Home » Give Me a Sun [v7.0] [Namco15]

Give Me a Sun [v7.0] [Namco15]

User Rating: 7.3

After years of having to leave her native city, Celeste returns to find out what happened to her missing older brother.
Reconnecting with her past and forging a future for her loved ones is her goal.

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
Story - 6.8
Visual - 8
Engagement - 7.2
Core Loop - 7.1

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6 5


  1. You need a guide to understand this shit, it’s like taking a book, tear it in to pieces, and trying to read it.

    • A comment about the game, that is legible, and is true. Astounding. I’m astounded.

    • so you’re basically saying you are a retard who can’t follow a simple easy to understand story gotcha and it looks like you’re boyfriend agreeing is with you also

      • “Your”. If you’re going to pretend to be cool and edgy at least speak the language. The mold in your mother’s basement would be rotting your brain, if you had one. But thank you for reaffirming my belief that there’s almost nobody on this site who isn’t sucking watery shit through a straw then vomiting it onto their keyboard as a weak insult.

        Now go outside and play in traffic. The humans are talking.

        • are you really that butt hurt over the fact the person put one wrong word in there comment?? or are you angry over the fact they are right about you? also what you just said is you not trying to also not be cool and edgy yourself by saying this (Now go outside and play in traffic. The humans are talking) sounds to me like both of you should go play in traffic if you are gonna be this childish over a comment

          • I’m upset that people are lame with their insults, and here you are being even worse. You could’ve left it, but you didn’t, so that’s what we in the real world call “one of us”. It’s shitlords all the way down, shitlord. Thanks for adding just as much as “This Dumb Fuck” (they weren’t wrong!) and wasting everyone’s time.

            Me, if I’m wasting your time, that’s what we call a troll and you fell for it.


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