Renders are ok… all 6 of them because excluding a few recycled animations which are few and far between there are litterally only 6 of them with various backgrounds one with mouth open for speaking and one with mouth closed and no variation in facial expressions. Animations are recycled ad nauseum 3/10

    Gameplay… long and short of it, there isnt any half VN with non consequencial choices and half sandbox set entirely in a single apartment… oh and dev removed the skip function so hooray for good choices… 0/10

    If you like tormenting yourself then go ahead but otherwise i’d give this one a wide berth…

  2. now he’s about to meet his step-family = Step is NOT blood related; hence NOT incest. If he had a full blooded sister come to live with them too, the tag might apply (and it doesn’t have to)

    I don’t see a mod for it, so I don’t get why you guys put incest in the tags. True it’s massively common now to the point it’s NOT actually taboo, which was the draw of it in the first place to be frank, but incest is DIRECT. Blood. Relation. That’s why you CAN legally marry your first cousin in Canada and most states in the US. If you don’t believe me, it’s not hard to look up. [Not that I at all would recommend doing so] Would rather make family gatherings quite… awkward.

      1. Dickhead, you’ve never even see my face; nor will you ever. Try harder. Or rather go fuck yourself, and stop trying so hard to troll. You suck at it.

    1. Go back to africa nigger before i hang you upside down using tapeworm i pulled from your ass

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