Home » Life’s Payback [v1.7.1] [Vinkawa]

Life’s Payback [v1.7.1] [Vinkawa]

User Rating: 6.7

Life’s Payback is a game where you take your revenge on life. Everything was going well until an unprecedented economic crisis turned your daily routine upside down. You were living on your own but had to return to the family home against your will to excel at school, which is now the condition for your family to receive financial aid from the government.
However, given the way you’ve been treated in the past, you decide that everything comes at a price…

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
Story - 7.3
Visual - 7.3
Engagement - 6
Core Loop - 6.2

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  1. The developer needs to improve the anal and vaginal sex scenes because only 1 angle from a terrible position looks terrible! Then I generally look at these moments, which will obviously negatively affect the project as a whole, since the project is on the topic of porn!

  2. why put trannies in game?

  3. HIV is lifes payback for being gay

  4. Crybaby revenge fantasy for crybaby incels. Strong pass.

  5. All you do is cry about incels, A made up word created by 4th wave feminists, something your miniscule brain can’t even fathom. So cry more, because at this point you are an useful idtiot pushing propaganda you will never be able to understand. Dumb Faggot.

    • Hey dickwad, newsflash, all words are made up and just because someone doesn’t like your favorite revenge porn porn game(see how this bs stands grammatically) doesn’t mean they’re part of some global feminazi conspiracy, get a grip. Also, “an useful idiot”, you sure you want to talk about which words are real and which are made up when you can’t even use an/a correctly lul

      ps. faggot is such a 2010 insult, use something more insulting, peace


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