Home » Dimitrescu’s Trial [Update 9] [ZaneSFM]

Dimitrescu’s Trial [Update 9] [ZaneSFM]

User Rating: 6.9

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Download for Android - Update 8

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
Story - 7.4
Visual - 7.7
Engagement - 6.2
Core Loop - 6.1

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24 5


  1. It’s well done, but it’s definitely a niche kink. Filled with good renders, good voiceovers, and well-chosen ambiance music. The vampire, Dimitrescus’ face and head, are well done. Her boobs too. But that’s all I liked. While I get that the idea was her skin being so pale one can see veins beneath, but these were done just way too pronounced. I’d have made them at least half as visible. For me, it just killed the attraction. Her lower body isn’t that attractive either: she has an unhealthy gut, her cooch isn’t trimmed (yes, I get that it’s probably story-appropriate, but that still doesn’t make it attractive), her hips and butt too big, and her beta-male height-kink thing not a kink for me.

    Lastly, the sandbox controls are confusing and take some time to figure out how they are supposed to work.

    I’m not a beta-male, so I didn’t play far.

  2. wet dream only for incels

  3. Bs game made for short faggots who want to get fucked in their assholes

  4. bs game made for shortfags who want to get fucked in their bums

  5. How do i max my lust point


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