Home » Fractured Fairy Tales [v0.6] [Clever name games]

Fractured Fairy Tales [v0.6] [Clever name games]

User Rating: 8

A new story has been added to Fractured Fairy tales. It has a medieval fantasy setting and unlike the Abby’s Christmas story, this is an actual story and it’s fairly long. About %20 the size of a recent update to the main game.
This version contains 6 short stories.​

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
Story - 8
Visual - 7.7
Engagement - 8.1
Core Loop - 8

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30 24


  1. bring back the old site, THIS SUCKS

    • Yeah this sucks

    • +1

      • +1

  2. New site sucks

  3. Wtf is this website now

    • return the old site plzzz…

      • What the hell is this site.. Bring back oir old one friend

      • What the hell…. this new site sucks

  4. Dikgames – question: If you TOOK AWAY the “Search” Bar – how in the hell do you expect people to be able to look for the game pages on site, which they will have to do since the old links to the game pages literally tell you the page doesn’t exist any longer?

    Are you expecting now that we will just sit here to wait for X given (often very slow) developer to update their game individually, so we can replace the links to those pages and continue to follow the games we like? Or are you not done actually implementing this new “site update?” Not exactly helping yourselves with that choice guys. I expect more than me will be either confused, anxious or pissed off with this whole thing. There’s a huge space after Login where the search bar used to be, and still should be. You might want to get on fixing that point. Before you lose more active players that travel to your site, than you will gain with this mucking around. Because other sites like this do exist; so changes this jarring are never a great idea, if you’re also going to remove features that allowed ease of access.

    • There is a search bar. It is not hard to search for. Just look up.

    • Wow, look who’s blind as fuck and can’t look to the left of Login even a little. Patreon, facebook, twitter (hahaha twitter), and lo and behold the missing search.

      • I don’t see it and I am highly educated. To the left of the LOGIN is the Patreon, Facebook, Twitter, and the Transgender Symbol, then nothing! You half-braincell troglodytes need to think before making your ignorant comments.

        • You’re kind of a fucking moron, aren’t you?

          • I must disagree with you. He is a virgin moron.

        • The transgender symbol? The fuck are you talking about? If you can’t see a search icon then that’s a you problem. If you think the search icon looks like the transgender symbol then you should really lay off the drugs. Jesus fuck.

        • The new Transgender symbol : 🔍

          • Okay, I must admit. this one was funny.

    • I do agree the new site sucks, but I do want to point out that the search is still there. Just press the magnifying glass.

  5. Yoo what happend to website

    • This site is shit now after the update

  6. yooo

  7. New site sucks x5

  8. wow – less than 20 games left xD

  9. damn, my eyes burn. it’s too bright
    old site was far better

  10. please revert whatever happened, this website was a goldmine of so many great games and its all just gone now?

  11. This is so weird, all the games are now just two pages total.
    The old data looks like it’s all gone. The previous account can’t be logged in nor is there a registration portal.
    As well as this weird title red color scheme that looks like poor quality advertising site.

  12. Well, if you are from India or traveling there and want some sexually transmitted disease this new website is for you, otherwise, this website sucks, my login disappeared as well. Ah, all good things come to an end.

  13. Why fix somehing that wasn’t broken. This setup us pants

  14. Please bring back the old site

  15. fucking trash update fuck this god damn site, going to fp for good, How about you upgrade your shit ass admin and reviewer instead of the site. cuck faggots always rating shit ass games high, FUCK YOU

  16. I am starting to wonder – in of the server was shut-down by ISP – and without giving the data – meaning – this could be a fresh-restart of site, because it’s very unlikely that data was simply deleted…

    • Nah man oldsite was better.

  17. WTF?
    Well, looks like this site is dead.

  18. weak site weak game no supports. its better bring the old dikgame site or else people will not support this site anymore

    • People were supporting this site? WHY?

      Were you, retard? You were, weren’t you. What an idiot.

  19. As someone who works in this field, it sucks that one of my fave sites is mashed up like this. I don’t want to be rude so, to the site owner, assuming this change was made in good faith, please be advised this was a bad, BAD redesign, not to mention most of the games have seemingly been removed?!

    I don’t know dude, I’m trying hard to see the logic but I see little to no benefit with the new frontend, and a LOT of negatives. This is why UX/UI design sometimes gets a bad rep: people changing stuff just to change it. It’s okay for something to stay as it is, you know? Sometimes it just WORKS. I don’t need to ‘mix up’ my sausage and chips, it tastes great and I intend to keep it that way. Same with a design recipe, sometimes you have to know when to leave something alone. This WAS the best looking adult porn site by some way, and it was mostly the clean layout. This is just… bad. )_)

    • It’s possible that the old site design didn’t allow them some features that they wanted. I’m not sure this is a WordPress site but the previous one was. If this one isn’t, that would explain the loss of the database; without someone who knows how to manipulate that level of data the only thing they could do is start over.

      I’ve talked to a few people who’ve run WordPress sites in the past and if you know more please do chime in, but I can imagine that DikGames has been fighting storage restrictions for years. The disappearing posts is a sign of crashes not, as the trolls want you to believe, censorship. (Not that this is how censorship works, but that’s a different topic.)

      Why start over without a more polished site is the only mystery to me. Watching people rant and rail against changes to a free pirate games platform does fill my heart with some joy, I’m not going to lie, but the things that are broken are, in fact, broken.

      Look, under Games, there’s a way to filter to just Renpy. That should make a lot of people happy. They’ll never have to see a Unity game again. They’ll complain anyway but, eh, it’s amusing if you look at it with a healthy lens.

      I don’t think the UI will be difficult to adjust to, and as long as I can get my hard-on on, so be it. It’s still better than the F95 PHPBB-style web forum. I do want a dark mode, but I’m not going to flip out because it’s a change. I know what I’m here for, and while they repopulate the site with games and walkthrus I’ll get on with getting off.

  20. Wtf, what is this. I can’t search for game. Yeah now we can also see user rating which is very good but how are we supposed to look for the games now.

  21. listen to the ppl here and bring buck the old one

  22. Wonder if my attempts to get the site taken down succeeded?

    Inquiring minds want to know. 🤣

  23. The previous account can’t be logged in nor is there a registration portal.
    As well as this weird title red color scheme that looks like poor quality advertising site.

  24. The only good things add to the site is Average user rating , Coz my homies know netorare is gayer than gay porn . So before playing those game i get waring by seeing my homies rating so dik game make a section like Top rated game by users.

  25. This new site is much worse, less functional and clear…

  26. damn, the site got neutered lol

  27. God this new version of this site suks ass. I kand find shit and where are the tags

    • At the top. Where it says “all tags”.


    • If that’s what “perfect” was like to you, I envy your simplicity.

  29. Faggots were always refereed to as fairies.

    • ok, faggot

    • Hey! That’s Rancor’s Dad you’re disparaging here.

  30. Another game for faeries (faggots).


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